- Drawing for Blind Learners: Assistive Technology for Graphical Design Ohene-Djan, James and Fernando, Sandra. 2016. Drawing for Blind Learners: Assistive Technology for Graphical Design. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), pp. 436-440.
- Recovery Spaces: An Enhanced Learning Technology for Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres Ohene-Djan, James and Jones, Mark. 2014. Recovery Spaces: An Enhanced Learning Technology for Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres. Technology for Education (T4E), 2014 IEEE Sixth International Conference,
- Road Safety and Deaf People: The Role of the Police Ohene-Djan, James; Hersh, Marion and Naqvi, Saduf. 2010. Road Safety and Deaf People: The Role of the Police. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 38(4), pp. 316-331. ISSN 1085-2352
- Investigating road safety issues and deaf people in the United kingdom: an empirical study and recommendations for good practice. Hersh, Marion; Ohene-Djan, James and Naqvi, Saduf. 2010. Investigating road safety issues and deaf people in the United kingdom: an empirical study and recommendations for good practice. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 38(4), pp. 290-305. ISSN 1540-7330
- WinkBall for Schools: An Advanced Video Modelling Technology for Learning Visual and Oral Communication Skills Ohene-Djan, James. 2010. WinkBall for Schools: An Advanced Video Modelling Technology for Learning Visual and Oral Communication Skills. Proceedings of the 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT '10), pp. 687-689.
- A neuropsychological perspective on measuring sign language learning and comprehension Spiegel, Rainer; Naqvi, Saduf; Ohene-Djan, James; Moore, David R and Hsiao, Eling. 2007. A neuropsychological perspective on measuring sign language learning and comprehension. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 2(1), ISSN 1868-8799
- A personalisable electronic book for video-based sign language education Ohene-Djan, James; Gorle, M.; Naqvi, S. and Zimmer, Robert. 2003. A personalisable electronic book for video-based sign language education. Educational Technology & Society, 6(4), pp. 86-99. ISSN 11763647
- Personalising Electronic Books Ohene-Djan, James and Fernandes, A.. 2003. Personalising Electronic Books. Journal of Digital Information, 3(4), ISSN 1368-7506
- Modelling Personalisable Hypermedia: The Goldsmiths Model Ohene-Djan, James and Fernandes, Alvaro A.A.. 2002. Modelling Personalisable Hypermedia: The Goldsmiths Model. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 8(1), pp. 99-137. ISSN 1361-4568
Dr James Ohene-Djan
James is interested in digital entrepreneurial studies, social video technologies, and location-based digital services
Staff details
Dr James Ohene-Djan has over nine years' successful teaching experience at undergraduate level within Goldsmiths' Department of Computing, developing, preparing and delivering courses in telecommunications, database systems, electronic commerce, computer programming and information systems.
In 2004 he was presented with the Goldsmiths award for the development of learning and teaching.
His current administrative responsibilities within the Department of Computing range from Department Senior Tutor to Schools Liaison Officer.
Areas of supervision
Adaptive and personalisable hypermedia, hypertext telecommunications systems and e-commerce, user interface design and web-based database systems.
Featured works
James Ohene-Djan and Saduf Naqvi, An Adaptive WWW-based System to teach British Sign Language, in Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2005, pp. 575-579, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 2005.
Saduf Naqvi, James Ohene-Djan, Rainer Spiegel, Testing the Effectiveness of Digital Representations of Sign Language with Children An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf, Supporting Learners, K — College, National Technical Institute for the Deaf Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York, USA, June 27 - June 30, 2005
James Ohene-Djan and M Gorle. An adaptive function for hypermedia-based advanced learning technology. In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas ,Athens, Greece, July 9-11 2003. IEEE Learning Technologies Task Force, IEEE Computer Society Press. To appear.
James Ohene Djan and Matt Gorle. Modelling adaptive functionality for hypermedia systems. In Poster: Hypertext 03, Fourteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Nottingham, UK, August 26 2003. ACM.
James Ohene Djan, Christopher P. Bailey Matt Gorle, Gary B. Wills, and Hugh C. Davis. Is it possible to devise a unifying model of adaptive hypermedia and is one necessary? In Paul De Bra and Monica Schraefel, editors, AH2003: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Fourteenth Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pages 167?183, Nottingham, UK, August 26 2003. ACM. Available from http: //wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah2003/proceedings/.
James Ohene-Djan and A A A Fernandes. Designing personalisable hyperdocuments for electronic books. In Workshop: E-books + E-Readers + E-jounrnals = E-education? (6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries), Rome, Italy, September 16-18 2002.
James Ohene-Djan. Ownership transfer via personalisation as a value-adding strategy for web-based education. In P Brusilovsky, N Henze, and E. Mill?n, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-based Education, 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems, Malaga, Spain, May 28 2002.
James Ohene-Djan and A A A Fernandes. Modelling personalizable hyperlink-based interaction. In P Brusilovsky and P De Bra, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia (Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia HYPERTEXT?98), pages 87?91, Pittsburgh, USA, June 20-24 1998. ISSN 0926-4515.
Publications and research outputs
- A computer aided drawing system evaluation with early and late blind users Fernando, Sandra and Ohene-Djan, James. 2022. A computer aided drawing system evaluation with early and late blind users. Assistive Technology: The Official Journal of RESNA, 34(4), pp. 392-401. ISSN 1040-0435
- An empirical evaluation of a graphics creation technique for blind and visually impaired individuals Fernando, Sandra and Ohene-Djan, James. 2021. An empirical evaluation of a graphics creation technique for blind and visually impaired individuals. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 39(3), pp. 191-213. ISSN 0264-6196
- Screen navigation system for visually impaired people Ohene-Djan, James and Fernando, Sandra. 2018. Screen navigation system for visually impaired people. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 12(3), pp. 114-128. ISSN 2398-6263
Conference or Workshop Item
- A real-time spatial measurement interface for emotional evaluation of temporal media. Ohene-Djan, James and Sushko, V.. 2006. 'A real-time spatial measurement interface for emotional evaluation of temporal media.'. In: The 20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM. Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom 11-15 September 2006.
- Measuring sign language comprehension through spatial response. Ohene-Djan, James; Naqvi, Saduf; Spiefel, R.; Moore, D. and Hsiao, E.. 2006. 'Measuring sign language comprehension through spatial response.'. In: Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment: Technology for Inclusion. Kufstein, Austria.
- Measuring sign language comprehension through spatial response Nagvi, S.; Spiefel, R.; Moore, D.; Ohene-Djan, James and Hsiao, E.. 2006. 'Measuring sign language comprehension through spatial response'. In: Proceedings of Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment: Technology for Inclusion, D. M. Hersh, Ed. Kufstein, Austrian Tyrol: Euro-Assist-VHI-4. UNDEFINED.
- The Monument is the Struggle Graham, Janna; Andrews, Jorella G.; Paquete Pereira, Lara; Ohene-Djan, James; Jacca, Joyce and Tracey, Jarrett. 2024. The Monument is the Struggle.
- WinkBall, ViewTalk and QR Touch TV White Paper Ohene-Djan, James. 2009 - ongoing WinkBall, ViewTalk and QR Touch TV White Paper.
Research Interests
Since joining the Department of Computing, Goldsmiths College in January 2001 Dr James Ohene-Djan has actively conducted research in the areas of Adaptive, Intelligent Hypermedia, Assistive Learning Technologies for the Deaf and the Personalisation and Adaptation of advanced learning technologies.
Adaptive, Intelligent Hypermedia, is an area of research that aims to enhance the functionality of hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web by making the user interaction process personalisable. The approach taken is to endow hypermedia systems with personalisation and machine learning adaptation features, which may be initiated by the users or, by the system itself.
Assistive Learning Technologies for the Deaf is a relatively new research area that aims to devise interactive systems and technologies to support the learning and teaching of deaf and hearing impaired students. Dr James Ohene-DjanÂ’s research aims to devise methods and techniques for the teaching of sign languages and writing systems using advanced digital media.
Personalisation of advanced learning technologies is an area of research that focuses on ownership transfer via personalisation as a value-adding strategy for advanced learning technology. This research aims to enhance interactive learning systems with features that enable the personalisation of the interactions between users and electronic learning materials such as hyper-documents.
Dr James Ohene-Djan research has resulted in 25 refereed publications in international journals and conference proceedings and has been presented at 10 international conferences. Dr James Ohene-Djan has acted as session chair and review committee member for the IEEE International Conference series on Advanced Learning Technologies.
He is a review committee member of Conference and Workshop on assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment series.
He is currently supervising a PhD student, who is researching the area of systems interaction for the deaf and hearing impaired, and has previously been an Examiner for other PhD Students.
Other research areas include:
Deaf Technolgogies
Digital Sign Writing Technologies
Hypermedia and Hypertext Modelling
Business Information systems
Database Management Systems
Current research
Currently Dr James Ohene-Djan is researching digital representations of sign languages, assitive technologies for the hearing-imparied, adaptive hypermedia systems and the application of personalisation techniques in the
development of learning technologies.
Dr James Ohene-Djan is currently conducting research in collaboration with the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, Deafax UK . James Ohene-Djan is a Trustee/Director of AACT.(Access-Ability Communications Technology) for Children: ACCT is a registered charity that Enables children, young people and adults with aphasia, autism, deafblindness, dyslexia, dysphasia, dyspraxia, dysphonia and dysgraphia to improve their speech, language and communications through the use of Information and Communication Technology.
I have recently submitted proposals for several grants to continue this work.