Dr Lance Putnam

Lance is a composer and researcher, interested in generative art, digital sound synthesis and media signal processing.

Staff details

Dr Lance Putnam


Research Associate




L.Putnam (@gold.ac.uk)

Lance Putnam is a composer and researcher with interest in generative art, audiovisual synthesis, digital sound synthesis and media signal processing.

His work explores questions concerning the relationships between sound and graphics, symmetry in art and science, and motion as a spatiotemporal concept. He holds a BSc in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, and an MA in Electronic Music & Sound Design and a PhD in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California.

As a Research Associate in Goldsmiths' Digital Creativity Labs, Lance is currently investigating new approaches to procedural art, working primarily with Professor William Latham and Visiting Professor Stephen Todd.

Publications and research outputs


Conference or Workshop Item

Professional Activity

