Ruby Hoette
Ruby is a designer/researcher exploring fashion in context. Her work unpicks and reconfigures relationships between garment and system, theory and practice.
Staff details

Senior Lecturer/Programme Lead MA Design Expanded Practice
r.hoette (
Ruby Hoette is a designer/researcher seeking to expand what constitutes ‘fashion practice’ through critical and experimental approaches. Her work proposes alternate modes of engaging with and producing fashion by framing the garment as a unique artefact carrying traces of social, cultural and economic interactions and transactions.
Ruby holds a BA from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (NL) and an MFA from Parsons, The New School (USA). Ruby teaches on MA Design Expanded Practice and is a third-year tutor on BA Design
Publications and research outputs
- Unfolding Inter-local Practice Hoette, Ruby and Stevenson, Caroline. 2021. Unfolding Inter-local Practice. In: "MODUS Hosts: CAULFIELD—SRIKLAD", Onomatopee Projects, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 16 October - 19 December 2021.
- MODUS: Conversations Hoette, Ruby and Stevenson, Caroline. 2020. MODUS: Conversations. In: "MODUS: Conversations", Onomatopee's online clubhouse, Netherlands, 21 - 23 October 2020.
- MODUS: Annotated Hoette, Ruby and Stevenson, Caroline. 2019. MODUS: Annotated. In: "MODUS: Annotated", Onomatopee Projects, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 19 October 2019 - 26 January 2020.
Conference or Workshop Item
- Conversation Pieces #1, #2 and #3 Hoette, Ruby. 2017. 'Conversation Pieces #1, #2 and #3'. In: Fashion Research Network Interdisciplinary Symposium and Exhibition - Friday 8th September 2017. Coventry University - London Campus, United Kingdom 8 September 2017.
- Workshop – Unpicking the Fashion System Hoette, Ruby and Prime, Sian. 2017. 'Workshop – Unpicking the Fashion System'. In: Moda Desobediente: First international meeting on critical fashion practices. Santiago Museum of Contemporary Art, Chile 13-16 June 2017.
- Conversation Pieces #2 and #3 Hoette, Ruby. 2017. 'Conversation Pieces #2 and #3'. In: Everything and Everybody as Material: beyond fashion design methods. Borås, Sweden.
- Rely on unpaid interns and fashion will fall apart at the seams Hoette, Ruby and Prime, Sian. 2014. Rely on unpaid interns and fashion will fall apart at the seams. The Conversation,
Book Section
- Unpicking the Fashion System – Practice as Research Hoette, Ruby. 2017. Unpicking the Fashion System – Practice as Research. In: Kate Fletcher and Ingun Grimstad Klepp, eds. Opening Up the Wardrobe: A Methods Book. Oslo: Novus Press. ISBN 978-82-7099-893-7
- Conversation Piece #1 Hoette, Ruby. 2016. Conversation Piece #1. In: Femke de Vries, ed. Dictionary Dressings. Eindhoven: Onomatopee, pp. 309-327. ISBN 978-94-91677-60-1
- MODUS: Online Network Hoette, Ruby; Stevenson, Caroline and Brauchli, Roland. 2019. MODUS: Online Network.
Edited Book
- MODUS Hoette, Ruby and Stevenson, Caroline, eds. 2018. MODUS. Eindhoven: Onomatopee. ISBN 9789491677991
Professional Activity
- Member of External Board: Austrian Center for Fashion Research Hoette, Ruby. 2017. Member of External Board: Austrian Center for Fashion Research.
- External Examiner: Swedish School of Textiles - University of Borås Hoette, Ruby. External Examiner: Swedish School of Textiles - University of Borås.
- External Examiner: ArtEZ University of the Arts Hoette, Ruby. External Examiner: ArtEZ University of the Arts.
- Patternmapping Hoette, Ruby. 2019 - ongoing Patternmapping.
- MODUS – a platform for expanded fashion practice Hoette, Ruby and Stevenson, Caroline. 2018. MODUS – a platform for expanded fashion practice.
- Unpicking the Fashion System Hoette, Ruby. 2013. Unpicking the Fashion System.