- On providing semantic alignment and unified access to music library metadata Weigl, David M.; Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim; Knopke, Ian and Page, Kevin R.. 2017. On providing semantic alignment and unified access to music library metadata. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 20(1), pp. 25-47. ISSN 1432-5012
- Instrumental idiom in the 16th century: embellishment patterns in arrangements of vocal music Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2016. Instrumental idiom in the 16th century: embellishment patterns in arrangements of vocal music. Proceedings of the 17th conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, pp. 524-530.
- Music Encoding Initiative (Digital and Multimedia Scholarship) Crawford, Tim and Lewis, Richard. 2016. Music Encoding Initiative (Digital and Multimedia Scholarship). Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69(1), pp. 273-285. ISSN 0003-0139
- Exploring information retrieval, semantic technologies and workflows for music scholarship: the Transforming Musicology project Lewis, Richard; Crawford, Tim and Lewis, David. 2015. Exploring information retrieval, semantic technologies and workflows for music scholarship: the Transforming Musicology project. Early Music, 43(4), pp. 635-647. ISSN 0306-1078
- Breathy, Resonant, Pressed - Automatic Detection Of Phonation Mode From Audio Recordings of Singing Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Wiggins, Geraint. 2013. Breathy, Resonant, Pressed - Automatic Detection Of Phonation Mode From Audio Recordings of Singing. Journal of New Music Research, 42(2), pp. 171-186. ISSN 0929-8215
- An e-Research approach to Web-scale music analysis. De Roure, David; Page, Kevin R.; Fields, Ben; Crawford, Tim; Downie, J. Stephen and Fujinaga, Ichiro. 2011. An e-Research approach to Web-scale music analysis. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 369(1949), pp. 3300-3317. ISSN 1364-503X
- Investigating music collections at different scales with AudioDB Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim; Casey, Michael A. and d'Inverno, Mark. 2010. Investigating music collections at different scales with AudioDB. Journal of New Music Research, 39(4), pp. 337-348. ISSN 0929-8215
- Silvius Leopold Weiss and the Dresden and London Manuscripts of His Music Crawford, Tim. 2009. Silvius Leopold Weiss and the Dresden and London Manuscripts of His Music. Journal of the Lute Society of America, 39, pp. 1-64. ISSN 0076-1526
- Automatic Location and Measurement of Ornaments in Audio Recordings Casey, Michael A. and Crawford, Tim. 2004. Automatic Location and Measurement of Ornaments in Audio Recordings. International Conference on Music Information Retrieval,
- Polyphonic Score Retrieval Using Polyphonic Audio Queries: A Harmonic Modeling Approach Pickens, Jeremy; Bello, Juan Pablo; Monti, Giuliano; Sandler, Mark; Crawford, Tim and Dovey, Matthew. 2003. Polyphonic Score Retrieval Using Polyphonic Audio Queries: A Harmonic Modeling Approach. Journal of New Music Research, 32(2), pp. 223-236. ISSN 09298215
Prof Tim Crawford
Tim has research interests in computational approaches to musicology and music history from the 16th to 18th centuries.
Staff details

Professorial Research Fellow in Computational Musicology
t.crawford (@gold.ac.uk)
Professor Tim Crawford worked for 15 years as a professional musician before becoming an academic.
Beginning in the 1990s at King’s College, University of London, where he worked in the Music Department and with the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, he has been involved with the use of computers in the service of musicology.
He set up an international project in music information retrieval, Online Music Searching And Retrieval (OMRAS) and established the Electronic Corpus of Lute Music, which has received funding from the AHRC.
He is currently Principal Investigator of the AHRC Digital Transformations project Transforming Musicology, involving over 15 researchers and three PhD students at Goldsmiths, Oxford, Queen Mary, Lancaster and Utrecht universities. His latest project, also funded by the AHRC, is Learn To Play, which uses machine-learning technology and the experience of working with historical music to grade pieces for online learning and to generate exercises to help students with their instrumental practice.
Publications and research outputs
Edited Book
- Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750): Sämtliche Were für Laute, vol. 10 (transcription) Crawford, Tim, ed. 2011. Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750): Sämtliche Were für Laute, vol. 10 (transcription). Cassel, Germany: Das Erbe deutscher Musik, Sonderreihe, Bände 16, Bärenreiter Verlag. ISBN 9790006018079
Book Section
- Luise Gottsched: Lute-playing heroine of her Age Crawford, Tim. 2022. Luise Gottsched: Lute-playing heroine of her Age. In: Andreas Schlegel, ed. ... in der verlorene Paradies: Festschrift in memoriam Annette Otterstedt. Menziken, Switzerland: The Lute Corner, pp. 224-279. ISBN 9783952323243
- Dimensionality Reduction in Harmonic Modeling for Music Information Retrieval Crawford, Tim; Pickens, J. and Wiggins, Geraint. 2006. Dimensionality Reduction in Harmonic Modeling for Music Information Retrieval. In: Richard Kronland-Martinet; Thierry Voinier and Sylvi Ystad, eds. Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 233-248. ISBN 03029743
- A digital corpus for exploring the lute music of John Dowland (1563-1626) Crawford, Tim. 2025. A digital corpus for exploring the lute music of John Dowland (1563-1626). Journal of New Music Research, ISSN 0929-8215
- Silvius Leopold Weiss and the Improvised Prelude Crawford, Tim. 2020. Silvius Leopold Weiss and the Improvised Prelude. Journal of the Lute Society fo America, 53, pp. 105-144. ISSN 0076-1524
- Searching for musical features using natural language queries: the C@merata evaluations at MediaEval Sutcliffe, Richard; Hovy, Eduard; Collins, Tom; Wan, Stephen; Crawford, Tim and Root, Deane. 2019. Searching for musical features using natural language queries: the C@merata evaluations at MediaEval. Language Resources and Evaluation, 53(1), pp. 87-140. ISSN 1574-020X
Conference or Workshop Item
- Pragmatic Digital Musicology Crawford, Tim and Lewis, David. 2024. 'Pragmatic Digital Musicology'. In: Algomus seminar (invited talk). Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille (Cristal), Lille University, France 19 February 2024.
- ECOLM and Lute Tablature Cannam, Chris; Lewis, David and Crawford, Tim. 2023. 'ECOLM and Lute Tablature'. In: 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2023). Milan, Italy 10 November 2023.
- Exploring early vocal music and its lute arrangements: Using F-TEMPO as a musicological tool Crawford, Tim; Lewis, David and Porter, Alastair. 2023. 'Exploring early vocal music and its lute arrangements: Using F-TEMPO as a musicological tool'. In: 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2023). Milan, Italy 10 November 2023.
- Transcription of the Dresden Manuscript of the lute works of S. L. Weiss (1687-1750), Parts 1 and 2 Crawford, Tim. 2007. Transcription of the Dresden Manuscript of the lute works of S. L. Weiss (1687-1750), Parts 1 and 2. Other. Baerenreiter.
- Facsimile and introductory study of the Dresden Manuscript of lute works by S. L. Weiss, Parts 1 and 2 Crawford, Tim. 2002. Facsimile and introductory study of the Dresden Manuscript of lute works by S. L. Weiss, Parts 1 and 2. Other. Baerenreiter.
Research Interests
- Computational approaches to musicology
- Music history, especially of the 16th to 18th centuries
- Music for the western lute
- Musical performances on record