Dr Ricardo Leizaola PhD
Ricardo is a documentary filmmaker and anthropologist specialising in visual anthropology and ethnobotany.
Staff details
Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups
I am a documentary filmmaker and anthropologist specializing in visual anthropology and ethnobotany. I have worked at Goldsmiths teaching audiovisual practice in the anthropology and music departments since I enrolled as ESRC funded PhD student in 2001. I know of no other anthropology department where practice is taken so seriously and experimentation is encouraged as part of academic training. I am currently exploring essay and archive videos and the use of the smartphone for practice-led-research. I am also conducting a multispecies research on avocado trees in London and the Anthropocene which involves a fieldwork and web-based research.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Anthropology, Goldsmiths 2007
- MA Visual Anthropology, University of Manchester 1994
- BA Antropology, Universidad Central de Venezuela 1991
Teaching and supervision
- Ethnographic Film
- Anthropology and the Visual: Production Course
- Introduction to Visual Practice
- Anthropology Video Production
- Advance Visual Practice
Research interests
I am a documentary filmmaker and anthropologist specializing in visual anthropology and ethnobotany. I have worked at Goldsmiths teaching audio-visual practice in the anthropology and music departments since I enrolled as ESRC funded PhD student in 2001.
I have conducted fieldwork in Caracas, Southern Ethiopia and London. My research interests include urban ethnobotany, ethnographic film, visual ethnography and information visualization. I have extensively collaborated with many institutions, researchers and artists producing academic, outreach and training videos.
I have conducted both my MA and PhD research in the neighbourhood of Pedregal, Caracas, where I have been collaborating with Luis Enrique Reyes Farfan digitising, archiving and exhibiting community and research generated still and moving images and audio recordings related to El Pedregal and the Palmeros de Chacao Pilgrimage. In 2018 Luis Enrique Reyes F., a Palmero himself, was responsible for providing many of the documentation accompanying their application to have the Palmeros pilgrimage certified as UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage which was granted on 2019. This project aims to share and preserve audio-visual representations as much as exchange research skills and practices.
I am currently exploring essay and archive videos and the use of the smartphone for audio-visual production. I am also conducting a multispecies research on avocado trees in London and the Anthropocene which involves a fieldwork and web-based research, including social media.
External PhD Supervisor
Marie Therese Shortt (May 2015)
Patterning Culture: Developing a System for the Visual Notation of Greetings
2015-2013 University for the Creative Arts
Featured publications
Day, Sophie E. and Leizaola, Ricardo. 2012. Picturing Ladakhi nomads over the span of a generation. Visual Anthropology Review, 28(2), pp. 133-151. IS
Exploring the potential of photography and photoelicitation to evoke memory through collaboration
Publications and research outputs
- Picturing Ladakhi nomads over the span of a generation Day, Sophie E. and Leizaola, Ricardo. 2012. Picturing Ladakhi nomads over the span of a generation. Visual Anthropology Review, 28(2), pp. 133-151. ISSN 1058-7187
Professional projects
Since 2016 I have been collaborating with Dr. Ivano Cardinale, Dr. Constantinos and Dr Ragupathy Venkatachalam producing a video series dealing with rethinking economics and its teaching. We are currently working on series 2. Funded by ISRF
ISRF. Economics: past, present and future. An interview project Goldsmiths. July 2016 – January 2018 (with Dr. Ivano Cardinale & Dr. Constantinos Repapis IMS/Goldsmiths) Series 1.
Media engagements
Barks and quacks: London's alcoholic remedies (2010)
Review of my exhibition funded by the Wellcome Trust in the Journal The Lancet
Conferences and talks
Sneha Mundari, in conversation with R. Leizaola. 16th RAI Film Festival Conference. Panel 01: Indigenous Cinema: past, present and future
Sneha Mundari, in conversation with Ricardo Leizaola. Sneha Mundari is a tribal filmmaker and a visual anthropologist. We aim to problematize and blur boundaries
Visual anthropology and the rise of the essay film. 16th RAI Film Festival Conference. Panel 12: Transforming theory in and through film.
The convergence of theory/analysis and practice and the rise of visual explanations are trends of the digital revolution anthropology need to catch up with.