- Tender Violence, Coercive Simplicity, Geschlecht III: An Introduction Ng, Julia and Waltham-Smith, Naomi. 2022. Tender Violence, Coercive Simplicity, Geschlecht III: An Introduction. Paragraph, 45(3), pp. 267-284. ISSN 0264-8334
- Sapphic Sociability Ng, Julia. 2022. Sapphic Sociability. diacritics (Special issue on 'Women in Theory', ed. Erin Graff Zivin), 49(2), pp. 25-32. ISSN 0300-7162
- 无人之径:本雅明、无为与资本主义批判 [No One's Way: Benjamin, Wu Wei, and the Critique of Capitalism]. (Translated by Shu Xiang, He Yuan) Ng, Julia. 2022. 无人之径:本雅明、无为与资本主义批判 [No One's Way: Benjamin, Wu Wei, and the Critique of Capitalism]. (Translated by Shu Xiang, He Yuan). Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition), 2022(4), pp. 146-160. ISSN 1000-5099
- Cartesian Empiricism Ng, Julia. 2021. Cartesian Empiricism. Syndicate Lit, ISSN 2378-1769
- Undecidability and Reversibility Ng, Julia. 2021. Undecidability and Reversibility. CR: The New Centennial Review, 21(1), pp. 11-35. ISSN 1532-687X
- Introduction: No Time for Linear Time Mieszkowski, Jan and Ng, Julia. 2021. Introduction: No Time for Linear Time. CR: The New Centennial Review, 21(1), pp. 1-10. ISSN 1532-687X
- Introduction. Symposium on Daniel Heller-Roazen, No One's Ways. Ng, Julia. 2020. Introduction. Symposium on Daniel Heller-Roazen, No One's Ways. Syndicate Lit, ISSN 2378-1769
- Theory on Theory Ng, Julia. 2020. Theory on Theory. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 28(1), pp. 169-189. ISSN 1077-4254
- Rechtsphilosophie after the War: A Commentary on §§4-6 of 'Zur Kritik der Gewalt' Ng, Julia. 2019. Rechtsphilosophie after the War: A Commentary on §§4-6 of 'Zur Kritik der Gewalt'. Critical Times: Interventions in Global Critical Theory, 2(2), pp. 239-251.
- Coffee and Donuts Ng, Julia. 2018. Coffee and Donuts. Syndicate Lit, ISSN 2378-1769
- Translation: "The One Right No One Ever Has" by Werner Hamacher. Translated from the German by Julia Ng. Ng, Julia and Hamacher, Werner. 2018. Translation: "The One Right No One Ever Has" by Werner Hamacher. Translated from the German by Julia Ng. Philosophy Today, 61(4), pp. 947-962. ISSN 0031-8256
- Now, Hamacher Ng, Julia. 2018. Now, Hamacher. Philosophy Today, 61(4), pp. 1013-1022. ISSN 0031-8256
- Acts of Time: Cohen and Benjamin on Mathematics and History. Ng, Julia. 2017. Acts of Time: Cohen and Benjamin on Mathematics and History. Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica, 1, pp. 41-60. ISSN 2035-357X
- ‘+1’: Scholem and the Paradoxes of the Infinite. Ng, Julia. 2014. ‘+1’: Scholem and the Paradoxes of the Infinite. Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio, 8(2), pp. 196-210. ISSN 2036-6728
- Walter Benjamin's and Gershom Scholem's Reading Group Around Hermann Cohen's Kants Theorie der Erfahrung in 1918: An Introduction Ng, Julia. 2012. Walter Benjamin's and Gershom Scholem's Reading Group Around Hermann Cohen's Kants Theorie der Erfahrung in 1918: An Introduction. Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, and the Marburg School, Special Issue of the Modern Language Notes: German Issue, 127(3), pp. 433-439. ISSN 0026-7910
- “Über Kant / On Kant” and “Gegen die metaphysische Erörterung des Raumes / Against the metaphysical exposition of space,” by Gershom Scholem. Edited, annotated, translated, and with a critical introduction by Julia Ng Ng, Julia. 2012. “Über Kant / On Kant” and “Gegen die metaphysische Erörterung des Raumes / Against the metaphysical exposition of space,” by Gershom Scholem. Edited, annotated, translated, and with a critical introduction by Julia Ng. Modern Language Notes: German Issue, 127(3), pp. 440-461. ISSN 0026-7910
- Introduction to the Special Issue: Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, and the Marburg School Ng, Julia and Tobias, Rochelle. 2012. Introduction to the Special Issue: Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, and the Marburg School. Modern Language Notes, 127(3), pp. 427-432. ISSN 0026-7910
- Kant's Theory of Experience at the End of the War: Scholem and Benjamin read Cohen. Ng, Julia. 2012. Kant's Theory of Experience at the End of the War: Scholem and Benjamin read Cohen. Modern Language Notes, 127(3), pp. 462-484. ISSN 0026-7910
- Each Thing a Thief: Walter Benjamin on the Agency of Objects Ng, Julia. 2011. Each Thing a Thief: Walter Benjamin on the Agency of Objects. Philosophy and Rhetoric, 44(4), pp. 382-402. ISSN 0031-8213
Dr Julia Ng
Julia specialises in the history of critical theory and the links between philosophy, literature and modern mathematics.
Staff details

Reader in Critical Theory and Co-Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought
j.ng (@gold.ac.uk)
Goldsmiths Research Centres/Groups
In AY 2023-24, Julia is on research leave, courtesy of a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship.
Julia Ng is Reader in Critical Theory and founding Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought. She specialises in the links between modern mathematics, political thought, and theories of history and language in the 20th century, particularly in the work of Walter Benjamin. She is the co-editor (with Peter Fenves) of the critical edition of Walter Benjamin's “Toward the Critique of Violence” and associated fragments (2021), which contains her new translation of the essay, as well as an edition of Werner Hamacher’s writings on Friedrich Hölderlin (2020), both published with Stanford University Press. She is also the co-editor of Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, and the Marburg School: Special Issue of the Modern Language Notes 127.3 (2012). Prior to joining Goldsmiths, she held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University.
Academic qualifications
- PhD, Comparative Literary Studies (emphasis: German Literature and Critical Thought), Northwestern University
- Joint BA/MA, Comparative Literature, University of California, Los Angeles
- BA, Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of California, Los Angeles
Teaching and supervision
Julia teaches and convenes the critical theory modules on the MA Literary Studies programme and an UG module on post-Kantian aesthetics. She also convenes the MPhil/PhD in Literary and Critical Theory.
Julia is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research interests
Julia has published widely on Benjamin's and Scholem's meta-mathematical engagements with neo-Kantianism, contemporaneous legal and political philosophy, and philosophy of history, beginning with a dossier of items recovered from the Scholem Archive and an accompanying article entitled "Kant's Theory of Experience After the War" that appeared in the special issue of MLN (127.3) she co-edited in 2012. She also contributes to the scholarship on modern Jewish political thought. Julia has written on Benjamin's critical altercations with Hermann Cohen, Leonard Nelson, and the French epistemologist and historian of science Émile Meyerson, as well as on Scholem's reception of Cantor and Bolzano, Scholem's significance for Agamben, and Benjamin's concept of justice in view of his philosophies of language and of thingly agency. A translator of Benjamin, Werner Hamacher and Friedrich Hölderlin, Julia's research is also concerned with philosophy's relation to the philological and with poetic modes of being, thinking, and acting.
Besides her study of Hölderlin's political-philosophical reception circa 1971, which served as the critical introduction to her translation of Hamacher's master's thesis Version of Meaning: A Study of Hölderlin's Late Lyric Poetry, she has written on Hölderlin's philosophy of nature and on synaesthesia in Sappho. She also contributes more broadly to literary and critical theory with work on Derrida, Agamben, Kant, Descartes, Shakespeare, Sterne, Kraus, Baudelaire, and figures of reversibility, undecidability, singularity, and the philosophical archive.
Funded by a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, Julia is currently completing a book on Daoism and Capitalism based around Benjamin and Weber’s respective images of China ancient and modern.
Julia co-chairs the Walter Benjamin Research Network and serves on the boards of the series Walter Benjamin Studies for Bloomsbury Philosophy and Critical Theory for Inschibboleth edizioni.
Featured publications
Grants and awards
British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship
Daoism and Capitalism: Early Critical Theory and the Global South (MCFSS23\230039)
British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant
Daoism and Capitalism: Chinese Modernity in the Archives of Modern German Jewish Philosophy (SRG2223\230174)
The Center for Jewish History - Fordham University Research Fellowship
“Daoism and Capitalism”
British Society for the History of Philosophy Scholarly Activity Award
“Daoism and Capitalism”
British Society of Aesthetics Small Grant
“Baudelaire and Philosophy”
2013: Charles Bernheimer Prize, American Comparative Literature Association
2012: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University
2011: Crown Family Center Fellowship for Jewish Studies, Northwestern University
2010: Josephine de Kármán Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
2009: Dissertation Year Fellowship, Northwestern University
2008: Fellowship, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2007: Trustees Merit Citation, Carter Manny Award, Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts
2007: Paris Program in Critical Theory Fellowship, Northwestern University
Publications and research outputs
Edited Book
- Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, by Walter Benjamin Ng, Julia and Fenves, Peter, eds. 2021. Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, by Walter Benjamin. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804749527
- Werner Hamacher. Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin Ng, Julia and Fenves, Peter, eds. 2020. Werner Hamacher. Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9781503611115
Edited Journal
- Singularity's -abilities: Special dossier on Samuel Weber Ng, Julia and Martel, James, eds. 2024. Singularity's -abilities: Special dossier on Samuel Weber, Modern Language Notes: Comparative Literature issue, . 0026-7910
- Special issue on 'Derrida's Geschlecht III' Ng, Julia, ed. 2022. Special issue on 'Derrida's Geschlecht III', Paragraph, 45(3). 0264-8334
- Special Issue on "Reversibility" Ng, Julia and Mieszkowski, Jan, eds. 2021. Special Issue on "Reversibility", CR: The New Centennial Review, 21(1). 1532-687X
Book Section
- 無人之徑: 本雅明、無為和資本主義批判 [Chinese translation of No One’s Way: Benjamin, wu wei, and the critique of capitalism]. Trans. He Yuan. Ng, Julia. 2022. 無人之徑: 本雅明、無為和資本主義批判 [Chinese translation of No One’s Way: Benjamin, wu wei, and the critique of capitalism]. Trans. He Yuan. In: Samuel Weber; Sha Li and Yong Zhao, eds. The Travels of Critical Theory: Between Aesthetics and Society. Beijing: Peking University Press, pp. 192-206. ISBN 9787301330326
- [Translation] Toward the Critique of Violence Ng, Julia and Benjamin, Walter. 2021. [Translation] Toward the Critique of Violence. In: Julia Ng and Peter Fenves, eds. Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, by Walter Benjamin. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, pp. 39-61. ISBN 9780804749527
- Afterword — Toward Another Critique of Violence Ng, Julia. 2021. Afterword — Toward Another Critique of Violence. In: Julia Ng and Peter Fenves, eds. Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition, by Walter Benjamin. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, pp. 113-160. ISBN 9780804749527
- Whistling Lillabullero Ng, Julia. 2024. Whistling Lillabullero. Modern Language Notes (Comparative Literature Issue), ISSN 0026-7910
- Samuel Weber at 80 Ng, Julia and Martel, James. 2024. Samuel Weber at 80. Modern Language Notes (Comparative Literature Issue), ISSN 0026-7910
- The Action of Non-Action: Walter Benjamin, Wu Wei and the Nature of Capitalism Ng, Julia. 2023. The Action of Non-Action: Walter Benjamin, Wu Wei and the Nature of Capitalism. Theory, Culture & Society (Special Issue: Against Ontology: Chinese Thought and François Jullien), 40(4–5), pp. 219-238. ISSN 0263-2764
Conference or Workshop Item
- Unlikely Possibility Ng, Julia. 2024. 'Unlikely Possibility'. In: Time and Language: An Encounter Between Philosophy and Philology. University of California, Los Angeles, United States 10 - 11 May 2024.
- Kafka's De and the Reverse of Return Ng, Julia. 2024. 'Kafka's De and the Reverse of Return'. In: Chinese Modernity in German Jewish Thought. Senate House, London, United Kingdom 3 May 2024.
- Daoism, Pluritemporality, Critique Ng, Julia. 2024. 'Daoism, Pluritemporality, Critique'. In: Experiment and Experience: A Polyphonic Seminar on the Dao of Indeterminacy. Collège International de Philosophie, France 14 March 2024.
Research projects
Daoism and Capitalism: Early Critical Theory and the Global South
British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship MCFSS23\230039
Daoism and Capitalism: Chinese Modernity in the Archives of Modern German Jewish Philosophy
British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant SRG2223\230174
Media engagements
Walter Benjamin’s Critique of Violence at 100: A Roundtable Discussion.
Panel discussion on the new critical edition of Benjamin’s “Toward the Critique of Violence" (Stanford UP, 2021), hosted by the Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
ZfL Berlin / Walter Benjamin Archiv - “Benjamin on Law”
Keynote lecture for conference on Working with Benjamin on Law, ZfL Berlin and Walter Benjamin Archiv
Forum for Philosophy/LSE - Histories of Thinking Philosophy
Julia Ng, Jonathan Rée, and Justin E H Smith interrogate familiar narratives of philosophical history and explore more diverse, plural, and sometimes contradictory accounts of philosophical thought.
Political Theory/Humboldt Universität Berlin - “Benjamin on Self-Defense and the Modern State.”
Symposium in Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Walter Benjamin’s “Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Media response: https://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-8948
ICCTP/UC Berkeley - Book Forum on Pablo Oyarzún’s Doing Justice.
Critical South Book Conversations. International Consortium for Critical Theory Programs, UC Berkeley.
Conferences and talks
“Hamlet through the Parlamonium.”
Shakespeare and the Frankfurt School. Shakespeare in Philosophy at Garrick’s Temple
[Keynote lecture] “Benjamin on Law.”
Working with Benjamin on Law, Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Walter Benjamin Archiv Berlin, International Walter Benjamin Society (15-17 July, 2021)
[Keynote lecture] “Surrealism and Catastrophe (Harnack, Auerbach, Benjamin).”
Futures of Catastrophe: Conceiving Crisis, Disaster and Prophecy from Interwar Germany to Contemporary Politics, Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven (11 December 2019)
“Ancient Mexico and Natural History: Walter Benjamin’s Transition Problem.”
Department of Philosophy Lecture Series, University of Dundee / Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy (6 November 2019)
“Phrygian Nature.”
Nature Between Politics and Metaphysics: Reassessing German Idealism and Romanticism, Department of Philosophy, University of Padua (24-25 June 2019)
“From ethnē to ethnē: notes on the emergence of a political value.”
Politics in the Age of the Double-bind: Anti-elitism and Anti-populism, School of Law, University of Kent (7 June 2019)
“As You Like It: Benjamin’s Comic Infinite.”
Walter Benjamin and Shakespeare, Kingston Shakespeare Seminar (6 April 2019)
Julia welcomes expressions of interest from students considering a PhD on any topic related to her areas of expertise.