Dr Patrick Hartono
Electroacoustic Composer, Audiovisual Artist, Researcher in Interactive Music and Performance
Staff details
Patrick's creative process integrates technology and scientific methodologies, exploring disciplines like 3-D sound spatialization, analog/digital synthesis, psychoacoustics, creative machine learning, and visual music. His compositions fuse traditional Indonesian instruments, computer-generated sounds, visuals, and field recordings, crafted through mathematical principles, real-time interactions, and controlled randomness, resulting in immersive sonic experiences.
Beyond his artistic practices, Patrick contributes to the field of computer music, serving as a board member for the International Computer Music Association (ICMA) and the Australasia Computer Music Association.
His works have been featured at international festivals and conferences worldwide, including ICMC, YCMF, WOCMAT, Sound Bridge Festival, ZKM, IRCAM, NYCEMF, Sound Image, ACL, Gaudeamus, Sonorities Festival (SARC), ACMC, BEAST, CCRMA (Stanford), KEAMSAC, NIME, iiicon (Harvard), Ars Electronica, and many more.
Academic qualifications
- PhD in Interactive Composition, University of Melbourne 2024
- MMus in Sonic Arts, Goldsmiths, University of London 2018
- BMus in Composition (Electronic Music), CODARTS, Rotterdam Conservatorium of Music 2016
- In Vivo Electro Live (Live Electronic Music Course), IRCAM, Paris, France 2014
Research interests
- Interactive Computer Music
- New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
- Creative Machine Learning & Generative AI
- Human-Centred AI
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Electroacoustic & Audio-visual Composition
- Computational Visual Design
Featured publications
Hartono, Patrick, and Stevie J. Sutanto. “Algorave Music Practice in Indonesia: Paguyuban Algorave.”
Organised Sound 28, no. 2 (2023): 185–94.
Lim, Monica, Natalia Kotsani, and Patrick Hartono. "Handmate: An Accessible Browser-based Controller for Web Audio and Midi using AI Hand-Tracking."
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. PubPub, 2022.
Hartono, Patrick. "MusicXR@ ICMC2020/21."
array. 2 (2021): 20-22
Hartono, P. G., & Dirgantoro, B. P. (2020). 'Trapped': An Interactive Gamified Audiovisual Installation.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative Technology - Volume 1: CREATIVEARTS.
Grants and awards
2023: Fine Arts and Music Prestigious Overseas Travel Grant
2023: IgniteLAB FFAM Award
2021: Norman Macgeorge Scholarship (Research Grant)
Prix CIME (Residency)
International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music (ICEM)
2020: Melbourne Research Scholarship, University of Melbourne (PhD)
2019: WOCMAT 2019 International Electroacoustic Music Young Composer Award
2017: International Computer Music Association (ICMA) Audience Awards
Conferences and talks
Instruments Interfaces Infrastructures: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Musical Media
May 11-13, 2023 | Harvard University Department of Music | Cambridge, MA
International Computer Music Conference
October 15th to 20th, 2023 | School of Music, The Chinese University of Hongkong
Australasian Computer Music Conference
October 9-11 October, 2023. | Sydney Campus at the University of New England, Parramatta
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
29 June – 1 July 2022. The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Ars Electronica: Sonic Saturday: Medium Sonorum Concert
September 10th, 2022. Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz (AT), Vienna
Book Sections
- Hartono, Patrick G. "Understanding Noise: A Composer’s Reflection." Negotiating Noise: 85
- Hartono, Patrick G., Thulan Nguyen, Phyllis Toh Chze Woon, and Sanne Krogh Groth. "Future Guidelines on Noise." Negotiating Noise: 205.