PhD titles


Here are some of the titles of PhDs awarded to research students in the department.



Retracing Rupture: Remembering 9/11 in theory and practice

A Manifesto for Nonsense: The Futurist Drive in Deleuze’s Poetics

My father was a terrorist? A kind of memoir

Topographies of Suffering: Encountering the Holocaust in landscape, literature and memory


Suns of the Mbira: A critical exploration of the multiple figurations of feminity in the selected fiction of Tsitsi Dangarembga and Yvonne Vera

Reading Jean Rhys in the context of Caribbean literature: Re-positioning her texts in the Negritude Movement and the Caribbean Literary Renaissance in London

Adaptation as a narrative tool in creative practice: reflections on the nature of adaptation and a comparison of narrative techniques in the novel and the screenplay

The Saints

Narratives of loss and guilt in a selection of plays by Tennessee Williams

(Re)Configurations of power and identities in twenty-first century fiction

Wakefield and other poems and sense and inaudibility