
How to set up a new international articulation partnership at Goldsmiths

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Articulation partnerships

Articulation partnerships enable students to begin their degree programme at a partner institution before transferring to an advanced point of a closely matched programme at Goldsmiths. These arrangements are often referred to as a 1+3 or 2+2 route.

Students who enrol at Goldsmiths through an articulation agreement will be awarded a Goldsmiths degree at the end of their programme of study.

Partner with us

Goldsmiths is keen to establish new articulation partnerships with higher education institutions worldwide. To discuss a potential new arrangement, please contact Goldsmiths’ International Development and Academic Partnerships (IDAP) team.

Overview of the approval process

It normally takes three to four months to establish a new articulation partnership at Goldsmiths.

Goldsmiths’ IDAP team will manage a five-stage approval process:

Evaluation of the proposal

IDAP will evaluate the strategic and operational considerations in relation to the proposal and consult with the relevant departments at Goldsmiths to inform whether the partnership can be sanctioned. 

Curriculum approval

A qualification mapping exercise will be undertaken by the relevant academic department in order to review whether the partner’s programme is of an appropriate standard and level and to confirm that students will have achieved the appropriate pre-requisite knowledge and skills to join the Goldsmiths programme.

This will be reviewed by Goldsmiths; External Examiner and considered for approval by the Chair of Goldsmiths’ Programme Scrutiny Sub-Committee.

Partnership set-up

IDAP will work with the relevant academic departments and professional services at Goldsmiths to ensure that all operational aspects of the partnership are put in place.

Partnership approval

IDAP will submit the definitive partnership information to Goldsmiths’ Institutional Partnerships Sub-Committee for approval.

This includes arrangements for marketing, recruitment, admission, visas and induction as well as clarity on lines of communication between Goldsmiths and the partner institution.


Goldsmiths’ Legal Services team will produce the formal written agreement for the partnership, which will be signed by both parties ahead of the enrolment of students at Goldsmiths.

 For further information, please contact the International Development & Academic Partnerships (IDAP) Team