Professor Mike Featherstone

Mike’s current interests are consumer culture, ageing, the body, global culture and knowledge formation.

Staff details

Professor Mike Featherstone


Professor in Sociology


Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship


m.featherstone (

Mike Featherstone is Professor of Sociology in ICCE. He joined Goldsmiths Sociology Department in January 2013 and moved to ICCE in January 2016. He was previously Research Professor of Sociology and Communications and Director of the Theory, Culture & Society Centre at Nottingham Trent University.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD
  • MA Durham,
  • BA, State University of Utrecht 1900

Teaching and supervision

Research interests

Mike has supervised a wide range of thesis in sociology, cultural studies, social and cultural theory, communications and media studies.

His current research interests include: consumer culture, social and cultural theory, the body, global culture and knowledge formation, ageing and the life course, automobilities, aestheticization processes, digital culture.

He has spent time as a visiting professor in Barcelona, Geneva, Kyoto, Recife, São Paulo, Singapore, Tokyo and Vancouver. He currently spends part of the year working with colleagues at the University of Tokyo and Tokyo University of the Arts on a project on the Olympics.

Publications and research outputs

Edited Book

Edited Journal

Book Section


Conference or Workshop Item

Professional Activities & Featured Work

Mike has helped to organize a series of international conferences in Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. He has also helped to develop several international networks and has given numerous keynote presentations in various parts of the world.

He has been a member of: the executive board of the US based Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes (2000-05); the Economic and Social Research Council’s assessment panels for: the transnational societies programme (1997-8) and cultures of consumption programme (2002). In addition, he was a member of the HEFCE Research Assessment Exercise Sociology panels in 1995-6 and 2001.

He is founding editor of the journals Theory, Culture & Society (1982-) and Body & Society (1995-). He is editor of the Theory, Culture & Society Book Series (1990-).

Author of numerous journal articles and book chapters on social and cultural theory, consumer and global culture, ageing and the body. His books and articles have been translated into sixteen languages. The Consumer Culture and Postmodernism book has been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Spanish and Turkish. Undoing Culture has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Portuguese. Other books and articles have been translated into Croatian, French, German, Hungarian and Ukrainian.