Notice and Takedown Procedure

Goldsmiths acts in good faith when making materials available on its website. Nonetheless we acknowledge that mistakes may occur and problems may arise.

Primary page content

If you are concerned that the use of any materials on Goldsmiths’ website:

  • Infringes your copyright or other intellectual property rights
  • Contravenes privacy or data protection laws
  • Is obscene or defamatory
  • Is inaccurate

Or you have any other concerns or issues, please contact us at: cmr (

Please state that you are writing pursuant to Goldsmiths’ Notice and Takedown Procedure, and include the following information:

  • Contact details, including email address
  • A full description of the materials in question, including the exact URL for the web page(s)
  • Precise details of the nature of your complaint, including whether it relates to: copyright or other intellectual property rights; privacy or data protection; obscenity; defamation; accuracy; etc
  • If the request relates to copyright or other intellectual property rights, please provide proof that you are the rights holder or their authorised representative

Upon receipt of a complaint the following Notice and Takedown Procedure will be adopted:

  1. Goldsmiths will acknowledge receipt of the initial complaint by email within 2 working days.
  2. An initial assessment will be made of the validity and plausibility of the complaint.
  3. If the initial complaint lacks sufficient detail or is otherwise invalid, Goldsmiths will notify you of this by email within 2 working days and invite you to remedy this.
  4. If the initial complaint is felt to be manifestly implausible Goldsmiths will notify you of this by email within 14 working days.
  5. If the initial complaint appears to be potentially valid and plausible the materials in question will be temporarily removed from the Goldsmiths website.
  6. Goldsmiths will then investigate the complaint in detail and come to a final decision within 14 working days.
  7. If the complaint is felt to be justified, the materials will be permanently removed from the website. If the complaint is not felt to be justified the materials may be restored to the website.
  8. The outcome of this investigation will be communicated to you by email within 14 working days of the investigation being completed.

NB: for the purposes of this Notice and Takedown Procedure, working days are taken to be Mondays to Fridays (inclusive) apart from public holidays in England and other days when Goldsmiths is officially closed for business.