Event overview
A lecture by Arkadi Zaides.
In his upcoming performance project THE CLOUD, Arkadi Zaides delves into the intricate interplay between natural and artificial cloud phenomena and their complex material and symbolic connections to human influence. The team immerses itself in the realm of AI technology, using it as a lens to explore one of the most significant ecological catastrophes in human history: the Chernobyl disaster.
By blending documentary and fantastical elements, THE CLOUD aims to unravel and narrate the story of Chernobyl, a narrative still shrouded in gaps and rife with conspiracy theories. This approach seeks to offer a fresh perspective on a historical event whose impact and significance continue to resonate deeply. Zaides will present and discuss the project in person.
Arkadi Zaides performances and installations have been presented in numerous dance and theatre festivals, museums, and galleries across Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Over the years he has curated projects such as New Dance Project (2010-2011) with choreographer Anat Danieli, Moves Without Borders (2012-2015) in cooperation with Goethe Institute Tel Aviv, and Violence of Inscriptions (2015-2018) with scholar Sandra Noeth. Zaides is conducting doctoral research as part of the CORPoREAL research group at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media) at Ghent University.
This lecture is part of the Visual Cultures Department Public Programme.
Dates & times
Date | Time | Add to calendar |
7 Mar 2024 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm |
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