Dr Tom Lee

Tom is a short story writer, novelist and memoirist.

Staff details

Dr Tom Lee


Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing


English and Creative Writing


tom.lee (@gold.ac.uk)

Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups

Tom Lee is the author of a memoir, The Bullet (Granta, 2024), a novel, The Alarming Palsy of James Orr (Granta, 2017), and a collection of short stories, Greenfly (Harvill Secker, 2008). His stories, memoir and journalism have appeared in The Guardian, The Sunday Times, Esquire, The Telegraph, and Granta Magazine in the UK, The Dublin Review in Ireland and in Francis Ford Coppola’s Zoetrope All Story and The Paris Review in the United States, among others. His work has received the Royal Society of Literature’s Brookleaze Grant, a Society of Author’s Award and two Arts Council Grants for the Arts Awards. In 2012 he was shortlisted for The Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award, the largest prize for a single short story in the world. He was Royal Literary Fund Fellow at the University of Greenwich from 2019 to 2022.

Tom is the convenor of the MA Creative and Life Writing and co-director of the Goldsmiths Writers' Centre.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD Creative Writing, Goldsmiths 2016
  • MA Creative and Life Writing, Goldsmiths 2002
  • BA American and English Literature, UEA 1997

Teaching and supervision

I teach tutorials and the specialist fiction workshop on the MA Creative and Life Writing. I also supervise students on the Creative Writing PhD.

Research interests

My research is focused on contemporary fiction, both novels and short stories, and memoir.

Publications and research outputs


Book Section

  • A porta enferrujada Lee, Tom. 2015. A porta enferrujada. In: Isabel Fernandes; Maria de Jesus Cabral; Teresa Casal; Alda Correia and Diana V. Almeida, eds. Contar (com) a Medicina. Portugal: Edicoes Pedago, pp. 267-285. ISBN 9789899655516




