Staff in the Department of Visual Cultures
In this section
Staff list
Dr Alice Andrews
a.andrews (
Alice's research is concerned with questions of dis/ability, response-ability, and practices of self in complex systems
Dr Manca Bajec
m.bajec (
Manca is a researcher, and artist whose interdisciplinary work is situated in the realm of socio-politics. She currently
Dr Sarah Charalambides
s.charalambides (
Sarah's research engages conceptual reconfigurations of the precarious in art and visual culture.
Dr Jenny Doussan
j.doussan (
Jenny is interested in the convergence of language and image in art, media and politics.
Dr Başak Ertür
b.ertur (
Başak’s research focuses on legal performativity and the epistemic and aesthetic operations of law
Dr Kodwo Eshun
k.eshun (
Dr Kodwo Eshun specialises in Black Studies, Anglophone Pan-Africanisms, the essay film and diasporic futurisms.
Dr Anthony Faramelli
a.faramelli (
Dr Anthony Faramelli is a Lecturer in Visual Cultures and the co-Programme Leader for the BA in Fine Art and History of
Dr Janna Graham
J.Graham (
Dr Janna Graham studies legacies of colonialism in neoliberal spaces, institutions and modes of publicity.
Dr Adnan Madani
a.madani (
Contemporary South Asia and its diaspora, Islamic philosophy, race, curating, theories of justice, globalisation
Dr Sam McAuliffe
s.mcauliffe (
Sam’s research is in modern European philosophy and critical theory, with an emphasis on art and aesthetics.
Dr Helge Mooshammer
h.mooshammer (
Helge focusses on the entanglement of artistic and spatial practices across social, political and economic landscapes.
Peter Mörtenböck
p.mortenbock (
Professor Simon O'Sullivan
s.o'sullivan (
Simon is a theorist and artist working at the intersection of contemporary art practice, performance and philosophy.
Dr Manuel Ramos
m.ramos (
Manuel’s work engages with the interrelation between the political and the image/sound pair. He is on leave for 2024/25.
Dr Wood Roberdeau
w.roberdeau (
Wood’s ongoing work concentrates on art practices that address ecology, environment, and social consciousness.
Dr Emily Rosamond
Emily.Rosamond (
Emily’s research explores the implications of financialization and metrification for online identity and selfhood.
Dr Ghalya Saadawi
G.Saadawi (
My interests range across art and political economy, witnessing and testimony, law and psychoanalysis
Astrid Schmetterling
a.schmetterling (
Astrid Schmetterling’s research focuses on the relation between history, culture and memory.
Professor Susan Schuppli
s.schuppli (
Susan uses media artefacts in her investigative processes to explore contemporary conflict and state violence.
Dr Lynn Turner
l.j.turner (
Lynn explores how animal and sexual differences matter in visual and aural culture
Christina Varvia
c.varvia (
Christina uses forensic architecture techniques and feminist epistemologies to investigate political conditions.
Professor Eyal Weizman
e.weizman (
In his research, Eyal forensically examines human rights violations using architectural, visual and aural techniques.
Dr Scott Wark
s.wark (
Scott researches digital culture and the intersection of race and digital technology.