PhD students
In this section
Katarina Dimitrijevic
PhD student
Thesis title: Visualising Plastic Ocean Pollution: Designing Waste Ontologies
Nicola Gray
PhD student
Thesis title: Design Graduates in Transition: first role as a graduate in a design agency
Tom Keene
PhD student
Thesis title: The housing database made visible: An artist and activist led investigation into the relational machine, aspiration, and urban regeneration
Liliana Ovalle
PhD student
Thesis title: Material Dialogues: Ludic engagement with indigenous communities through craft practices
Sarah Pennington
PhD student
Thesis title: Curating issues of concern: mediating critically engaged design
Tobias Revell
PhD student
Thesis title: Mythologies of Connected Objects: Designing animate things
Scott Robinson
PhD student
Thesis title: Locating Stories: Designing participatory, locative and embodied experiences with people, objects and sounds.
Roselind Sinclair
PhD student
Thesis title: Dorcas Stories (Practice-led design research)
Michael Thompson
PhD student
Thesis title: The fat made us do it: Deciphering the logic of Fatberg engagement events
David Chatting
PhD student
Thesis title: A Network of One’s Own: struggles to domesticate the Internet
Nina Cutler
PhD Student
Thesis title: Future farmscapes: regenerative agriculture, cosmopolitics, speculation and co-design
Rebecca (Becca Rose) Glowacki
PhD student
Thesis title: Learning on the Edges: investigating arts based approaches to computing from non-formal learning contexts.
Tom Critchley
PhD student
Thesis Title: Humanitarian Infrastructuring