- Bright Solitons in a PT-Symmetric Chain of Dimers Kirikchi, Omar B.; Bachtiar, Alhaji A. and Susanto, Hadi. 2016. Bright Solitons in a PT-Symmetric Chain of Dimers. Hindawi, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016(951423), ISSN 1024-123X
- A Plant Propagation Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Optimisation Problems Sulaiman, Muhammad; Salhi, Abdellah; Selamoglu, Irem and Kirikchi, Omar B.. 2014. A Plant Propagation Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Optimisation Problems. Hindawi, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(627416), ISSN 1024-123X
Omar B Karakchi
My research interest is in the field of applied mathematics and non linear differential equations.
Staff details
Lecturer / Module leadership team for Discrete mathematics, Computational mathematics and Mathematics for Computer Science.
Academic qualifications
- PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of Essex, UK. 2017
Research interests
My research interest is in the field of applied mathematics and non linear differential equations. I study the existence and stability of fundamental solitons in a parity time (PT)-symmetric coupler and charge parity time (CP) composed by a chain of dimers that is modelled by linearly coupled discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations with gain and loss terms.
Publications and research outputs
- Discrete solitons dynamics in PT-symmetric oligomers with complex-valued couplings Kirikchi, Omar B. and Karjanto, N. 2021. Discrete solitons dynamics in PT-symmetric oligomers with complex-valued couplings. Nonlinear Dynamics, 103(3), pp. 2769-2782. ISSN 0924-090X
- Solitons in a chain of charge-parity-symmetric dimers Kirikchi, O. B.; Malomed, Boris A.; Karjanto, N.; Kusdiantara, R. and Susanto, H.. 2018. Solitons in a chain of charge-parity-symmetric dimers. Physical Review A, 98(063841), ISSN 2469-9926
- Snakes and ghosts in a parity-time-symmetric chain of dimers Susanto, H.; Kusdiantara, R.; Li, N.; Kirikchi, O. B.; Adzkiya, D.; Putri, E. R. M. and Asfihani, T.. 2018. Snakes and ghosts in a parity-time-symmetric chain of dimers. Pysical Review E, 97(062204), ISSN 2470-0045