Staff in the Department of Art
In this section
Staff list
Barby Asante
b.asante (
Artist/ Curator/Researcher working in performance, social Practice, Black Feminism, decoloniality, memory and place
Louise Ashcroft
L.Ashcroft (
Humorously anarchic stories about disrupting social norms and power structures, often as performance/video/animation
Becky Beasley
b.beasley (
Becky's work has been featured in solo exhibitions in London, Milan, New York, Lisbon and Antwerp.
Simon Bedwell
s.bedwell (
Simon’s work has generally been characterised by a sprawling, mouthy, sensuous version of institutional critique.
Appau Jnr Boakye-Yiadom
A.Boakye-Yiadom (
Working across mediums, predominantly working with sound, photography, video & live performances.
Bonnie Camplin
b.camplin (
As an artist, Bonnie has featured in solo exhibitions at the Tate Britain, Cabinet and the Chisenhale Gallery in London.
Dr Claire Makhlouf Carter
c.carter (
Carter has performed in a range of sites from art openings, cross-channel ferries, seminars, conferences and a welding tent in a chili festival.
Dr Vikki Chalklin
v.chalklin (
Vikki is a writer, performer, scholar, and educator interested in bodies, affects, and queer culture.
Alice Channer
A.Channer (
Alice Channer is an artist working with sculpture.
Dr John Chilver
j.chilver (
John Chilver is an artist and writer who works with painting, film and text.
Paul Clinton
p.clinton (
Paul Clinton investigates how the politics of sexuality and gender have shaped contemporary art practice.
Lucy Clout
l.clout (
Lucy is an artist working primarily in video. Her practice examines the embodied experience of language, in particular m
Dr Anna Colin
a.colin (
Anna's practice encompasses the curatorial, the pedagogical, the social and the ecological.
Dr Kirsten Cooke
k.cooke (
Curatorial practice as research, politics of mediation and infrastructure space, queer ecologies
Marion Coutts
m.coutts (
Marion is an artist and writer, working with found objects, digital video, film, drawing, sound, text and photography.
Alison Craighead
a.craighead (
Alison collaboratively researches how global communications networks transform the way we understand the world.
Dr Nina Danino
n.danino (
Dr Nina Danino is an artist and filmmaker, making films centred on self-inscription, the feminine and the subjective voice.
Paul B. Davis
p.davis (
Paul utilises outdated or obsolete computer technologies to perform specialist interventions in the digital art medium.
Dr Sonya Dyer
Sonya.Dyer (
Sonya's work and research reimagines where the centre is located in fictional narratives of the future.
Ali Eisa
a.eisa (
Adham Faramawy
a.faramawy (
Adham Faramawy's work spans media including video, performance, sculpture, painting, and print.
Dr Laura Grace Ford
L.Ford (
Laura Grace Ford is a multidisciplinary artist.
Carl Gent (
Carl Gent is an artist working in sculpture, performance, sound and text.
Lily German
l.german (
Lily’s research explores the shared fragilities and tactility of wet clay, ceramic and the voice.
Dr Ros Gray
r.gray (
Ros's engagement with art, ecology and climate justice involves collaborations with artists, scientists and activists.
Dr S Ayesha Hameed
a.hameed (
Ayesha Hameed explores the legacies of indentureship and slavery through the figures of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Chris Hammond
c.hammond (
Chris’ practice as a curator and artist is grounded in the core structure and strategies of the gallery.
Dr Isobel Harbison
i.harbison (
Dr Isobel Harbison is an art historian and writer
Andy Harper
a.harper (
Andy’s work has been featured at the Newlyn Art Gallery in Cornwall, Danese in New York, Morgen Contemporary in Berlin.
JJ Johnson
j.johnson (
Jasmine Johnson works with drawing, painting, performance and video.
Professor Stephen Johnstone
s.johnstone (
Stephen’s work is concerned with the relationship between pre-cinematic spectacle, immersive space and abstract film.
Dr Hannah Catherine Jones
hannah.jones (
HCJ is a multidisciplinary artist and multi-instrumentalist broadcasting beyond institutional walls.
Dr Susan Kelly
s.kelly (
Susan is a writer, artist, organiser and educator, who researches the relationships between art and micropolitics.
Janice Kerbel
j.kerbel (
Janice works with a range of material including print, type, audio recording and, more recently, light.
Richard Kirwan
r.kirwan (
Richard’s practice incorporates painting, digital and analogue printmaking, coupled with architectural intervention.
Phillip Lai
p.lai (
Phillip works with objects and sculpture, exhibiting in London, Glasgow, Turin, Berlin and Hong Kong.
Chooc Ly Tan
c.tan (
multidisciplinary artist/DJ/music & cultural producer
David Mabb
d.mabb (
David Mabb
Dr Suhail Malik
s.malik (
Suhail’s research is on the theme of invention in contemporary European philosophy and critical theory.
Simon Martin
s.martin (
Simon’s work reflects on material culture, with an interest in how we understand ourselves through social structures.
Ella McCartney
e.mccartney (
Bod Mellor
d.mellor (
Bod’s recent group exhibitions include shows at MOT International and Victoria Miro Gallery in London.
Dr Sadie Murdoch
s.murdoch (
Sadie deploys chromatic anomalies and unstable readings to provide an insight into notions of ‘otherness’.
Professor Michael Newman
m.newman (
Michael is Professor of art writing and has curated exhibitions in Toronto, New York, Edinburgh and London.
Professor Richard Noble
r.noble (
Richard interests are the critical evaluation of contemporary art production and the interrelation of art and politics.
Dr Joseph Noonan-Ganley
j.noonan-ganley (
Joseph works across moving image, sculpture, performance and text to explore how identity is collaboratively made.
Kirsty Ogg
k.ogg (
Kirsty is interested in the intersection of emerging art practice, arts education and access.
Saskia Olde Wolbers
vas02sow (
Saskia is a filmmaker using fictional biographies to explore themes of anecdotal science and ecological neuroses.
Jacqueline Pennell
j.pennell (
Installation and sculpture is the focus of Jacqueline's work, which investigates negotiations of space.
Gail Pickering
g.pickering (
Gail’s work is primarily time-based, including moving image, performance and text.
Dr Nuria Querol
n.querol (
Writer and occasional curator, researching global collaborations and contemporary art in Asia.
Helena Reckitt
vas01hr (
Helena is a curator and researcher with international experience developing curatorial and critical research projects.
Professor Andrew Renton
a.renton (
Andrew works as a writer and curator, interested in the languages that might be possible in response to the work of art.
Rachel Reupke
r.reupke (
Rachel Reupke is an artist working with film and animation.
Elle Reynolds
e.reynolds (
Alternative pedagogies, collaborative and informal spaces for learning
Dr Ilona Sagar
I.Sagar (
Ilona Sagar is an artist and researcher working across moving-image, installation, performance and publication.
Dr Edgar Schmitz
e.schmitz (
Edgar Schmitz works on developing modes of withdrawal, (in)animacy, and the materialities of the choreographic.
Grace Schwindt
g.schwindt (
Grace’s recent solo exhibitions took place at the Contemporary Art Gallery in Vancouver and Site Gallery in Sheffield.
Sophie Seita
s.seita (
Sophie Seita works with language as a material across performance, video, sound, textiles, books, and installations.
Ben Seymour
b.seymour (
Ben’s principle areas of research are the relationship between urban regeneration, gentrification and culture.
Kate Smith
k.smith (
Kate Smith's work has been featured in solo exhibitions at Matts Gallery and MOCO in London.
Jemima Stehli
j.stehli (
Jemima's recent solo exhibitions have been in London, Milan, Lisbon and Vienna.
Jol Thoms
j.thoms (
A re/searcher thinking, feeling and sensing beyond-the-human.
Dr Becca Voelcker
b.voelcker (
Global political cinemas; ecofeminism; colonial-capital-climate entanglements; Japan; diasporas; land.
Dr Lenka Vráblíková
L.Vrablikova (
Lenka works in transnational feminisms and political ecology, particularly in the field of feminist visual ethnomycology
Dr Beny Wagner
b.wagner (
Beny Wagner is an artist, filmmaker and writer
Nina Wakeford
n.wakeford (
Nina makes artworks which are often initiated by encounters with feminist, LGBT and queer histories or archives
Bernard Walsh
b.walsh (
Bernard is an artist whose practice has evolved through a continuous play with words, still and moving images.
Roxy Walsh
r.walsh (
Roxy Walsh is an artist working with paint and words.
Annie Whiles
a.whiles (
Annie works with pictorial devices to allow for a humorous exchange between the quotidian and the miraculous.
Laura White
l.white (
Laura focusses on interactions with materials and objects, exploring ideas of value, profile, association, and meaning.
Michelle Williams Gamaker
m.williamsgamaker (
Michelle Williams Gamaker is a moving image and performance artist based in London.
Dr Irene Revell
I.Revell (
Irene is a curator, writer and researcher who works with artists across sound, text, performance and moving image.
Deniz Ünal
D.Unal (
Deniz Ünal is an artist, researcher and educator working predominantly with performance practices.