Staff in IMS
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Staff list
Dr Ariane Agunsoye
A.Agunsoye (
Ariane’s research focuses on the impact of financialization on everyday life.
Dr Ada Maria Barone
A.Barone (
Ada Maria’s research focuses on the psychological mechanisms underlying consumers’ sustainable choices and behaviour
Dr Chris Brauer
brauer (
Dr Chris is a practitioner-first public academic focused on AI, lean and green economy, and human behaviour
Professor Ivano Cardinale
i.cardinale (
Ivano is developing a structural approach to political economy, drawing on economic and social theory
Brian Cepparulo
b.cepparulo (
Brian's research focuses on the economic consequences of Covid-19 government policies.
Dr Rachel Doern
r.doern (
Much of Rachel’s research examines the cognitions, emotions and behaviours of entrepreneurs in adverse conditions.
Dr Tiziana Foresti
T.Foresti (
Tiziana's research focuses on history of economic thought and economic history.
Dr Cassie Gilbert
C.Gilbert (
Cassie's focus is making employability an integral part of all IMS programmes.
Dr Nigel Guenole
n.guenole (
Nigel specialises in strategic leadership assessment and people analytics.
Dr Shaheen Hosany
S.Hosany (
Shaheen Hosany researches children, families, resource scarcity and sustainability.
Dr Lin Jiang
L.Jiang (
Lin’s research focuses on corporate finance and corporate governance issues.
Dr Vikram Kapoor
v.kapoor (
Vikram’s research focuses on consumer identity projects, stigmatized subpopulations, and religion and consumption.
Dr Ratna Khanijou
R.Khanijou (
Ratna studies collective consumption, routines, sustainable practices and brand relationships
Dr Andrés Lazzarini
A.Lazzarini (
Andrés’ research areas include the History of Economic Thought, Epistemology of Economics (Classical, Marginalist, Post-Keynesian and Evolutionary Theories) and Economic Development.
Dr Franziska Kiki Leutner
F.Leutner (
Kiki specialises in Individual Differences and Computational Psychometrics, and their application in industry.
Dr Annemijn Loermans
a.loermans (
Annemijn studies differences in the cognitive representation of abstract concepts (e.g. time, future selves, brands) and explores how these differences drive our (consumer) behaviour, motivation, well-being and emotions.
Austin Milne
a.milne (
A practice-based researcher, Austin investigates the practical and ethical implications of new business models in the arts.
Dr Tomás Rotta
T.Rotta (
Tomás Rotta specialises in theoretical and applied Political Economy, with expertise in coding and quantitative methods
Luciana Velloso
l.velloso (
Luciana studies how actors and institutions shape and are shaped by our current media landscape.
Professor Ragupathy Venkatachalam
r.venkatachalam (
Ragupathy's research focuses on the interface between computation and economics, economic dynamics, discrimination, causal inference, history and methodology of economics.
Louise Villeneuve
l.villeneuve (
Louise's research focuses on the historical and philosophical foundations of economics.
Dr Ariel Wirkierman
a.wirkierman (
Ariel is focussed on the historical roots, theory advancement and the applied analysis of structural interdependence.
Dr Ivan Zupic
i.zupic (
Ivan is interested in how digital technologies are changing strategy & innovation and bringing new research methods into management research.
Mark McCulloch
m.mcculloch (
Mark's pursuits encompass integrated communications, reputation management, as well as teaching and education.
Alex Pickering
alexander.pickering (
Alex’s interests cover digital and traditional media, portfolio management, marketing strategy and consumer behaviour.
Dr Marco Vianna Franco
m.viannafranco (
Marco is a historian and philosopher of economics interested in environmental sustainability.