Andy Freeman
Andy is a lecturer specialising in digital journalism, data visualisation and digital interactions.
Staff details

Visiting Fellow
a.freeman (
Andy Freeman is a lecturer specialising in digital journalism, data visualisation and digital interactions.
He has worked and played in the digital domain since he ran a BBS in the late 1980s and thought FidoNet was very cool. Andy wrote games for the Apple II, worked for Apple Computer Australia (AAPDA) and was a founder member of the Australian Network for Arts and Technology (ANAT). Andy became interested in digital arts while completing his undergraduate studies in the Philosophy of Science and Logic at Macquarie University where he studied under Peter Mason and Max Deutscher.
In the early 1990s Andy moved back to the UK and worked after working as Data Manager at Friends of the Earth then became Technical Director at the Arts Technology Centre for Islington Council (ARTEC). Whilst at ARTEC Andy wrote code for the artists in residence programme and collaborated with a number of early Internet artists.
From 2000 Andy worked with a number of media based Internet startups before joining Goldsmiths in 2013.
- Cybiza - Dance parties 1994-1995 (Club 414 Brixton, Various London squats)
- AAA - Oceania (formerly Peckham) AAA 1996-1999
- Princess Zombie with Gashgirl/DollYoko/Francesca da Rimini, 1997
- Letter from Tony, 1998
- sHrd v.1.0 - Funk Sole Grind, Java Application, Web graffiti and audio visual performance tool for, 1998
- <headbanger> Java Application, Audio visual performance tool, 1999
- notScape , Java Application, anti browser, 1999
- <earshot> Java Application, 1998-1999, Audio visual performance tool, with Jason Skeet (Ambush Records) performances 1999-2002:-
- <Soundoff> Site Gallery, Sheffield, 1999
- Expo Destructo - London, 1999
- RX - Cube Cinema, Bristol, 1999
- <earshot> Backspace, London, 1999
- Amazing Daze - Leeds, 1999
- Big Chill, Enchanted Garden, Wiltshire. 2000
- Opera Totale 6, Venice, 2000
- Lighthouse, Glasgow, 2000
- Glitch Festival and Symposium, Oslo, 2002
- Empire State Human - commission for Video Positive 2000
- Evelyn Community Garden, Designer/Gardener 2004-2008
- New Economics Foundation - Time Bank poetry projects 2007
- Pepys Community Forum Food Cooperative and Internet Cafe 2006 -2008
- deface, JavaScript Chrome extension 2013 with Ji Hu
- Mouth of the Thames Citizen science workshops 2014 for Arts Catalyst
- Talking Dirty Citizen science workshops 2015 for Arts Catalyst
- Hard or Soft #Brexit? Cartographic Print 2017
Artist Support
- Graham Harwood, Natural Selection, Perl CGI coding, 1996
- Susan Collins In conversation Installation coding, 1997-1998
- David Bickerstaff Ubiquity, Website coding and production, 1997
- Charles Kriel, Telling Stories, Camera Operator, 1998
- Alexi Shulgin 386DX, Engineering for album ‘Best of 386DX’, 1999
- Lucy Kimbell, DarkBlue, Perl CGI coding, 1999
- Martha Flemming, Rain of Atoms, Lingo coding, 1999
- ‘Cloning Humans: a mutant future?’, Left Curve no. 22, 1998.
- ‘Space man Massif’ as The Sampler Resistance, Rave in Space, May 2000, Italy (
- ‘Best of 386DX’ Engineer, 2001, Netherlands (