Dr Natacha Kennedy

Staff details

Dr Natacha Kennedy


Lecturer in Education


Educational Studies


n.kennedy (@gold.ac.uk)

Natacha Kennedy joined Goldsmiths in 2007 as a lecturer and teaches on a range of programmes across the Department of Educational Studies. She is currently finishing a PhD in sociology at University College London.

Natacha’s background is in primary school teaching and teaching English as a foreign language, she has taught in primary schools in London and East Anglia, as well as in Denmark, Greece and in Further Education in the UK. Her first degree is in Languages and she speaks fluent French, Norwegian and Danish as well as good Swedish and German, with some Modern Greek and Japanese.

Academic Qualifications 

BA (Hons) Modern Languages University of East Anglia

PGCE Primary with a specialism in Modern Languages University of East Anglia

Postgraduate Diploma in Science Education Open University

MA in Education at University College London Institute of Education

PhD (Sociology) University College London. Supervisor: Prof Paul Dowling

Professional projects:

Natacha has contributed to a number of national and international conferences about transgender people and young trans people in particular, including;

Transgender Studies at the University of Linköping, Sweden (between 2008-2018)

Conferences about transgender people at the University of Warwick (between 2010-2013)

Gender normativity and children: Conference at the University of Luxembourg - 2012

Conference on LGBT youth at the Centre Interfactuaire en Droits de L’Enfant at the University of Geneva, Switzerland (2013),

Keynote Speaker at Workplace Pride Amsterdam (2013)

Roundtable Education Conference at Waseda University, Tokyo (2014)

Conference on Cisnormativity at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2016).

Conference on Transgender, Intersex and Gender Non-Conforming People in Higher Education at City University, London (2017)

Recent/Forthcoming Publications:

Kennedy, N (in press) Becoming: Discourses of Trans Emergence, Epiphanies and Oppositions. In Moon, I, Pearce, R & Steinberg, D (Eds) (in press) The Emergence of Trans Routledge London

Kennedy, N (2014) Gefangene der Lexika: Kulturelle Cis-Geschlectlichkeit und Trans*-Kinder. In Schneider, E & Balthes-Löhr, C (Eds) (2014) Normierte Kinder: Effekte der Geschlechternormativität auf Kindheit und Adoleszenz Transcript Verlag Bielefeld

Kennedy, N (2013) Cultural Cisgenderism: Consequences of the Imperceptible. British Psychological Association Psychology of Women Section Review 15.2

Community Engagement:

Her external work has included working as a volunteer trustee for a local LGBT Forum and as a volunteer for Trans Media Watch. During 2008 and 2009 she wrote for the Guardian about trans issues. She is a former International Officer for LGBT Labour and helped establish Rainbow Rose, the Europe-wide socialist/social democratic parties’ LGBT organization.

Publications and research outputs


Kennedy, Natacha. 2024. N/A. N/A,

Kennedy, Natacha. 2022. Pose: Deconstructing Fragility, Identity and Transphobia. Lambda Nordica, 27(3-4), pp. 76-101. ISSN 1100-2573

Kennedy, Natacha. 2022. Deferral: The Sociology of Young Trans People’s Epiphanies and Coming Out. Journal of LGBT Youth, 19(1), pp. 53-75. ISSN 1936-1653

Book Section

Kennedy, Natacha. 2019. Becoming: Discourses of trans emergence, epiphanies and oppositions. In: Ruth Pearce; Igi Moon; Kat Gupta and Deborah Lynn Steinberg, eds. The Emergence of Trans: Cultures, Politics and Everyday Lives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 46-59. ISBN 9781138504103

Conference or Workshop Item

Chambers, Louise; Halberstam, Jack; Kennedy, Natacha; Rage, Raju and Raha, Nat. 2015. 'Transfeminisms Panel'. In: Transfeminisms Panel. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom.