Jemima Stehli
Jemima's recent solo exhibitions have been in London, Milan, Lisbon and Vienna.
Staff details
Professional Projects
Jemima's work has been featured most recently in solo exhibitions at the Vegas Gallery in London, Arta in Milan, Galerie Raum mit Licht in Vienna and Lisboa 20 in Lisbon. In 2000, it featured in an exhibition at Chisenhale Gallery.
Her group shows include exhibitions at Galerie Raum mit Licht in Vienna, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art in Lisbon, M & D ARTE in Gorgonzola, CAAA in Guimarães and Galerie Klüser in Munich, among many others.
Publications and research outputs
- Unhappiness is Treason 2, Superficial Authenticity:Politics at the Surface curated by Hamish Morrow Stehli, Jemima S.. 2022. Unhappiness is Treason 2, Superficial Authenticity:Politics at the Surface curated by Hamish Morrow. In: "Unhappiness is Treason 2, Superficial Authenticity:Politics at the Surface", Filet, United Kingdom, 15-16 July 2022.
- AUGUST Jemima Stehli Stehli, Jemima S.. 2020. AUGUST Jemima Stehli. In: "AUGUST Jemima Stehli", 1961 Projects, Singapore, 18 January - 15 March 2020.
- Alla Ricerca dell’Aura(lato A) 2018 Stehli, Jemima S.. 2018. Alla Ricerca dell’Aura(lato A) 2018. In: "Alla Ricerca dell’Aura(lato A)", Galleria Reginale d’Arte Contemporanea, Spazzapan, Grasdisca d’Isonzo, Italy.
Exhibition Catalogue
- Show Me Yours…(The Politics of Aesthetics) Stehli, Jemima S.. 2021. Show Me Yours…(The Politics of Aesthetics).
- She looked back Stehli, Jemima S.. 2009. She looked back. In: "She Looked Back", Ze Do Bois, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 Nove,ber 2009.
- Arguments Stehli, Jemima S. and Hilliard, John. 2009. Arguments. Italy: ARTRA and Fine Arts Unternehmen Books. ISBN ISBN 13: 978-3-03720-014-8
Book Section
- Madam & Eve Women Portraying Women Stehli, Jemima S.. 2018. Madam & Eve Women Portraying Women. In: Liz Rideal and Kathleen Soriano, eds. Madam & Eve Women Portraying Women. UK: Laurence King. ISBN 9781786271563
- Hypersexual City: The Provocation of Soft-Core Urbanism 2017 Stehli, Jemima S.. 2017. Hypersexual City: The Provocation of Soft-Core Urbanism 2017. In: Nicole Kalms, ed. Hypersexual City: The Provocation of Soft-Core Urbanism. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781472475725
- Photography Today Stehli, Jemima S.. 2014. Photography Today. In: Mark Durden, ed. Photography Today. Phaidon. ISBN 9780714845630