Having trained as a fine artist, worked in media, and re-trained as an art theorist, Jorella Andrews joined the Visual Cultures Department at Goldsmiths in 1998, working with Irit Rogoff and colleagues to help develop the emergent field of visual cultures from pedagogical as well as theoretical perspectives. She served as Head of Department from 2009 to 2013.
Andrews' work examines the relations between philosophical inquiry, the image-world, and art practice. Her current focus is on the practical potential of aesthetics and image-based phenomenological research to intervene in key areas of contemporary concern such as the development of non-ego-centric approaches to personal and collective identity, the importance of self-directed, situated learning in academic and non-academic contexts, and the development of non-coercive approaches to change-making in personal and public life.
Academic qualifications
PhD in Art Theory, Essex University: Merleau-Ponty and the Question of Painting 1997
MA in Art Theory (with Distinction), Essex University: Merleau-Ponty on Intersubjectivity 1992
BA (Hons) in Fine Art Printmaking, Central School of Art, London 1984
Teaching and supervision
I teach two undergraduate modules, ‘Ornamentation’ and ‘Materiality,’ that explore aesthetics and the socio-politics of style, and an MA Core Course 'Aesthetics and the Stewardship of Public Space'. The PhD dissertations I supervise have a common orientation towards phenomenological and aesthetic themes or have a focus on processes of making.
Key publications by Andrews that explore the intersections between philosophical inquiry, the image-world, and art practice in terms of their impact on lived experience include the essay ‘Interviewing Images: How Visual Research Using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) Can Illuminate the Change-Making Possibilities of Place, Space, and Dwelling (2020) and her two monographs, ‘The Question of Painting: Rethinking Thought with Merleau-Ponty’ and 'Showing Off! A Philosophy of Image' (2018 and 2014, both Bloomsbury). She is now researching ‘How to Turn Around Trouble: Aesthetic Strategies for Deep Change’ (working title), which combines theoretical reflection with findings drawn from collaborative community-based projects. A book chapter entitled ‘Pictorial Rationalities and why they matter in our struggles for identity and community’ is forthcoming.
Andrews also advocates for visual culture and art history beyond academia. She is the editor of the ‘Visual Cultures as…’ series (Sternberg Press; 5 titles) and has written two books collaboratively with illustrators: ‘This is Cézanne’ (2015) with Patrick Vale and ‘This is Rembrandt’ (2016) with Nick Higgins, both part of Laurence King Publishing’s ‘This is…’ series.
More generally, Andrews is curious about 20th-century and contemporary visual culture in its diversity and has a longstanding interest in 17th-century Dutch art and in debates and queries of a theological nature.
Andrews has a long history of involvement in local community-based activities as a volunteer, activities which have been increasingly intertwining with her academic concerns and providing opportunities for site-specific research and development. For instance, she has co-facilitated a local, faith-based arts forum with painter Walter Hayn since 2013 and is Chair of Albion Millennium Green Trust, which stewards a small public green space in London in terms of its biodiversity and as a site for community gatherings and events.
Featured publications
Interviewing Images An exploration of how visual research using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) can illuminate the change-making possibilities of place, space, and dwelling
Showing Off! A Philosophy of Image Offers an ethics of visuality in which phenomenological explorations of human and non-human self-showing are prioritised.
The Socialities of ThingsAndrews, Jorella G.. 2016. The Socialities of Things. In: Barbara Kapusta; Rocco Pagel and Jenni Tischer, eds. Dinge und Dialoge. Berlin and Vienna: Saprophyt, pp. 10-15.
Critical MaterialitiesAndrews, Jorella G.. 2006. Critical Materialities. In: A. Nollert; Irit Rogoff; B. de Baere; Y. Dziewior; C. Esche; K. Nieman and D. Roelstraete, eds. A.C.A.D.E.M.Y. Revolver, pp. 178-186. ISBN 3865883036
Losing Labels and Liking ItAndrews, Jorella G.. 2006. Losing Labels and Liking It. In: Heather Maitland, ed. Navigating Difference: cultural diversity and audience development. London: Arts Council England, pp. 141-147. ISBN 9780728710771
Painterly Transubstantiations/Political ChangeAndrews, Jorella G.. 2004. Painterly Transubstantiations/Political Change. In: A. Tymieniecka, ed. Metamorphosis: Creative Imagination in Fine Arts Between Life-Projects and Human Aesthetic Aspirations: 81 (Analecta Husserliana). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 141-151. ISBN 9781402017094
Identity - An IntroductionAndrews, Jorella G.. 2002. Identity - An Introduction. In: Rasheed Araeen; Sean Cubitt and Ziauddin Sardar, eds. The Third Text Reader on Art, Culture and Theory. London and New York: Continuum, pp. 135-137. ISBN 9780826458506
Post Theory - An IntroductionAndrews, Jorella G.. 2002. Post Theory - An Introduction. In: Rasheed Araeen and Ziauddin Sardar, eds. The Third Text Reader on Art, Culture and Theory. London and New York: Continuum, pp. 229-232. ISBN 9780826458506
Dispossessing the LandAndrews, Jorella G.. 2001. Dispossessing the Land. In: , ed. Landscape Trauma in the Age of Scopophilia. London: Autograph, pp. 57-63. ISBN 1 899282 80 7
Red Ribbon Living Well: Free Travelling Blankets Film Project Workshop 1Andrews, Jorella G.; Red Ribbon Living Well Support Group and Hussain, Inaya. 2023. 'Red Ribbon Living Well: Free Travelling Blankets Film Project Workshop 1'. In: Red Ribbon Living Well: Free Travelling Blankets Film Project Workshop 1. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 1 September 2023.
Red Ribbon Living Well: Free Travelling Blankets Film Project Workshop 2Andrews, Jorella G.; Red Ribbon Living Well Support Group and Hussain, Inaya. 2023. 'Red Ribbon Living Well: Free Travelling Blankets Film Project Workshop 2'. In: Red Ribbon Living Well: Free Travelling Blankets Film Project Workshop 1. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 1 September 2023.
Identity as OpennessAndrews, Jorella G.. 2021. 'Identity as Openness'. In: Ways of Seeing 2021: Identities in Art and Architecture. National Gallery, London, United Kingdom 20 November 2021.
Pictorial Rationality, Trans-culturalism, and the Work of ArtAndrews, Jorella G.. 2021. 'Pictorial Rationality, Trans-culturalism, and the Work of Art'. In: Critical Phenomenology & Merleau-Ponty’s Open Futures: 45th Annual Conference of the International Merleau-Ponty Circle. Western University, Canada 22 - 24 October 2021.
Public Art, Personal DepthAndrews, Jorella G.. 2021. 'Public Art, Personal Depth'. In: Association for Art History: Art History Festival | Public Art, Personal Depth. National Gallery, London, United Kingdom 24 September 2021.
Interviewing Images WorkshopAndrews, Jorella G.. 2021. 'Interviewing Images Workshop'. In: Interviewing Images Workshop Western Arts & Humanities, Western University. Western University, Canada 27 January 2021.
Material Thought - Make Good LectureAndrews, Jorella G.; Gordon, Alastair and Smith, James K.A.. 2020. 'Material Thought - Make Good Lecture'. In: Make Good Lecture: Material Thought. Morphe Arts, Dundee, United Kingdom 7 December 2020.
AbstractionAndrews, Jorella G.. 2019. 'Abstraction'. In: Philosophy and Painting: Sharing Concepts. University of Tel Aviv, Israel 23 December 2019.
Decolonising the Self: Phenomenological StrategiesAndrews, Jorella G.. 2019. 'Decolonising the Self: Phenomenological Strategies'. In: PhD Workshop: Decolonising the Self: Representations of the Self in Art Theory and Practice across Cultures. University of Tel Aviv, Israel 25 December 2019.
Making our way in semi-obscurityAndrews, Jorella G.. 2019. 'Making our way in semi-obscurity'. In: Extending the Image Workshop with Susan Sentler (LASALLE) for MA Design Expanded Practice students. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 14 June 2019.
‘Interviewing Images’: Using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) in visual arts research.Andrews, Jorella G.. 2019. '‘Interviewing Images’: Using IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) in visual arts research.'. In: Pictures and words: combining verbal accounts and visual images within interpretative phenomenological analysis. Phenomenology of Health and Relationships Conference: Creativity and Affect. Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom 22-23 May 2019.
Challenging IdentitiesAndrews, Jorella G.. 2018. 'Challenging Identities'. In: Ways of Seeing 2018: Identities, Art and Architecture. National Gallery, London, United Kingdom 24 November 2018.
Decolonising the Self: Phenomenological StrategiesAndrews, Jorella G.. 2018. 'Decolonising the Self: Phenomenological Strategies'. In: PhD Workshop: Decolonising the Self: Representations of the Self in Art Theory and Practice across Cultures. SOAS, United Kingdom 22 November 2018.
Description, the unorphaned eye, and the cultivation of careAndrews, Jorella G.. 2018. 'Description, the unorphaned eye, and the cultivation of care'. In: Visual Pedagogies: IAVC (International Association for Visual Culture) Conference, 2018. London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom 14 September 2018.
‘Where is called Thinking?’Andrews, Jorella G.. 2016. '‘Where is called Thinking?’'. In: Series: HCT Debates: Dis-locutions, the architectural and the political. AA (Architectural Association) School, London, United Kingdom 4 March 2016.
Critical MaterialitiesAndrews, Jorella G. and Osborne, Peter. 2007. 'Critical Materialities'. In: Day Seminar: Research and the matter of art: ‘Thinking by Doing’ and a Materialist’s Method. Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom 21 February 2007.
'Showing Off': A Merleau-Pontean Approach to the EthicalAndrews, Jorella G.. 2005. ''Showing Off': A Merleau-Pontean Approach to the Ethical'. In: IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) Conference 2005. Chiasmatic Encounters. Special Panel: 'Bodily Écarts : Encountering Merleau-Ponty in the 21st Century'. University of Helsinki, Finland 2-8 June 2005.
Of Ethics and Intermundane SpaceAndrews, Jorella G.. 2002. 'Of Ethics and Intermundane Space'. In: IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) Conference 2002 - Intermedialities. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands 3-8 June 2002.
Painterly Transubstantiations/Political ChangeAndrews, Jorella G.. 2002. 'Painterly Transubstantiations/Political Change'. In: Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Society for Phenomenology, Aesthetics and the Fine Arts. Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, United States 10-12 May 2002.