Event overview
Jason Freeman (Georgia Tech) explores real-time music notation, live coding, laptop ensembles, mobile technology, and open-form scores.
Jason Freeman develops novel and innovative compositional designs and technologies to make contemporary art music accessible to a large and diverse audience. His music responds to the challenge of arts engagement in contemporary society, inviting performers and audiences to collaborate with him and with each other to create music.
In each project, he fundamentally reimagines the roles of audiences and performers, combining new interfaces with traditional instruments, participation with performance, computer code with music notation, and transformative paradigms with traditional ensembles and venues.
In this talk, Freeman will explore key compositional and technological ideas that enable these novel relationships between composer, performer, and listener in his work, including real-time music notation, live coding, laptop ensembles, mobile technology, and open-form scores.
Jason Freeman is a Professor of Music at Georgia Tech. His artistic practice and scholarly research focus on using technology to engage diverse audiences in collaborative, experimental, and accessible musical experiences. He also develops educational interventions in K-12, university, and MOOC environments that broaden and increase engagement in STEM disciplines through authentic integrations of music and computing. His music has been performed at Carnegie Hall, exhibited at ACM SIGGRAPH, published by Universal Edition, broadcast on public radio’s Performance Today, and commissioned through support from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Freeman’s wide-ranging work has attracted support from sources such as the National Science Foundation, Google, and the Aaron Copland Fund for Music. He has published his research in leading conferences and journals such as Computer Music Journal, Organised Sound, NIME, and ACM SIGCSE. Freeman received his B.A. in music from Yale University and his M.A. and D.M.A. in composition from Columbia University.
Organised and co-hosted by Dr Rebecca Fiebrink, Goldsmiths Computing
Dates & times
Date | Time | Add to calendar |
8 Dec 2016 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm |
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