Alumni Our alumni community brings together 93,500 former students and staff in over 160 countries around the world. Connect Tell us if you change your contact details. Stay connected with Goldsmiths Join our mailing list for regular news and follow us on social media. Volunteer Stay involved and play a part in the Goldsmiths community. Giving to Goldsmiths Your support can open the door to a brighter future for Goldsmiths students. Alumni benefits Alumni email After leaving Goldsmiths, you can access a free alumni email for three years. Careers support You can use Goldsmiths Career Service free for three years after graduating, including one-to-one support. Library membership Alumni are eligible to access Goldsmiths Library and Senate House Library. Alumni discounts Discounts are available for Goldsmiths Taught Masters courses, entertainment, shopping and more. Events You are welcome to come to our events, lectures and shows. Teaser cards linking to other pages Help us support disadvantaged Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic students Equity appeal Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most personal ways you can support us. Leaving a Legacy Academic records Order a transcript or certificate How alumni can order a copy of your final transcript and degree certificate. Academic references How to get a reference for your employment, placement or further study. Verification for employers and agencies How third-party enquirers, employers and agencies can verify the results of a Goldsmiths graduate. Connect on social media LinkedIn alumni group Instagram @goldalumni Twitter @goldalumni Facebook