Event overview
What is the relation between the metaphysical and political meanings of "domination" in the work of the philosopher G.W. Leibniz?
As many know, domination is at the heart of Leibniz’s theory of monads, in which simple substances enter into infinitely complex hierarchical relations of domination and subordination as a result of the varying degrees of clarity in their perceptions. Clearer perception at the monadic level translates into a greater capacity for domination, and in turn, at the phenomenal bodily level, into a capacity for action. But does this analysis of domination carry over into Leibniz’s political thought? I would like to consider some evidence that it does.Readings from: Consilium Aegyptiacum (1671); ‘Meditation on the Common Concept of Justice’ (1702).
Dates & times
Date | Time | Add to calendar |
23 Nov 2016 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm |
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