Teaching Arabic Language

Teaching Arabic Language and Culture in Context is an introduction to up-to-date methods for the teaching of Arabic.

Primary page content

This module is an introduction to up-to-date methods for the teaching of Arabic as a foreign and community heritage language drawing on Goldsmiths’ expertise in this area as well as that of professional partners. You will learn how to apply innovative pedagogical approaches in your classroom context and plan, teach and assess Arabic language.

A blended approach combining face-to-face and online teaching, supported self-study, and classroom practice will support your ongoing professional development and your ability to relate research with classroom practice. You are expected to be well organised, open to new ideas, and be able to reflect critically on your Arabic language and culture teaching.

During the module you will create a learning and teaching portfolio to help you reflect on your classroom practice and develop creative resources that are differentiated for pupils’ needs. You will be supported to carry out a classroom project and be able to report on your learning from the project.

The module provides excellent preparation for applying for the PGCE Secondary Languages programme at Goldsmiths.

Dates and sessions

  • 12 October 2024: Induction and key terminology (face to face)
  • 23 November 2024: Language skills and lesson planning (online)
  • 14 December 2024: Differentiation and assessment(online)
  • 18 January 2025: Creating resources and communicative approach (face to face)
  • 15 February 2025: Creativity and marking (online)
  • 17 May 2025: Projects and celebration (face to face)

Sessions are 11am to 4pm with a one hour break.

Entry requirements

This is a continuing professional development module for practising teachers of Arabic. You need to have some experience in teaching Arabic as a foreign and/or community heritage language and fluency in English to be able to access study at foundation level.

Fees, funding and scholarship

The module fees are £1,000. Students are required to pay £200 and the Qatar Foundation International QFI has agreed to pay the additional £800 for each student.

 Apply by 1 October 2024 to join the course.


Luma Hameed - l.hameed (@gold.ac.uk)

Luma is an Associate Lecturer at Goldsmiths, the founder and author of the ‘Yalla Arabi’ active books, and the leader of the Arabic Teachers’ Council in London and Southern England. She taught Arabic and German language at schools in London and holds BEd, PGCE & MA in Education (Language, Culture, and Identity).

Sawsan Haffar-Saffaf - s.haffar (@gold.ac.uk)

Sawsan is an Associate Lecturer at Goldsmiths. She is an Arabic language teacher and trainer specialising in curriculum planning and assessment, content writing of Arabic materials and resources, and translation.