- Capitalising Antigentrification Malik, Suhail. 2019. Capitalising Antigentrification. Realty,
- The Ruling Elite Have Feelings Too Malik, Suhail. 2019. The Ruling Elite Have Feelings Too. OEI(82-83), pp. 52-61. ISSN 1404-5095
- A Questionnaire on Materialisms Malik, Suhail and Cox, Christoph. 2016. A Questionnaire on Materialisms. October, 115, pp. 26-28. ISSN 0162-2870
- Dispossed and Watered-Down. Hegemonic Neomaterialism and its Limitations Malik, Suhail. 2016. Dispossed and Watered-Down. Hegemonic Neomaterialism and its Limitations. Springerin: Hefte für Gegennwartskunst, 22(1), pp. 48-50. ISSN 1029-1830
- Introduction: Art and finance Nestler, Gerald and Malik, Suhail. 2016. Introduction: Art and finance. Finance and Society, 2(2), pp. 94-95. ISSN 2059-5999
- Plotting the art market: An interview with Clare McAndrew McAndrew, Clare; Malik, Suhail and Nestler, Gerald. 2016. Plotting the art market: An interview with Clare McAndrew. Finance and Society, 2(2), pp. 151-167. ISSN 2059-5999
- Parse Journal #2: Introduction Bowman, Jason; Malik, Suhail and Phillips, Andrea. 2015. Parse Journal #2: Introduction. Parse #2: The Value of Contemporary Art, 2, pp. 8-6. ISSN 2002-0511
- The Value of Everything Malik, Suhail. 2014. The Value of Everything. Texte zur Kunst, 93, pp. 66-79.
- Survey on Gender Ratios in Curating Programs Reckitt, Helena; Malik, Suhail; Burton, Johanna; Hartjes, Natalie and Markopoulos, Leigh. 2012. Survey on Gender Ratios in Curating Programs. Red Hook, pp. 10-16.
- Educations Sentimental and Unsentimental: Repositioning the Politics of Art and Education Malik, Suhail. 2011. Educations Sentimental and Unsentimental: Repositioning the Politics of Art and Education. Redhook: Journal of Curatorial Studies, 1, n/a-n/a.
- Critique as alibi: moral differentiation in the art market Malik, Suhail. 2008. Critique as alibi: moral differentiation in the art market. Journal of Visual Art Practice, Special Issue on Critique, 7(3), pp. 283-295. ISSN 14702029
- Hadassah Emmerich Malik, Suhail. 2008. Hadassah Emmerich. Review - 32 Jahre Künstlerhaus Bethanien,
- A boom without end? Liquidity, critique and the art market Malik, Suhail. 2007. A boom without end? Liquidity, critique and the art market. Mute: culture and politics after the net, 2(6), pp. 92-99. ISSN 1356-7748-261
- 'Introduction' and 'Fucking straight death metal' in Special Section of journal Malik, Suhail. 2006. 'Introduction' and 'Fucking straight death metal' in Special Section of journal. Journal of Visual Culture, Special Section 'The war in Iraq and visual culture', 5(1), pp. 107-112.
Dr Suhail Malik
Suhail’s research is on the theme of invention in contemporary European philosophy and critical theory.
Staff details
- On the Necessity of Art's Exit From Contemporary Art (forthcoming)
- ContraContemporary. Modernity's Unknown Future (Urbanomic, 2019)
- The Flood of Rights - edited w/ Tom Keenan & Tirdad Zolghadr (CCS/Sternberg, 2017)
- The Time-Complex. Postcontemporary - edited w/ Armen Avanessian (DiS/Name, 2016)
- "Art and Finance" Special Issue of Finance and Society 2:2 - edited w/ Gerald Nestler (2016)
- Genealogies of Speculation: Materialism and Subjectivity Since Structuralism - edited w/ Armen Avanessian (2015)
- Realism Materialism Art - edited w/ Christoph Cox & Jenny Jaskey (CCS Bard/Sternberg, 2015).
Essays and Articles
- "Operationalising Real Abstraction: Art and the General Abstract Image" (w/ Diann Bauer and Natalia Zuluaga) in In the Mind But Not From There (2019)
- "The Ruling Elite Have Feelings Too (At Least, They Did in 2011)" in OIE (2019)
- "Propaganda Is Now Another Name for Communication Itself" (w/ Metahaven) in PSYOP (2018)
- "ContraContemporary" in The Future of the New (2018)
- "The Artist as Quarry" (w/ Tirdad Zolghadr) in The Artist As... (2018)
- "Introduction: Art and Finance" (w/ Gerard Nestler) in Finance and Society 2:2 (2016)
- "Plotting the Art Market: Interview with Clare McAndrew" (w/Gerard Nestler) in Finance and Society 2:2 (2016)
- "When is Contemporary Art?" in Former West: Art and the Contemporary After 1989 (2016)
- "The Speculative Time-Complex" (w/ Armen Avanessian) in The Time-Complex. Postcontemporary (2016)
- "Materialist Reason and Its Languages. Part One: Absolute Reason, Absolute Deconstruction' in Genealogies of Speculation (2016)
- "Introduction: Speculative Genealogies" (w/ Armen Avanessian) in Genealogies of Speculation (2016)
- "Hegemonic Neomaterialism and Its LImitations" in Springerin (2016)
- "Response to Questionnaire: On Matter and Materialisms" (w/ Christoph Cox) in October 155 (2016)
- "The Ontology of Finance" in Collapse 8: Casino Real (2014)
- "The Value of Everything" in Texte zur Kunst (2014)
- "Ape Says No" in Red Hook Journal (2013)
- "The Politics of Neutrality: Constructing a Global Civility" in The Human Snapshot (2013)
- "Tainted Love: Art’s Ethos and Capitalization” (with Andrea Phillips) in Art and Its Commercial Markets (2012)
- “The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Political Indeterminacy” (with Andrea Phillips) in Reading Rancière (2011)
- “Screw (Down) The Debt: Neoliberalism and the Politics of Austerity” in Mute (2010)
- “You Are Here” for Manifesta 8 (2010)
- "Contemporary Art -> Ex-Art: Retrotransfiguration of the Commonplace" at PNAC Portland and Rupert, Vilnius (2018)
- "Systemic Constructions of an Unnarratable Future" at New Narratives 2: Thinking Economics Differently, Kunstgebäude Stuttgart (2018)
- "Capitalising AntiGentrification" at Realty, Paul Klee Sommerakademie, Bern (2017)
- "What Can Be Done With a White Cube?" at LIRCAIE, Lusanga, DRC (2017)
- "What Must Art Become to Advance a Left Postneoliberalism? at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut (2017)
- "PostCapitalism or PostNeoliberalism?" at Postcapitalist Art?, Bartlett School of Architecture, London (2017)
- "PostGlobalisation or PostNeoliberalism? The Case of the ArtMarket" at ArtStage, Singapore (2017)
- "Financiality, Finance, and Futurity" at Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista, York University, Toronto (2016)
- "Formal and Informal Institutionalism: Contemporary Art Again and Again" at Making Use, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw (2016)
- "How is Contemporary Art Contemporary?" at KRW Düsseldorf (2016)
- "51.9810940, 5.9051470" at DAI (2016)
- "Who's Afraid Of/In the Art Market?" at Sandberg Institute (2016) and ICA Miami (2015)
- "Art Has To Be a State Actor" at Mystery–Ministry. The Aesthetic Sphere and the Discourse of Professionalism, UTD, Buenos Aires (2015)
- “Why Art? The Primacy of Audience” at Global Art Forum, Dubai (2011)
Publications and research outputs
- Towards a Socio-Psychologistical Theory of Fatiscism Malik, Suhail. 2002. Towards a Socio-Psychologistical Theory of Fatiscism. White Cube. ISBN 0954236335
Book Section
- Curating-at-Large: Notes Towards a Sufficiently General Category Malik, Suhail. 2025. Curating-at-Large: Notes Towards a Sufficiently General Category. In: Bridget Crone; Bassam El Baroni and Matthew Poole, eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Curatorial Futures. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Xenotemporality and Time-Complexes: Recomposing Time for Non-Experiential Risks Bauer, Diann and Malik, Suhail. 2023. Xenotemporality and Time-Complexes: Recomposing Time for Non-Experiential Risks. In: Gary Zhexi Zhang, ed. Catastrophe Time! London: Strange Attractor Press, pp. 210-228. ISBN 9781913689674
- Error Malik, Suhail. 2022. Error. In: Ilan Manouach and Anna Englehardt, eds. Chimeras: Inventory of Synthetic Cognition. Athens: Onassis Foundation, pp. 181-184. ISBN 9786188536180
- Risk Exposure — Surfeit Futurity Malik, Suhail. 2021. Risk Exposure — Surfeit Futurity. Making & Breaking(2),
- After the Collapse: Architecture for the 99% Malik, Suhail. 2020. After the Collapse: Architecture for the 99%. Art of the Working Class(120), p. 33.
- Freedom at the Expense of Others: A Roundtable on Free Speech Black, Hannah; Chen, Howie; James, Jamillah; Kurian, Ajay and Malik, Suhail. 2019. Freedom at the Expense of Others: A Roundtable on Free Speech. Frieze(202), pp. 132-138. ISSN 0962-0672
- Gewalt Malik, Suhail. 2004. Gewalt. In: "Gewalt", Loushy Art and Editions, 2/19/2004 - 3/19/2004.
Conference or Workshop Item
- Time and Time Again Bauer, Diann and Malik, Suhail. 2019. 'Time and Time Again'. In: Digital Earth Symposium. Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon 19 - 20 April 2019.
- Capitalist Artist Scum #1 and #2 Reckitt, Helena; Malik, Suhail; Yuile, Laura; Kulendran Thomas, Christopher; Kulesh, Leslie; Cameron, Angus; Pil & Galia, Kollectiv; DKUK, DKUK; Pollard, Alexander James and Luke, Kristin. 2015. 'Capitalist Artist Scum #1 and #2'. In: FORUM: Capitalist Artist Scum. Open School East, London, United Kingdom 24 September 2015-11 November 2015.
- Resistance or invention? Art and global capital assemblage Malik, Suhail; Phillips, Andrea and Beech, Amanda. 2007. 'Resistance or invention? Art and global capital assemblage'. In: Local operations. Sackler Centre of Arts Education at the Serpentine Gallery, London, United Kingdom 23 May - 1 July 2007.
Edited Book
- The Flood of Rights Keenan, Thomas; Malik, Suhail and Zolghadr, Tirdad, eds. 2017. The Flood of Rights. Berlin / Annandale on Hudson, New York: Sternberg Press / Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College. ISBN 978-3-95679-140-6
- Genealogies of speculation : materialism and subjectivity since structuralism Malik, Suhail and Avanessian, Armen, eds. 2016. Genealogies of speculation : materialism and subjectivity since structuralism. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781472591678
- The Time Complex: Post-Contemporary Avanessian, Armen and Malik, Suhail, eds. 2016. The Time Complex: Post-Contemporary. Miami, Florida: [NAME]. ISBN 9780984056606
Edited Journal
- Finance and Society Malik, Suhail and Nestler, Gerald, eds. 2016. Finance and Society, Finance and Society, 2(2). 2059-5999
- PARSE Journal Issue # 2 The Value of Contemporary Art Bowman, Jason; Malik, Suhail and Phillips, Andrea, eds. 2015. PARSE Journal Issue # 2 The Value of Contemporary Art, PARSE Journal Issue # 2 The Value of Contemporary Art, 2. 2002-0511
Printed Ephemera
- Asset | Data | Intensity. Curating Without Meaning Malik, Suhail. 2023. Asset | Data | Intensity. Curating Without Meaning.
Research Interests
Contemporary Art, Modern Art, the political economy of critical art, sovereignty and domination, critiques of liberal democracy, finance capital.
My initial research was on the theme of the invention in contemporary European philosophy and critical theory. This line of inquiry led to an examination of new media and digitisation which in turn generated three strands of research: first, an examination of technics in relation to human experience and thought; second, examination of particular artpractices in a variety of media; third, consideration of the conditions of critique and violence in contemporary democratic societies. This latter dimension has recently become the focus my research interests and I am currently working on a book examining the challenge to received notion of critique presented by contemporary manifestations of dominating power, primarily that of the US.