Dr Lance Putnam
Lance is a composer and researcher, interested in generative art, digital sound synthesis and media signal processing.
Staff details
Lance Putnam is a composer and researcher with interest in generative art, audiovisual synthesis, digital sound synthesis and media signal processing.
His work explores questions concerning the relationships between sound and graphics, symmetry in art and science, and motion as a spatiotemporal concept. He holds a BSc in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, and an MA in Electronic Music & Sound Design and a PhD in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California.
As a Research Associate in Goldsmiths' Digital Creativity Labs, Lance is currently investigating new approaches to procedural art, working primarily with Professor William Latham and Visiting Professor Stephen Todd.
Publications and research outputs
- Exhibiting Mutator VR: Procedural Art Evolves to Virtual Reality Latham, William; Todd, Stephen; Todd, Peter and Putnam, Lance. 2021. Exhibiting Mutator VR: Procedural Art Evolves to Virtual Reality. Leonardo, 54(3), pp. 274-281. ISSN 0024-094X
- Flow Fields and Agents for Immersive Interaction in Mutator VR: Vortex Putnam, Lance; Latham, William and Todd, Stephen. 2018. Flow Fields and Agents for Immersive Interaction in Mutator VR: Vortex. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 26(2), pp. 138-156. ISSN 1054-7460
Conference or Workshop Item
- Abstract Shape Synthesis From Linear Combinations of Clelia Curves Putnam, Lance; Todd, Stephen and Latham, William. 2019. 'Abstract Shape Synthesis From Linear Combinations of Clelia Curves'. In: ACM/EG Expressive Symposium 2019. Genoa, Italy 5-6 May 2019.
- Mutator VR: Vortex Artwork and Science Pedagogy Adaptations Putnam, Lance; Todd, Stephen; Latham, William and Williams, Duncan. 2019. 'Mutator VR: Vortex Artwork and Science Pedagogy Adaptations'. In: ACM/EG Expressive Symposium 2019 - Posters, Demos, and Artworks. Genoa, Italy 5-6 May 2019.
- Audiovisual Art in VR Workshop Putnam, Lance. 2016. 'Audiovisual Art in VR Workshop'. In: Virtual Worlds Symposium. East Gallery.
Professional Activity
- VR Workshop with Art and Technology, AAU Putnam, Lance. 2017. VR Workshop with Art and Technology, AAU.
- Research Trip to Media Arts and Technology Program and AlloSphere and talk "On Space Curves as a Substrate for Audiovisual Synthesis and Composition" Putnam, Lance. 2017. Research Trip to Media Arts and Technology Program and AlloSphere and talk "On Space Curves as a Substrate for Audiovisual Synthesis and Composition".
- Mutator VR Latham, William; Todd, Stephen; Putnam, Lance; Todd, Peter and Leymarie, Frederic Fol. 2016 - 2020 Mutator VR.
- Mutator VR at Centre Pompidou, Paris Latham, William; Todd, Stephen; Todd, Peter and Putnam, Lance. 2020. Mutator VR at Centre Pompidou, Paris. In: "Neurones, les intelligences simulées", Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 26 February - 20 April 2020.
- Formscape VR at ID Art:Tech, Saint Petersburg Latham, William and Putnam, Lance. 2019. Formscape VR at ID Art:Tech, Saint Petersburg. In: "CYFEST-12: ID: International Festival of Media Art", Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 13 – 24 November 2019.
- Mutator VR at Kinninji Buddhist Temple Latham, William and Putnam, Lance. 2019. Mutator VR at Kinninji Buddhist Temple. In: "KyotoU-Goldsmiths Art & Science International Symposium: "Art Innovation"", Kinninji Buddhist Temple, Kyoto, Japan, 14 - 28 March 2019.