- The bureaucratization of ethical integrity: Research ethics committees and imaginaries of risk Shore, Cris. 2024. The bureaucratization of ethical integrity: Research ethics committees and imaginaries of risk. Anthropology Today, 40(2), pp. 8-10. ISSN 0268-540X
- Susan Wright: Anthropologist, activist, colleague and friend Shore, Cris. 2023. Susan Wright: Anthropologist, activist, colleague and friend. Learning and Teaching, 16(3), pp. 80-82. ISSN 1755-2273
- Understanding Power and Politics. The Continuing Relevance of the Anthropology of Policy Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2023. Understanding Power and Politics. The Continuing Relevance of the Anthropology of Policy. Rivista di antropologia contemporanea, 2023(2), pp. 251-262. ISSN 2724-3168
- Creating a Communist Counterculture? The Successes and Failures of the PCI in Anthropological Perspective Shore, Cris. 2023. Creating a Communist Counterculture? The Successes and Failures of the PCI in Anthropological Perspective. La Ricerca Folklorica(78), pp. 121-127. ISSN 0391-9099
- Locking in markets and instituting entrepreneurship: Commercialisation and the new heroes of the university story (Vignette 5) Shore, Cris. 2022. Locking in markets and instituting entrepreneurship: Commercialisation and the new heroes of the university story (Vignette 5). Learning and Teaching, 15(3), pp. 83-90. ISSN 1755-2273
- Imagining. Imagineering the marketised university: Consultant evangelists making markets (Vignette 1) Lewis, Nick and Shore, Cris. 2022. Imagining. Imagineering the marketised university: Consultant evangelists making markets (Vignette 1). Learning and Teaching, 15(3), pp. 61-66. ISSN 1755-2273
- Audit failure and corporate corruption: Why Mediterranean patron-client relations are relevant for understanding the work of international accountancy firms Shore, Cris. 2021. Audit failure and corporate corruption: Why Mediterranean patron-client relations are relevant for understanding the work of international accountancy firms. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 2021(90), pp. 91-105. ISSN 0920-1297
- From unbundling to market making: reimagining, reassembling and reinventing the public university Lewis, Nick and Shore, Cris. 2019. From unbundling to market making: reimagining, reassembling and reinventing the public university. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(1), pp. 11-27. ISSN 1476-7724
- How the Big 4 got big: Audit culture and the metamorphosis of international accountancy firms Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2018. How the Big 4 got big: Audit culture and the metamorphosis of international accountancy firms. Critique of Anthropology, 38(3), pp. 303-324. ISSN 0308-275X
- The Eurozone Crisis, Greece and European Integration Raudon, Sally and Shore, Cris. 2018. The Eurozone Crisis, Greece and European Integration. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 27(1), pp. 64-83. ISSN 1755-2923
- How Corrupt Are Universities? Audit Culture, Fraud Prevention, and the Big Four Accountancy Firms Shore, Cris. 2018. How Corrupt Are Universities? Audit Culture, Fraud Prevention, and the Big Four Accountancy Firms. Current Anthropology, 59(S18), S92-S104. ISSN 0011-3204
- Brexit Referendum: first reactions from anthropology Green, Sarah; Gregory, Chris; Reeves, Madeleine; Cowan, Jane K.; Demetriou, Olga; Koch, Insa; Carrithers, Michael; Andersson, Ruben; Gingrich, Andre; Macdonald, Sharon; Açiksöz, Salih Can; Yildirim, Umut; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland; Shore, Cris; Holmes, Douglas R.; Herzfeld, Michael; Strathern, Marilyn; Jensen, Casper Bruun; Martin, Keir; Dalakoglou, Dimitris; Poulimenakos, Georgos; Jansen, Stef; Brkovič, Čarna; Wilson, Thomas M.; Besnier, Niko; Guinness, Daniel; Hann, Mark; Ballinger, Pamela and Dzenovska, Dace. 2016. Brexit Referendum: first reactions from anthropology. Social Anthropology, 24(4), pp. 478-502. ISSN 0964-0282
- Responsibilisation and leadership in the neoliberal university: a New Zealand perspective Amsler, Mark and Shore, Cris. 2015. Responsibilisation and leadership in the neoliberal university: a New Zealand perspective. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(1), pp. 123-137. ISSN 0159-6306
- The Quiet Revolution: Reply to comments Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2015. The Quiet Revolution: Reply to comments. Current Anthropology, 56(3), pp. 439-441. ISSN 0011-3204
- Audit Culture Revisited: Rankings, Ratings and the Reassembling of Society Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2015. Audit Culture Revisited: Rankings, Ratings and the Reassembling of Society. Current Anthropology, 56(3), pp. 421-444. ISSN 0011-3204
- Troublesome Temporalities: Europe between Nostalgia and Promise Shore, Cris. 2015. Troublesome Temporalities: Europe between Nostalgia and Promise. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 24(1), pp. 120-122. ISSN 1755-2923
- Peripheral vision as anthropological critique: How perspectives from the margins can illuminate the exploits of twenty-first-century global capitalism Shore, Cris and Trnka, Susanna. 2015. Peripheral vision as anthropological critique: How perspectives from the margins can illuminate the exploits of twenty-first-century global capitalism. Focaal, 2015(71), pp. 29-39. ISSN 0920-1297
- Governing by numbers: audit culture, rankings and the new world order Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2015. Governing by numbers: audit culture, rankings and the new world order. Social Anthropology, 23(1), pp. 22-28. ISSN 0964-0282
- Paradoxes of ‘public diplomacy’: Ethnographic perspectives on the European Union delegations in the antipodes Altman, Tess and Shore, Cris. 2014. Paradoxes of ‘public diplomacy’: Ethnographic perspectives on the European Union delegations in the antipodes. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 25(3), pp. 337-356. ISSN 1035-8811
- The Crown in New Zealand: Anthropological Perspectives on an Imagined Sovereign Shore, Cris and Kawharu, Margaret. 2014. The Crown in New Zealand: Anthropological Perspectives on an Imagined Sovereign. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 11(1), pp. 17-38. ISSN 1179-0237
- Beyond Collusion and Resistance: Academic-Management Relations within the Neoliberal University Shore, Cris and Davidson, Miri. 2014. Beyond Collusion and Resistance: Academic-Management Relations within the Neoliberal University. Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 12-28. ISSN 1755-2273
Professor Cris Shore
Political anthropology; Europe; Corruption; Organisations; Higher Education; Anthropology of Policy; Audit culture.
Staff details
Cris joined Goldsmiths in January 2019. This was something of a return for him as he had previously worked in the Anthropology Department at Goldsmiths from 1990 to 2002. Prior to returning to the UK he worked for 15 years at the University of Auckland in New Zealand where he was Head of Department and founding Director of the Europe Institute. In 2018 he moved to Sweden to take up a one-year post as Guest Professor in Public Management at the Stockholm Centre for Organisational Research (SCORE) where he researched management and leadership in public organisations.
Teaching and supervision
Political anthropology, European societies, anthropology of organisations and policy, critical studies of management & governance, higher education, corruption, 'audit culture'. New Zealand, Britain.
Cris convenes a 2nd year undergraduate module called 'Ethnography of a Selected Region: Europe' and an MA module called Anthropological Research Metho
Research interests
Cris studied anthropology at Sussex University. His PhD thesis was a study of the Italian Communist Party and Eurocommunism. He has conducted fieldwork in Italy, Belgium (on EU civil servants and the cultural politics of European integration), Britain and New Zealand (on politics, university reform, and the global knowledge economy). His work spans several fields including EU institutions and policies, the state, nationalism, elites, corruption, higher education, the rise of ‘audit culture’ and the anthropology of policy. He was founding editor of the journal Anthropology in Action and a founding member and Co-President of the Association for the Anthropology of Policy (ASAP), a Section of the American Anthropological Association (2016-18). With Susan Wright, he is co-editor of the Stanford University Press book series Anthropology of Policy.
Cris's work engages with issues in political anthropology, European ethnography and the study of organisations, particularly the governance and management of universities. His main research interests include power, ideology, the effects of systems of measurement and ranking on individuals and organisations, corruption, and the anthropology of policy. His research covers a range of issues of theoretical and public policy interest including the European Union, the State, elites, corruption, ‘audit culture’ and higher education reform.
Featured publications
Publications and research outputs
- Technomoral Politics in Conservative Britain Shore, Cris. 2024. Technomoral Politics in Conservative Britain. Social Anthropology, 32(4), pp. 100-116. ISSN 0964-0282
- Management consultants and university futures: Academic capitalism and the capture of UK public higher education Shore, Cris. 2024. Management consultants and university futures: Academic capitalism and the capture of UK public higher education. Public Money & Management, ISSN 0954-0962
- Hope: Valuing lives and persons with degenerative conditions — Duchenne muscular dystrophy Longmuir, Katriona; Park, Julie; Fitzgerald, Ruth; Legge, Michael and Shore, Cris. 2024. Hope: Valuing lives and persons with degenerative conditions — Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 20(1), pp. 1-26. ISSN 0112-5990
- Audit Culture: How Indicators and Rankings are Reshaping the World Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2024. Audit Culture: How Indicators and Rankings are Reshaping the World. London: Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745336459
Book Section
- Researching the Eurocrats Shore, Cris and Thedvall, Renita. 2023. Researching the Eurocrats. In: Mathieu Segers and Steven Van Hecke, eds. The Cambridge History of the European Union: Volume 1: European Integration Outside-In. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 471-493. ISBN 9781108780865
- The Kafkaesque Pursuit of ‘World Class’: Audit Culture and the Reputational Arms Race in Academia Shore, Cris and Wright, Susan. 2021. The Kafkaesque Pursuit of ‘World Class’: Audit Culture and the Reputational Arms Race in Academia. In: Sharon Rider; Michael A. Peters; Mats Hyvönen and Tina Besley, eds. World Class Universities: A Contested Concept. Singapore: Springer, pp. 59-76. ISBN 9789811575976
- Symbiotic or Parasitic? Universities, Academic Capitalism and the Global Knowledge Economy Shore, Cris. 2020. Symbiotic or Parasitic? Universities, Academic Capitalism and the Global Knowledge Economy. In: Emma Heffernan; Fiona Murphy and Jonathan Skinner, eds. Collaborations: Anthropology in a Neoliberal Age. London: Routledge, pp. 23-44. ISBN 9781350002265
Edited Book
- Compliance, Defiance, and ‘Dirty’ Luxury: New Perspectives on Anti-Corruption in Elite Contexts Østbø Kuldova, Tereza; Østbø, Jardar and Shore, Cris, eds. 2024. Compliance, Defiance, and ‘Dirty’ Luxury: New Perspectives on Anti-Corruption in Elite Contexts. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031571398
- The Crown and Constitutional Reform Shore, Cris; Raudon, Sally and Williams, David V., eds. 2020. The Crown and Constitutional Reform. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780367511647
- The Shapeshifting Crown: Locating the State in Postcolonial New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK Shore, Cris and Williams, David V., eds. 2019. The Shapeshifting Crown: Locating the State in Postcolonial New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108496469
Professional projects
Anthropology of the state and constitutional reform:
In 2014 he was awarded a major Royal Society of New Zealand ‘Marsden Fund’ award to carry out a three year study of ‘The Crown’ as an institution of government in postcolonial New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries. His most recent book (with David Williams) is The Shapeshifting Crown: Locating the State in Post-Colonial New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
University futures and the global knowledge economy:
Between 2010 – 2017 he was part of two EU funded international researcher exchange projects that explored university reform and globalisation, New Public Management, and universities in the global knowledge economy. He has continued this work and is currently researching the effects of indicators, rankings and New Public Management on the performance and subjectivity of academics.
Media engagements
Conferences and talks
‘A Conspiracy of Illusion’?
Performance-Based Metrics, New Public Management and the Politics of Accountability’ The 2018 Score Lecture on Organisation