Vahid Rafe

Vahid's research interests are more related to Search based Software Engineering and Blockchain Technology

Staff details

Vahid Rafe






v.rafe (

Vahid is a Lecturer in Computing and the co-program lead for the computer science program.
Vahid received his PhD, MSc and BSc all in software engineering from Iran university of science and technology in 2002,2004 and 2009, respectively. I was also a visiting researcher at Politecnico di milano.
As part of my job, I have been also involved in many research activities and industrial projects. I have published more than 100 research papers in reputable journals and conferences. My research interests are more related to Formal Specification and Verification, Search based Software Engineering, Model Transformation and Refinement, Computer Security and Blockchain technology. I have also supervised more than 100 masters and several PhDs.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in computer science- software engineering 2009
  • MSc in computer science- software engineering 2004
  • BSc in computer science- software engineering 2002

Publications and research outputs
