Event overview
This inaugural lecture will be delivered by William Latham from the Department of Computing
The Inaugural Lecture by Professor William Latham, Department of Computing, due to be held on Tuesday 3 February at 6.30pm, has been postponed due to circumstances beyond our control. Please e-mail inaugurals@gold.ac.uk and we will let you know the revised date.***
William Latham will chart the course of his work from its roots in traditional Fine Art, through his early hand drawn evolutionary drawing through to his work as a Research Fellow at IBM UK Scientific Centre in Winchester from 1987 to 1993. It is there he developed his pioneering Mutator computer art style, and he will expand on its worldwide exposure at the SIGGRAPH conference and touring exhibitions around the world.
He will then cover his commercial work; founding a software development studio and its projects in the music and computer games industry over a 13 year period with Universal Studios, SONY , Virgin and Nokia and later due diligence work for banks and investors.
William will then talk about his work since joining Goldsmiths, University of London, and restarting the Mutator 2 Project there which had been dormant for 13 years. He will also discuss the new Mutator 2 genetics project with the Centre for Bioinformatics at Imperial College and the broadening scope of Mutator 2 moving into 3D Design and architecture. Though the talk is chronological it will cover a mixture of art, creative, technical, research, management and business threads and William will aim to share some of the sharper personal insights from the journey so far, and the importance of collaborative work.
The lectures will take place as usual, on Tuesday evenings at 5.30pm, followed by a reception (at about 6.30pm) in either the SCR or SDR, as numbers dictate.
The lectures are free and un-ticketed but those wishing to attend are asked to RSVP to the Warden’s Office at inaugurals@gold.ac.uk.
Dates & times
Date | Time | Add to calendar |
3 Feb 2009 | 5:30pm - 6:30pm |
If you are attending an event and need the College to help with any mobility requirements you may have, please contact the event organiser in advance to ensure we can accommodate your needs.