- A Lingering Lusotopia: Thinking the Planetary from Angola Gray, Ros. 2014. A Lingering Lusotopia: Thinking the Planetary from Angola. Art Margins, 3(1), pp. 3-27. ISSN 2162-2574
- An Archive of Aspirations Gray, Ros. 2010. An Archive of Aspirations. Jornal do Atelier Real, pp. 11-12.
- ‘Front of House’ Gray, Ros. 2009. ‘Front of House’. Textile The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 7(2), ISSN 14759756
- Chinese Whispers: Variations on Textile Gray, Ros. 2003. Chinese Whispers: Variations on Textile. Textile The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 1(2), pp. 158-173. ISSN 14759756
- Lost and Found: A Modicum of Dignity Gray, Ros. 2002. Lost and Found: A Modicum of Dignity. The Journal of Visual Culture, 1(1), pp. 131-134. ISSN 14704129
Dr Ros Gray
Ros's engagement with art, ecology and climate justice involves collaborations with artists, scientists and activists.
Staff details
Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups
Ros is Reader in Fine Art, Critical Studies and Programme Director of the MA Art & Ecology. Her research and teaching often involves collaborations with artists, scientists and activists, addressing ecological emergency with an emphasis on climate justice. Coming to ecology from a background researching militant filmmaking, she is interested in decolonial, eco-feminist and queer approaches to ecological stewardship.
Ros is on the Editorial Board of Third Text and is co-commissioning editor of the Goldsmiths Press book series Planetarities. She has organised numerous international conferences and film screening programmes, public engagement relating to soil care and climate change, and she was commissioned to make the podcast ‘The Coloniality of Planting’ by Camden Art Centre for the series Botanical Minds. Ros has coordinated the Goldsmiths Allotment since 2016 and she is currently leading the development of the Art Research Garden and Laboratory.
Academic qualifications
- Doctorate (PhD), Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London 2007
- MA Cultural Studies with Distinction, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London 2001
- MA English Language and Literature, St Anne's College, University of Oxford 1994
Teaching and supervision
I am currently supervising the following doctoral students:
Morag Colquhoun, Department of Art, Goldsmiths
Gerard Ortin, Department of Art, Goldsmiths (Berlin Biennale, 2022)
Borbala Soos, Department of Art, Goldsmiths
Marie-Alix Isdahl, Department of Art, Goldsmiths
Sophie Williamson, Department of Art, Goldsmiths
Research interests
Ros’s research focuses on art, ecology and planetarity, particularly artistic approaches to environmental crisis involving soil care, cultivation and rewilding, with a focus on eco-feminist, climate justice, queer and crip approaches. She is currently developing a new research project, with the working title Arts of Planetary Rewilding.
Recent publications include essays in Anthony Downley (ed), Palestine Is Not a Garden (forthcoming), Edward Chell, Transports of Delight (forthcoming), Carl Gent, Felon Herb (Kelder, 2021), and Elin Wagner and Elisabeth Tamm, Peace with the Earth (2021).In 2021-2022 she was Principal Investigator on the Natural Environment Research Council Creative Climate Partnership Sensing Soil, which initiated the first artist residency in the Art Research Garden at Goldsmiths. In 2020 she was commissioned with Dr Shela Sheikh by Camden Art Centre to produce the podcast The Coloniality of Planting, as part of their Botanical Minds. This built on previous writing and research that examined the legacies and contemporary impacts of economic botany and colonial planting regimes, particularly the Third Text special issue The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions that she co-edited in 2018. Ros’s approach to ecology is grounded in her research background.
For more than fifteen years, she researched militant filmmaking networks dedicated to anti-colonial revolution and decolonisation, which after numerous articles, book chapters and curation of film programmes and public events culminated in her monograph Cinemas of the Mozambican Revolution: Anti-colonialism, Independence and Internationalism in Filmmaking, 1968-1991 (James Currey, 2020). Ros has published a pamphlet of poetry titled Comma (Earthbound Press, 2021), which addresses themes of chronic illness, expanding and contracting lifespans and more-than-human ecological relation.
Grants and awards
'Sensing Soil' Creative Climate Collaboration: COP 26 Environmental Science Public Engagement
Sensing Soil Creative Climate Collaboration established a partnership between Dr Ros Gray, soil scientist Dr Jacqueline Hannam, artist Harun Morrison and Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network.
Publications and research outputs
- Cinemas of the Mozambican Revolution: Anti-Colonialism, Independence and Internationalism in Filmmaking, 1968-1991 Gray, Ros. 2020. Cinemas of the Mozambican Revolution: Anti-Colonialism, Independence and Internationalism in Filmmaking, 1968-1991. Martlesham: Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 9781847012371
Book Section
- The Art of Planetary Rewilding Gray, Ros. 2024. The Art of Planetary Rewilding. In: Anthony Downey, ed. Nida Sinnokrot: Palestine Is Not a Garden. Berlin: Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783956796302
- Reclaiming the Commons: Re-enchanting the Commons Gray, Ros. 2023. Reclaiming the Commons: Re-enchanting the Commons. In: Alona Pardo, ed. RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology. Munich/London: Prestel Verlag in association with Barbican Art Gallery, pp. 249-280. ISBN 9783791379722
- Everyone on deck! Gray, Ros. 2022. Everyone on deck! In: Edward Chell, ed. Transports of Delight. ISBN 9781739186104
- The coloniality of planting: legacies of racism and slavery in the practice of botany Gray, Ros and Sheikh, Shela. 2021. The coloniality of planting: legacies of racism and slavery in the practice of botany. The Architectural Review(1478), ISSN 0003-861X
- La terre damnée: conflits botaniques et interventions artistiques Sheikh, Shela and Gray, Ros. 2018. La terre damnée: conflits botaniques et interventions artistiques. Le journal des laboratoires (Cahier C), pp. 3-6.
- Editor's Introduction: The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions Gray, Ros and Sheikh, Shela. 2018. Editor's Introduction: The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions. Third Text, 32(2-3), pp. 163-175. ISSN 0952-8822
- The Coloniality of Planting Sheikh, Shela and Gray, Ros. 2020. The Coloniality of Planting.
Conference or Workshop Item
- The Singing Compost Colin, Anna; Gray, Ros; Granjon, Paul and Morrison, Harun. 2024. 'The Singing Compost'. In: BSSS Annual Conference: 'Sustainable Soils for People and Planet'. Glamorgan Cricket Club, Cardiff, United Kingdom 4-6 December 2024.
- The Socialist Friendships of Mozambican Cinema Gray, Ros. 2014. 'The Socialist Friendships of Mozambican Cinema'. In: Red Africa. Calvert 22, United Kingdom.
- O Anticolonialsimo da Imagen Militante in the Próximo Futuro series Novos Poderes Gray, Ros. 2014. 'O Anticolonialsimo da Imagen Militante in the Próximo Futuro series Novos Poderes'. In: A arte do comum e a produção da cultura: O Anticolonialismo da Imagem Militante à Guerra das Escritas. Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal.
Edited Journal
- The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions Gray, Ros and Sheikh, Shela, eds. 2018. The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions, Third Text, 32(2-3). 0952-8822
- The Militant Image: A Ciné-Geography Eshun, Kodwo and Gray, Ros, eds. 2011. The Militant Image: A Ciné-Geography, Third Text, 25(1). 0952-8822
- Ambitions of Cinema: Revolution, Event, Screen Gray, Rosalind Laura. 2008. Ambitions of Cinema: Revolution, Event, Screen. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Conferences and talks
2023: ALA lecture series: Ros Gray and Boukary Sawadogo
2021: Public Art and Environment, Public Art Now conference, Dublin Technical University
2021: Cinemas of the Mozambican Revolution, CAS seminar series, University of Edinburgh
2020: Cinemas of the Mozambican Revolution, Cinema & Revolution Conference, Escola das Artes, Universidade Catolica, Porto