- Apresentacao ao Dossie: (Contra)Mesticagens Amerindias e Afro-Americanas Pazzarelli, F.; Sauma, Julia F. and Hirose, M. B.. 2017. Apresentacao ao Dossie: (Contra)Mesticagens Amerindias e Afro-Americanas. R@U: Revista de Antropologia da UFSCAR, 9(2), pp. 9-10. ISSN 2175-4705
- Palavras carnais: sobre re-lembrar e re-esquecer, ser e não ser, entre os Filhos do Erepecuru Sauma, Julia F.. 2016. Palavras carnais: sobre re-lembrar e re-esquecer, ser e não ser, entre os Filhos do Erepecuru. Revista de Antropologia, 59(3), pp. 150-173. ISSN 1678-9857
- Entrosar-se, uma reflexão etnográfica afroindígena Sauma, Julia F.. 2014. Entrosar-se, uma reflexão etnográfica afroindígena. Cadernos de Campo, 23, pp. 257-270. ISSN 0104-5679
- Translation: The relative native Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo; Sauma, Julia F. and Holbraad, Martin. 2013. Translation: The relative native. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3(3), pp. 473-502. ISSN 2575-1433
- Street encounters: betrayal and belonging in youth gangs Sauma, Julia F.. 2008. Street encounters: betrayal and belonging in youth gangs. Public Policy Research, 15(1), pp. 32-35. ISSN 1744-5396
- Encontros cartografados: reflexões sobre encontros entre meninos e educadores de rua Sauma, Julia F.. 2006. Encontros cartografados: reflexões sobre encontros entre meninos e educadores de rua. Cadernos de Campo, 15(14-15), pp. 41-63. ISSN 0104-5679
Julia Sauma
Julia's work investigates how joyful collective life is maintained within and against extractive relations/structures.
Staff details
Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups
Julia F. Sauma (she/her) is a Brazilian-Londoner and deaf/Hard of Hearing researcher who investigates how collective life is maintained within and against extractive relations, structures and institutions in Brazil and the UK.
She is currently working with Amazonian Quilombo (Maroon) activists and families in Brazil to create interventions in and reflections about the different kinds of work involved in maintaining joyful collective refuges. Julia’s auto-ethnographic work explores diasporic experience, what listening means for D/deaf and Hard of Hearing people, and the impact this could have on research practice and in academic institutions.
Julia’s work investigates themes such as ecology, land rights and demarcation, childhood, education, race, ethnicity, myth, memory, kinship, gender, disability, healing and the body, translation and the place of miscommunication and disagreement in the making of collective knowledge.
Academic qualifications
- PhD in Anthropology, University College London 2014
- MA in Social Anthropology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 2007
Teaching and supervision
I teach the compulsory undergraduate modules Approaches to Contemporary Anthropology (year 1) and Critical Ecologies (year 2).
I supervise or have supervised PhD projects on a range of different topics, including (but not limited to) ecology, climate change, being human, embodiment, race, gender, disability, work, memory, martial arts. I am particularly interested in supervising multi-modal projects and/or projects in which the body is a key research tool.
Research interests
As well as publishing academic and policy-oriented pieces, I explore what it means to be collective through performance, walks, chance creations and collaborations.
Antiphonic Multi-being (2019): https://aasgroup.net/event/antiphonic-multi-being/
A Solstice Mushing (2019): https://aasgroup.net/event/fungal-mumming/
Featured publications
Publications and research outputs
- The End Begins Porto, Renan and Sauma, Julia F.. 2022. The End Begins. Third Text Online,
- The Body Perfect: On Disability, Experience and the Aesthetics of Expertise. Sauma, Julia F.. 2021. The Body Perfect: On Disability, Experience and the Aesthetics of Expertise. Teaching Anthropology, 10(1), pp. 71-75. ISSN 2053-9843
- [Translation] Aquele evento, esta memória: notas sobre a antropologia das diásporas africanas no Novo Mundo Scott, D.; Pires, R. Brittes W. and Sauma, Julia F.. 2017. [Translation] Aquele evento, esta memória: notas sobre a antropologia das diásporas africanas no Novo Mundo. Ilha Revista de Antropologia, 19(2), pp. 277-312. ISSN 2175-8034
Book Section
- Performing Normal: Deafness, intersectionality and academic exhaustion Sauma, Julia F.. 2024. Performing Normal: Deafness, intersectionality and academic exhaustion. In: Kelly Fagan Robinson; Mark T. Carew and Nora Ellen Groce, eds. Inaccessible Access: Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 9781978841468
- Moramos no mundo dos invisíveis: sobreposição, ruptura e movimento em uma área coletiva quilombola Sauma, Julia F.. 2019. Moramos no mundo dos invisíveis: sobreposição, ruptura e movimento em uma área coletiva quilombola. In: , ed. Paisagens Evanescentes: estudos sobre a percepção das transformações nas paisagens pelos moradores dos rios amazônicos. Belém (Brazil), Paris (France): NAEA, pp. 115-132. ISBN 9788571431836
- Consenso Unanime: Movimentos pela Tranquilidade e a Sobreposicao de Pensamentos entre os Coletivos Quilombolas de Oriximina Sauma, Julia F.. 2015. Consenso Unanime: Movimentos pela Tranquilidade e a Sobreposicao de Pensamentos entre os Coletivos Quilombolas de Oriximina. In: , ed. Entre Aguas Bravas e Mansas: Indios e Quilombolas em Oriximina. Sao Paulo, Brazil: CPI-SP & Iepe, pp. 235-251. ISBN 9788598046181
Edited Book
- Ruptures: Anthropologies of discontinuity in times of turmoil Holbraad, M.; Kapferer, B. and Sauma, Julia F., eds. 2019. Ruptures: Anthropologies of discontinuity in times of turmoil. London: UCL Press. ISBN 9781787356184
Edited Journal
- Decolonising Anthropology - what's new? Gibson, Lydia and Sauma, Julia F., eds. 2021. Decolonising Anthropology - what's new?, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, . 1359-0987
- (Contra)Mesticagens Amerindias e Afro-Americanas Pazzarelli, F.; Sauma, Julia F. and Hirose, M. B., eds. 2017. (Contra)Mesticagens Amerindias e Afro-Americanas, R@U: Revista de Antropologia da UFSCAR, 9(2). 2175-4705
- Quilombos - refletindo sobre on mês da consciência negra Sauma, Julia F. and Castro, Edna. 2022. Quilombos - refletindo sobre on mês da consciência negra.
- Antiphonic Multibeing: Diagram of science fiction dimensional travel of sigil portal projection of ganzfeld remote social blasting of coordinate viewing. Benlloch, Ana; Mercer, Samuel; Sauma, Julia F. and Tait, Stuart. 2019. Antiphonic Multibeing: Diagram of science fiction dimensional travel of sigil portal projection of ganzfeld remote social blasting of coordinate viewing.. In: "Morphologies of Invisible Agents", SPACE, London, United Kingdom, 26 April - 18 May 2019.
- “O Clima Está Quente, Né?”: Justaposições E Distanciamentos Entre Público e Especialistas Brasileiros Sobre As Mudanças Climáticas Baran, Michael; Heurich, Guilherme; Sauma, Julia F. and Siqueira, Paula. 2015. “O Clima Está Quente, Né?”: Justaposições E Distanciamentos Entre Público e Especialistas Brasileiros Sobre As Mudanças Climáticas. Technical Report. Frameworks Institute, Washington, DC.
- Pais Despreparados, Punições Mais Severas e O Efeito Dominó: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Violence and Its Effects on Early Child Development in Brazil Baran, Michael; Sauma, Julia F. and Siqueira, Paula. 2014. Pais Despreparados, Punições Mais Severas e O Efeito Dominó: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Violence and Its Effects on Early Child Development in Brazil. Technical Report. Frameworks Institute, Washington, DC.
- Values and Metaphors for Communicating About Early Child Development in Brazil: A FrameWorks MessageMemo Baran, Michael; Sauma, Julia F. and Siqueira, Paula. 2014. Values and Metaphors for Communicating About Early Child Development in Brazil: A FrameWorks MessageMemo. Technical Report. Frameworks Institute, Washington, DC.
- The Deep and the Erepecuru: Tracing Transgressions in an Amazonian Quilombola Territory Sauma, Julia F.. 2014. The Deep and the Erepecuru: Tracing Transgressions in an Amazonian Quilombola Territory. Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London)
- WHEN METAPHYSICAL WORDS BLOSSOM: Pierre and Hélène Clastres on Guarani Thought [Translation] Sztutman, Renato and Sauma, Julia F.. 2017. WHEN METAPHYSICAL WORDS BLOSSOM: Pierre and Hélène Clastres on Guarani Thought [Translation]. Common Knowledge, 23 (2): 325–344, Duke University Press, Durham, North Carolina.
- Peace and Knowledge Politics in the Upper Xingu [Translation] Vanzolini, Marina and Sauma, Julia F.. 2016. Peace and Knowledge Politics in the Upper Xingu [Translation]. Common Knowledge, 22 (1): 25–42, Duke University Press, Durham, North Carolina.
Research projects
Extort: Anthropologies of Extortion
ERC Advanced Grant, PI: Professor Lucia Michelutti
Media engagements
Conferences and talks
2022: What is the Work of Anthropology? Who is Included?