Dr Edward Anstead

Lecturer and co-director of undergraduate studies. Research interests include Human Computer interaction and e-learning.

Staff details

Dr Edward Anstead






E.Anstead (@gold.ac.uk)

Edward is a Lecturer in the Department of computing. He has been working at Goldsmiths’ since September 2016. He is a co-director of undergraduate studies. His current teaching focuses on Software engineering and programming, he also supervises final year projects on topics including, HCI, mobile app development, games and physical computing.

Edward's primary research focus is on Human computer interaction (HCI). He is particularly interested in how collocated groups interact with a range of technologies. Recently he has been researching the effects of E-learning and gamification on programming education.

You can find out more about Edward at his personal website edwardanstead.com.

Academic qualifications

  • BSc Computer Science (Hons); University of Leicester 2005
  • MSc Human Centred Computer Systems; University of Sussex 2009
  • PhD Many-Screen Viewing: Collaborative Consumption of Television Media Across Multiple Devices. University Of Nottingham 2016

Teaching and supervision

  • IS51042B: Logic and Computer Architecture
  • IS52046B: Human Computer Interaction: Theory Practice and Application
  • IS53007D: Computing Project (Final year dissertation)
  • IS53034A: Interaction Design

Research interests

Edward's main research interests are in the field of human computer interaction, focusing on collaborative group practices with distributed devices. He is particularly interested in shared media, including television, video and photography. He has also published work on videographic processes and ethical data collection. More recently, Edward’s research has focused on developing auto-graded tools for teaching programming and how these can be effectively administered to students from diverse discipline.

Publications and research outputs

Book Section

  • Digitally supported assessment Havemann, Leo; Katan, Simon; Anstead, Edward; Gillies, Marco; Stroud, Joanna and Sherman, Sarah. 2023. Digitally supported assessment. In: Linda Amrane-Cooper; David Baume; Stephen Brown; Stylianos Hatzipanagos; Phillip Powell; Sarah Sherman and Alan Tait, eds. Online and Distance Education for a Connected World. London: UCL Press, pp. 195-210. ISBN 9781800084810


Conference or Workshop Item
