- The things they carried: a gendered rereading of photographs of displacement during the Spanish Civil War Rosón, Maria and Douglas, Lee. 2020. The things they carried: a gendered rereading of photographs of displacement during the Spanish Civil War. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 21(4), pp. 459-483. ISSN 1463-6204
- The Arts of Recognition Douglas, Lee. 2015. The Arts of Recognition. Anthropology Now, 7(3), pp. 76-93. ISSN 1942-8200
- Mass graves gone missing: Producing knowledge in a world of absence Douglas, Lee. 2014. Mass graves gone missing: Producing knowledge in a world of absence. Culture & History Digital Journal, 3(2), e022. ISSN 2253-797X
- Violence and the politics of memory in a global context: An overture Hristova, Marije; Douglas, Lee; de Kerangat, Zoé and Ferrándiz, Francisco. 2014. Violence and the politics of memory in a global context: An overture. Culture & History Digital Journal, 3(2), e012. ISSN 2253-797X
Lee Douglas
A ethnographer, image-maker, and curator, my work considers memory and forgetting in post-violence contexts.
Staff details
Combining ethnographic research and multimodal media production, I unpack how the past is reconstructed and the future reimagined through collective and individual engagements with the traces of political violence, displacement and decolonization in Spain, Portugal and the Iberian Atlantic. Crossing geographic boundaries, my projects address the legacies of colonialism, fascism and imperial settler projects on the Iberian Peninsula and among its former colonies.
I was the Head Researcher for “Militant Imaginaries, Colonial Memories” (MSCA-IF-2019-895197) which analyzed individual and collective uses of the material and visual traces left by entangled historical events: the Carnation Revolution that marked an end to Estado Novo and Portugal's imperial project and the return migrations sparked by these events.
I am the Co-Editor in Chief of Visual Anthropology Review, a member of the Writing with Light Editorial Collective, and a Working Group Leader for the TRACTS Network.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Sociocultural Anthropology 2017
- Graduate Certificate in Culture & Media 2015
- MSc Visual Anthropology 2008
Publications and research outputs
- The Probable Revolution: Archival Images, (Im)materiality, and the Reactivation of Portuguese Militant Cooperative Cinema Douglas, Lee. 2023. The Probable Revolution: Archival Images, (Im)materiality, and the Reactivation of Portuguese Militant Cooperative Cinema. Romanic Review, 114(2), pp. 360-379. ISSN 0035-8118
- Seeing like a scientist: subjunctive forensics and shared ways of seeing in the Spanish forensic archive Douglas, Lee. 2021. Seeing like a scientist: subjunctive forensics and shared ways of seeing in the Spanish forensic archive. Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia, 28, pp. 143-165. ISSN 2341-0809
- Buscar, pero no encontrar: la producción del conocimiento histórico en un mundo de ausencias Douglas, Lee. 2021. Buscar, pero no encontrar: la producción del conocimiento histórico en un mundo de ausencias. Nuevo Mundo, Mundos Nuevos, ISSN 1626-0252
Edited Book
- Counter-Cartographies of Trace: Theoretical, Methodological and Ethical Approaches Across Disciplines Douglas, Lee; Joyce, Aimée and Buchczyk, Magdalena, eds. 2025. Counter-Cartographies of Trace: Theoretical, Methodological and Ethical Approaches Across Disciplines. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH. ISBN 9783689242695
Edited Journal
- Worlding beyond worlds Douglas, Lee and Feser, Ali, eds. 2025. Worlding beyond worlds, Visual Anthropology Review, 40(2). 1058-7187
- Mediation, Iteration, Possibility Douglas, Lee and Feser, Ali, eds. 2024. Mediation, Iteration, Possibility, Visual Anthropology Review, 40(1). 1058-7187
- The Death of the Page: Image-driven Scholarship, Image Ethics, and Rethinking Publishing Futures DeAngelo, Darcie and Douglas, Lee, eds. 2023. The Death of the Page: Image-driven Scholarship, Image Ethics, and Rethinking Publishing Futures, Visual Anthropology Review, 39(2). 1058-7187
- What Remains Douglas, Lee and Moreno Andrés, Jorge. 2017. What Remains.
- Militant Imaginaries, Colonial Memories: The Visual and Material Traces of Revolution and Return in Contemporary Portugal Douglas, Lee. 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2023 Militant Imaginaries, Colonial Memories: The Visual and Material Traces of Revolution and Return in Contemporary Portugal.