Goldsmiths Partners with Arts Council England for Artsmark Programme

Goldsmiths is enhancing arts and culture education in nearly 4,000 schools through comprehensive support and innovative learning opportunities, in partnership with Arts Council England, as part of the Artsmark programme.

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In September 2023 Goldsmiths became the national delivery partner for Arts Council England’s Artsmark programme, the only creative quality standard for arts and culture in England. Artsmark empowers teachers to embed arts, creativity and culture across the whole curriculum and evidence the impact on the whole school community.

There are nearly 4,000 schools and other education providers registered on the Artsmark programme. The new partnership brings Goldsmiths’ expertise as a leader in teacher education, creativity, arts and culture and will create opportunities for wider research across the university.

Led by Professor Tara Page, the Goldsmiths offer for Artsmark schools comprises a mix of online and in-person learning opportunities for teachers and senior leaders, alongside further support and guidance.

The core modules support schools to enact action research methodology, assess evidence-based change, pedagogy and practice, and analyse and evaluating the impact of the change a school has made through Artsmark. Goldsmiths aims to support and enable school communities to be:

  • Agents of change
  • Creative innovators of practice and pedagogy
  • Collaborative within and outside of their setting, and
  • Critically reflective creative learning environments

Additional learning and development opportunities

Alongside the core modules, Goldsmiths offers Additional Learning and Development Opportunities for teachers to expand their subject knowledge and develop and enhance their approach to whole school change.

The Artsmark team is drawing on the expertise within the academic community at Goldsmiths and beyond to deliver webinars, microlearning opportunities, workshops and resources to cover a broad range of themes complementing the Artsmark framework. Recent sessions include ‘Using the Arts to Empower Student Voice’ with Dr Miranda Matthews, Dr Caroline Kennedy’s ‘Managing Inclusive and Creative Pedagogy and Practice’ and ‘The Parklife Project’ with Dr Francis Gilbert.

In addition, Goldsmiths supports peer-to-peer networking via a virtual learning platform, the Goldsmiths Artsmark Teachers’ Environment (GATE). This space facilitates a community of practice amongst Artsmark teachers and leaders, and serves as a repository of resources to deepen knowledge and further professional development.

Further reading

For more information about Goldsmiths’ Artsmark offer, visit the Artsmark website. Read a blog by Professor Tara Page, hosted by NSEAD, about the Goldsmiths offer for teachers.