Chooc Ly Tan

multidisciplinary artist/DJ/music & cultural producer

Staff details

Chooc Ly Tan is a multi-disciplinary artist, DJ, music & cultural producer who works across moving images, DJ sets, radio podcasts, event organising, and club nights. With a background in sculpture and performance. Her practice sets out to create new visions of reality by subverting or repurposing systems and tools we use to understand the world around us – such as concepts and methodologies from physics, politics and music. Often, Chooc Ly draws attention to power imbalances, using video and sound as mediums to find an experimental cadence within the personal histories, found footage, and political undertows that inform and inflect the Afro-Asian diaspora, in the face of on-going colonialism(s). Her recent film commission On The Offbeat (2021) explores those disruptive and productive moments of suspension that surround syncopation, tracing the significance of the offbeat through Vogue Fem, diasporic rhythms, critical theory, and insect behaviour.

Academic qualifications

  • MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths university of London 2011
  • BA Fine Art (hons) in 3D (sculpture), Central Saint-Martins 2006

Grants and awards

2024: Project Grant, Art Council England
For my curatorial work with Décalé, in collaboration with The Yard Theatre, Leïla Arénou and Kadeem Oak

2024: Fluxus Art Projects
For my curatorial work with Décalé, in collaboration with The Yard Theatre, Leïla Arénou and Kadeem Oak

2023: The Yard Theatre Residency

2020: DYCP award, Arts Council England

2011: Startpoint Prize, nominated by Goldsmiths university

Publications and research outputs


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2024. Décalé. In: "Décalé", The Yard Theatre, London, United Kingdom, 18 April 2024.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. We Teleport And Dance. In: "Cities of the Night: The Royal College of Art at RIBA (2023 London Festival of Architecture)", RIBA, London, United Kingdom, 1 June - 29 July 2023.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. Décalé X 144. In: "Décalé X 144", The Yard Theatre, London, United Kingdom, 1 June 2023.


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. Monsoon Temperament (AV performance). In: "Wandering Salon, unthaitled", Heizhaus Uferstudios, Berlin, Germany, 8 October 2023.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. YOU MAKE ME FEEL (performance). In: "THE VOICES OF A TEMPEST | ACT III", Somerset House Studios, London, United Kingdom, 18 March 2023.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. Climate Crisis >> Art Action Takeover. In: "Climate Crisis >> Art Action Takeover", Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 2 March 2023.

Conference or Workshop Item

Tan, Chooc Ly; Cheuk-Yin Li, Eva; Allison, Yarli; Chow,, Whiskey and Lam, June. 2023. 'Panel: “Decolonising Queer Artistic Space and Practice: Critical Dialogue with Asia-Art-Activism”'. In: Decolonising Queer Artistic Space and Practice: Critical Dialogue with Asia-Art-Activism. Online, United Kingdom 31 May 2023.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. 'Chooc Ly Tan, artist's talk'. In: Slade Contemporary Art Lectures 2022-2023. Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, United Kingdom 17 May 2023.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. 'Chooc Ly Tan, artist's talk'. In: Artist’s talk, Chelsea College of Arts. Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom 2023.

Art Object

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2019. Rêve, Rave et Révolution, 2019.


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2021. Looking into People’s Eyes. Ying Xiang 映象, 1,


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2024. Chinabot w/ Chooc Ly on Radio Alhara - 28.03.24.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. ONY w/ CHOOC LY 22.03.23 on NTS radio.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2022. EASTERN MARGINS with GGI on NTS (feat. LARASATI & CHOOC LY) - 4th February 2022.


Tan, Chooc Ly and Nalin Kumar, Rishi. 2013. YES / NO NO/YES. London: Flat Time House.


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2023. Coeur Bioluminescent.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2022. Exaltation Onirique.


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2021. On The Offbeat, 2021.

Tan, Chooc Ly. 2018. Crepuscular Dreams of (Dis-) Alienation, 2018.


Tan, Chooc Ly. 2021. Label of the Month: Chinabot. Resident Advisor.