Other Publications
Wright, D., Ost, J., & French, C. C. (2006). Recovered and false memories. The Psychologist, 19(6), 352-355.
French, C. C. (2004). The mosaic of memory. The Skeptic, 17(1), 12-17.
French, C. (2004). Bible codes and flying saucers. The Times T2, 6-7.
Hughes, C., & French, C. (2002). Medicine and magic [editorial]. Student BMJ, 10, 132-133.
Crawley, S. E. (2001). Psychic or fantasy-prone? The Skeptic, 14(1), 11-12.
French, C. C. (2001) Why I study anomalistic psychology. The Psychologist, 14(7), 356-357. [Reprinted in The Skeptical Intelligencer, 4, 2-5.]
French, C. C. (2001). Weird science at Goldsmiths. The Skeptic, 14(1), 7-8.
French, C. C., & Holden, K. (eds.) (2001). Weird science at Goldsmiths [Special issue]. The Skeptic.
Hatton, K. (2001). Developmental origins of magical beliefs. The Skeptic, 14(1), 18-19.
Holden, K. (2001). The psychology of psychic readings. The Skeptic, 14(1), 14-15.
Rose, N. (2001). Something wicked this way comes! The Skeptic, 14(1), 9-10.
Savva, L., & Savva, L. (2001). The enigma of Florence Cook. The Skeptic, 14(1), 16-17.
French, C. C. (2000) The media and the paranormal: A sceptic’s view. Magonia, 70, 9-13. (Winner of the second essay competition in memory of Roger Sandell; reprinted in The Skeptic, 13(3 & 4), 35-40).
French, C. C. (1996) Sorting the sheep from the goats. The Skeptic, 10(3), 12-15.
French, C. C. (1995) Can mystics make mistakes? A reply to Whiteman (1994). [Letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 89, 89-96.
French, C. C. (1995) A further reply to Whiteman. [Letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 89, 98-101.
French, C. C. (1993) Experience of ostensibly paranormal events is normal: A psychologist replies to Greeley. [Letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 87, 193-198.
French C. C., Fowler, M., McCarthy, K., and Peers, D. (1991) Belief in astrology: A test of the Barnum Effect. Skeptical Inquirer, 15, 166-172.