International Students - How to work in the UK

It can be confusing when you arrive in a new country and try to navigate a different cultural approach to job hunting.

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Here are the key things you need to know to get started.

  • Establish how many hours a week your visa permits you to work. For any questions on visas, residency and work hours, contact the Immigration Advisory Service (IAS), based in Deptford Town Hall.

  • You’ll need to apply for a National Insurance Number (NINO) to work, find more at

  • Search for jobs in CareerSPACE. Jobs in the UK can be advertised on general job sites such as Indeed or more specialist websites depending on the sector. Pop in to see the Careers Service in RHB 123 if you would like a list of quick links for a particular industry or view our helpsheets on Also check our job hunting page for more ideas.

  • You might hear about graduate recruitment schemes/programmes. These tend to be with large employers and have a lengthy recruitment process often starting in the autumn for a position the following summer. Targetjobs is a good place to find these opportunities, and also advertises internships with large companies.

Goldsmiths Careers services

We can’t directly supply you with a job or internship but we can advise you on suitable types of opportunities and show you where to search. You can book a one to one appointment with a careers consultant.

Part-time work or volunteering are both great ways of developing language skills and immersing yourself fully into British life.

If you want to job hunt internationally see our global job hunting page.

Starting your own business

If you have a viable business idea Goldsmiths sponsors 10 Start-up visas. To develop your enterprise skills and ideas attend our enterprise events or read our section on starting a business and freelancing.

More help

Easy to read explanations of the different kinds of visa -

A (long) list of UK employers that sponsor overseas workers

Read about visa options after you graduate