Dr Arianna Autieri

Staff details

Dr Arianna Autieri


Lecturer in Translation Studies


English and Creative Writing


A.Autieri (@gold.ac.uk)

Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups

Arianna's research interests include translation theory and practice, experimental translation, music and James Joyce.

Arianna is a Lecturer in Translation Studies and Deputy Programme Coordinator of the MA in Translation

Academic qualifications

  • PGA in Interdisciplinary Pedagogy (University of Warwick) 2023
  • PhD, Translation Studies (University of Warwick) 2022
  • Associate Fellow Advance HE (Pedagogy) 2021
  • MA - European and Extraeureopean Languages and Literature (literary translation) (University of Milan) 2017
  • BA - Music - Classical Guitar (Conservatorio G. Verdi, Milan) 2015
  • BA Foreign Languages and Literature (English and Spanish) (University of Milan) 2013

Teaching and supervision

Arianna was appointed Lecturer in Translation Studies in 2023. Before joining Goldsmiths, she held a position at the University of Warwick, where she was engaged in Translation Studies and interdisciplinary teaching and research.

Alhussien Elhishani: "The Treatment of Gastronomic Culture-Specific items in literary translation: A Farewell to Arms in Arabic"


Research interests

In her research Arianna is studying the translation experiences of selected modernist and postmodernist experimental writers. She is also interested in investigating how, in these contexts, unconventional approaches to literary translation practice which treat translation as a type of experimental writing itself and as an interpretive activity have been essential for the development of new literary styles.

In her past research Arianna studied how the translation act can serve as a critical tool for understanding the “music” of Joyce’s “Sirens”, which Joyce claimed to have written adopting the musical technique of the “fuga per canonem” (JJ, 462). Arianna’s translation professional practice is deeply connected to her research, and her study has given rise to her “experimental translation” (Scott 2012, 2018) of “Sirens” into Italian. Her monograph, 'James Joyce’s Music Performed: the ‘Sirens’ fugue in Experimental Re-Translation', which includes her experimental translation of Joyce’s “Sirens” into Italian, is forthcoming with Legenda in 2024.

Arianna has published several articles on translation, Joyce, and music; her "100 years of ‘Sirens’ songs. Musical allusions in the Italian Ulysses-es”, is forthcoming in the collection of essays arising from the Centenary James Joyce Symposium (Dublin 2022), edited by Tim Conley, Valérie Bénéjam, and Sam Slote. For her translation of "Sirens", Arianna was awarded a Friends of the Zürich James Joyce Foundation Scholarship in 2020; her translation, forthcoming with Legenda, has also been part of the Ulysses von 100 Seiten exhibition at the Strauhof Museum in Zürich in 2022.

Grants and awards

CADRE (Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence at Warwick)

2021: The International James Joyce Foundation Scholarship

2020: The Friends of the Zürich James Joyce Foundation Scholarship (The Zürich James Joyce Foundation)

2020: HRC (Humanities Research Centre at the University of Warwick) Doctoral Fellowship Competition

2020: HRF (Humanities Research Fund at the University of Warwick)

2019: Giorgio Melchiori Grant

2019: Trieste Joyce School scholarship

Publications and research outputs

Art Object

Autieri, Arianna. 2022. Extract. Translation of James Joyce's "Sirens" into Italian.


Autieri, Arianna and Niskanen, Lauri. 2024. “Translating the “Sirens” songs in James Joyce’s Ulysses. Studia Translatorica, 15, ISSN 2084-3321

Niskanen, Lauri and Autieri, Arianna. 2024. The Genosong and Phenosong of the “Sirens”: The Finnish, Swedish, and Italian (Re)Translations of the Musical Prose of ‘Sirens’. James Joyce Quarterly, ISSN 0021-4183

Autieri, Arianna. 2022. Review of Margherita Zanoletti, eds., Noonuccal Oodgeroo. My People/La mia gente. (Milano: Mimesis, 2021). Anglistica AION: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 24(2), pp. 129-131. ISSN 2035-8504


Autieri, Arianna. 2025. James Joyce’s Music Performed: “Sirens” fugue in Experimental Re-translation. Cambridge: Legenda.

Conference or Workshop Item

Autieri, Arianna. 2023. 'Interdisciplinary Joyce: Prisms, Translations and Experimentations'. In: The XVI James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference. “Prismatic Joyce”. Rome, Italy 31 January - 2 February 2024.

Autieri, Arianna. 2023. 'Translating or performing? Joyce’s fugue in experimental translation'. In: Experiential Translation Network. Online Seminar. Online, United Kingdom 22 March 2024.

Autieri, Arianna. 2023. 'Translation and Globalization'. In: Global Connections: A Transdisciplinary Approach. University of Warwick, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL), United Kingdom.


Autieri, Arianna. 2023. On Curatorship - Hans Ulrich Obrist [Translation].


Autieri, Arianna. 2024. Chapman, Tim and Tania Nascimento. "Giustizia Riparativa. Principi e Pratiche. Corso base." Translated by Arianna Autieri. Carrocci, Rome.

Autieri, Arianna. 2024. Chandra Livia Candiani. 5 poems from "La Bambina Pugile ovvero la precisione dell'amore" (2014 Giulio Einaudi), translated by Arianna Autieri. Il Pietrisco. Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies.

Autieri, Arianna and Spear, Charlotte. 2023. Pirandello, Luigi. “The Luck to Be a Horse” (“Fortuna d’esser cavallo”), tr. Arianna Autieri and Charlotte Spear. In Stories for a Year, eds. Lisa Sarti and Michael Subialka. Digital Edition, www.pirandellointranslation.org.

Professional projects

Arianna is a translator for the PirandelloinTranslation.org project and for Institution Lab


Arianna has co-organised several impact events on literary translation, including a conference entitled “Breaking down the walls of Babel: dialogues in translation. An interdisciplinary conference” , funded by the Humanities Research Centre at Warwick; a translation industry event, entitled “Breaking the glass ceiling: women in translation in dialogue”, organised in collaboration with the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation and funded by the Arts Impact Fund at Warwick; and a translation workshop for translation professionals and academics, entitled “Assessment of Quality in (Re)translating Musicalized Prose: A Case Study on the Finnish, Swedish, and Italian (Re)translations of the ‘Sirens’ Episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses”, in the context of KäTu XVIII Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Studies”.

Arianna is also a classical guitar performer. She founded the classical guitar duo “Duomo” with Lorenzo Paparazzo in 2016.