- Search strategy formulation for systematic reviews: Issues, challenges and opportunities MacFarlane, Andrew; Russell-Rose, Tony and Shokraneh, Farhad. 2022. Search strategy formulation for systematic reviews: Issues, challenges and opportunities. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 15, 200091. ISSN 2667-3053
- Interactive query expansion for professional search applications Russell-Rose, Tony; Gooch, Philip and Kruschwitz, Udo. 2021. Interactive query expansion for professional search applications. Business Information Review, 38(3), pp. 127-137. ISSN 0266-3821
- Technological solutions for reproducibility and “showing of work”: a response to “Redundancy of Terms Is Not an Error but Plays a Positive Role in Composing Search Strategies” Russell-Rose, Tony. 2020. Technological solutions for reproducibility and “showing of work”: a response to “Redundancy of Terms Is Not an Error but Plays a Positive Role in Composing Search Strategies”. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 108(3), pp. 498-499. ISSN 1536-5050
- Lessons from COVID-19 to Future Evidence Synthesis Efforts: First Living Search Strategy and Out of Date Scientific Publishing and Indexing Industry Shokraneh, Farhad and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2020. Lessons from COVID-19 to Future Evidence Synthesis Efforts: First Living Search Strategy and Out of Date Scientific Publishing and Indexing Industry. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 123, pp. 171-173. ISSN 0895-4356
- Designing the Structured Search Experience: Rethinking the Query-Builder Paradigm Russell-Rose, Tony and Shokraneh, Farhad. 2020. Designing the Structured Search Experience: Rethinking the Query-Builder Paradigm. Weave: Journal of Library User Experience, 3(1), ISSN 2333-3316
- First International Workshop on Professional Search Verberne, Suzan; He, Jiyin; Kruschwitz, Udo; Wiggers, Gineke; Larsen, Birger; Russell-Rose, Tony and de Vries, Arjen. 2019. First International Workshop on Professional Search. ACM SIGIR Forum, 52(1), pp. 153-162. ISSN 0163-5840
- Information retrieval in the workplace: A comparison of professional search practices Russell-Rose, Tony; Chamberlain, Jon and Azzopardi, Leif. 2018. Information retrieval in the workplace: A comparison of professional search practices. Information Processing & Management, 54(6), pp. 1042-1057. ISSN 0306-4573
- Expert search strategies: the information retrieval practices of healthcare information professionals Russell-Rose, Tony and Chamberlain, Jon. 2017. Expert search strategies: the information retrieval practices of healthcare information professionals. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(4), e33. ISSN 2291-9694
- Searching for talent: The information retrieval challenges of recruitment professionals Russell-Rose, Tony and Chamberlain, Jon. 2016. Searching for talent: The information retrieval challenges of recruitment professionals. Business Information Review, 33(1), pp. 40-48. ISSN 0266-3821
- An ontological approach to modelling tasks and goals Fox, John; Alabassi, Alyssa; Patkar, Vivek; Russell-Rose, Tony and Black, Elizabeth. 2006. An ontological approach to modelling tasks and goals. Computers in biology and Medicine, 36(7-8), pp. 837-856. ISSN 0010-4825
- Usability Testing using Paper Prototypes Russell-Rose, Tony and Oettinger, Ayelet. 2005. Usability Testing using Paper Prototypes. Interfaces(64), pp. 20-22. ISSN 1351-119X
- Rcv1: A new benchmark collection for text categorization research Lewis, David D; Yang, Yiming; Russell-Rose, Tony and Li, Fan. 2004. Rcv1: A new benchmark collection for text categorization research. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5(Apr), pp. 361-397. ISSN 1532-4435
- A natural language system for retrieval of captioned images Elworthy, David; Russell-Rose, Tony; Clare, Amanda and Kotcheff, Aaron. 2001. A natural language system for retrieval of captioned images. Natural Language Engineering, 7(2), pp. 117-142. ISSN 1351-3249
- CS-Web: A Lightweight Summarizer for HTML Russell-Rose, Tony and Wrigley, Ave. 1999. CS-Web: A Lightweight Summarizer for HTML. The Perl Journal,
Dr Tony Russell-Rose
Tony's research focuses on the intersection of natural language processing, information retrieval and user experience.
Staff details
Tony Russell-Rose began his career with a PhD investigating the use of statistical and knowledge-based language modelling to improve the accuracy of handwriting recognition systems. He was then awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship at HP Labs working on speech recognition interfaces and a further fellowship at BT Labs working on intelligent agents for information retrieval.
He then joined Canon Research Centre Europe as Senior Research Scientist, where he was promoted to Head of Information Retrieval R&D. He was then appointed Leader of Language Technology at Reuters, where he established a global centre of excellence for NLP. After a period heading up software development at the Advanced Computation Lab of CR-UK, he was approached by Oracle to lead their European UX practice. He is now Director of UXLabs and also Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor at Essex University.
He was promoted to Reader in Computer Science in September 2022.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Computer Science, Nottingham Trent University
- MSc Cognition, Computing & Psychology, Warwick University
- BEng (2:1) Production Engineering & Production Management, Nottingham University
Teaching and supervision
- Human-computer interaction & user experience
- AI and natural language processing
- Search & information retrieval
Research interests
Tony's research interests centre on human information interaction; in particular the challenges involved in understanding and modelling the context in which people interact with information and social systems and in developing novel interaction metaphors and technologies that apply that understanding.
His approach combines theory with experimentation, in analyzing existing practices, building novel interactive technologies and systems, and studying their impact on real users in naturalistic settings. Much of his recent work has focussed on the challenges involved in searching, navigating and sense-making within complex information spaces. This has three primary facets:
- investigation of novel NLP methods for extracting structure and meaning from unstructured information sources
- development of new interaction and visualisation techniques for exploring complex information spaces
- empirical studies of human information-seeking behaviour, in particular the user experience of exploratory search and knowledge discovery applications.
Tony has ongoing research collaborations with a variety of organisations, including City University’s School of Informatics, Essex University’s NLP group, Glasgow University’s Information Retrieval group and Sheffield University’s Information Retrieval group.
Publications and research outputs
Book Section
- Mining search logs for usage patterns Russell-Rose, Tony and Clough, Pauk. 2015. Mining search logs for usage patterns. In: Markus Hofmann and Andrew Chisholm, eds. Text Mining and Visualization: Case Studies using Open-Source Tools. 40 Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, pp. 153-172. ISBN 9781482237573
- Designing the Search Experience Russell-Rose, Tony and Tate, Tyler. 2013. Designing the Search Experience. In: Tony Russell-Rose and Tyler Tate, eds. Designing the Search Experience. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 23-45. ISBN 9780123969811
- The Role of Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval: Searching for Meaning and Structure Russell-Rose, Tony and Stevenson, Mark. 2009. The Role of Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval: Searching for Meaning and Structure. In: A. Göker and J. Davies, eds. Information Retrieval: Searching in the 21st Century. Wiley, pp. 215-232. ISBN 9780470027622
- An evaluation of a visual interface for supporting query formulation in scholarly searching Svarre, Tanja and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2024. An evaluation of a visual interface for supporting query formulation in scholarly searching. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, ISSN 0961-0006
- Crisis talk: analysis of the public debate around the energy crisis and cost of living Panchendrarajan, Rrubaa; Popova, Gergana and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2024. Crisis talk: analysis of the public debate around the energy crisis and cost of living. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14, 74. ISSN 1869-5450
- Think outside the search box: A comparative study of visual and form-based query builders Svarre, Tanja and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2022. Think outside the search box: A comparative study of visual and form-based query builders. Journal of Information Science, ISSN 0165-5515
Conference or Workshop Item
- Exploring Deceptive Patterns: Insights from Eye Tracking, EMG and Sentiment Analysis Jamalifard, Marzieh; Russell-Rose, Tony and Brignull, Harry. 2024. 'Exploring Deceptive Patterns: Insights from Eye Tracking, EMG and Sentiment Analysis'. In: 37th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference. University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom 15 - 17 July 2024.
- A Cognitive Theoretical Approach of Rhetorical News Analysis Sami, Ishrat; Russell-Rose, Tony and Soldatova, Larisa. 2023. 'A Cognitive Theoretical Approach of Rhetorical News Analysis'. In: Text2Story - Sixth Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts held in conjunction with the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023). Dublin, Ireland 2 April 2023.
- A Prototype “Debugger” for Search Strategies Zang, Jingfan and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2023. 'A Prototype “Debugger” for Search Strategies'. In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR ’23). Austin, Texas, United States 19 - 23 March 2023.
- HTML::Summary - module for generating a summary from a web page Wrigley, Ave; Russell-Rose, Tony and Bowers, Neil. 1999. HTML::Summary - module for generating a summary from a web page.
- Apparatus and a method for facilitating searching Kotcheff, Aaron; Russell-Rose, Tony; Canon Inc. 2007. Apparatus and a method for facilitating searching. EP1207465A2.
- Data display apparatus and data display method Russell-Rose, Tony; Canon Inc. 2006. Data display apparatus and data display method. US-7028050-B1.
- Information retrieval system and method that generates weighted comparison results to analyze the degree of dissimilarity between a reference corpus and a candidate document Wyard, Peter J; Russell-Rose, Tony; British Telecommunications PLC 2000. Information retrieval system and method that generates weighted comparison results to analyze the degree of dissimilarity between a reference corpus and a candidate document. US6167398.
Professional projects
Tony is founder of 2Dsearch, a start-up applying artificial intelligence, natural language processing and data visualisation to create the next generation of professional search tools. He is also director of UXLabs, a research and design consultancy specialising in complex information-centric applications.
Tony is currently Vice-chair of the BCS Information Retrieval Group and Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor of Cognitive Computing and AI at Essex University. He has previously served as chair of the CIEHF Human-Computer Interaction group, and Honorary Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design, City University, London.