- The McMillan Sisters, The Roots of the Open-Nursery, and Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Liebovich, Betty. 2018. The McMillan Sisters, The Roots of the Open-Nursery, and Breaking the Cycle of Poverty. HSE – Social and Education History, 7(1), pp. 78-96.
- Abigail Eliot and Margaret McMillan Bringing the Nursery School to the United States Liebovich, Betty. 2016. Abigail Eliot and Margaret McMillan Bringing the Nursery School to the United States. Young Children, 71(2), pp. 92-95. ISSN 0044-0728
- British Nurseries, Head and Heart: McMillan, Owen and the genesis of the education/care dichotomy Jarvis, Pam and Liebovich, Betty. 2015. British Nurseries, Head and Heart: McMillan, Owen and the genesis of the education/care dichotomy. Women's History Review, 24(6), pp. 917-937. ISSN 0961-2025
- Margaret and Rachel McMillan: their influences on open-air nursery education and early years teacher education Liebovich, Betty. 2014. Margaret and Rachel McMillan: their influences on open-air nursery education and early years teacher education. FORUM for comprehensive education, 56(3), pp. 529-540. ISSN 0963-8253
- Supporting Your Toddler’s Developing Independence; Trying New Foods; Schemas and Play; Preparing for School or Nursery; Family, Relationships and Daily Life; Pretend and Imaginative Play Liebovich, Betty. 2013. Supporting Your Toddler’s Developing Independence; Trying New Foods; Schemas and Play; Preparing for School or Nursery; Family, Relationships and Daily Life; Pretend and Imaginative Play. CBeebies BBC online,
- “Margaret McMillan’s Ideals for Early Years Teacher Education: The Impact on Contemporary ITE Teacher Development”. Liebovich, Betty. 2013. “Margaret McMillan’s Ideals for Early Years Teacher Education: The Impact on Contemporary ITE Teacher Development”. TACTYC Annual Conference,
- Teaching Advocacy in Early Years Initial Teacher Education Programmes Liebovich, Betty and Adler, Susan Matoba. 2009. Teaching Advocacy in Early Years Initial Teacher Education Programmes. FORUM, 51(1), pp. 25-34. ISSN 0963-8253
- Children's Self Assessment Liebovich, Betty. 2000. Children's Self Assessment. Issues in Early Childhood Education: Curriculum, Teacher Education, & Dissemination of Information. Proceedings of the Lilian Katz Symposium (Champaign, IL, November 5-7, 2000),
Dr Betty Liebovich
Early years expert; interest in history of early years education; interest in play based curriculum and culture
Staff details
Coordinator of early years education in the Educational Studies department, contributing to Undergrad, PGCE and Postgraduate programmes.
Academic qualifications
- EdD in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign 2005
- MSc in Human and Community Resources with Family Focus from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 1994
- BA in Women's Studies from University of Wisconsin-Madison 1988
Featured publications
Liebovich, B. “Metacognition and young children: an exploration of how metacognition contributes to children’s thinking and learning”
Book chapter in in Mikkelson, J. (Ed.) Metacognition: New Ways to Think and Learn. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: England.
Liebovich, B. (March 2020). Patty Smith Hill: Early Childhood Pioneer in Young Children: The Journal of the National Association for the Education of
Journal Article
Liebovich, B. (September 2019). “Margaret McMillan’s Contributions to Cultures of Childhood” in Special Issue "A British Childhood? Some Historical Re
Special Issue Contribution
Publications and research outputs
- Early childhood preservice teachers' perceptions of advocacy Liebovich, Betty. 2006. Early childhood preservice teachers' perceptions of advocacy. York: ProQuest. ISBN 0542230267
Book Section
- History of Early Childhood Education in the United States Hinitz, Blythe F. and Liebovich, Betty. 2023. History of Early Childhood Education in the United States. In: Susan C. Faircloth, ed. Oxford Bibliographies (Education - Curriculum and Pedagogy). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- “History of Early Childhood Education” Liebovich, Betty and Hinitz, B. 2016. “History of Early Childhood Education”. In: D L Couchenour and K Chrisman, eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
- History of Early Childhood Education Liebovich, Betty. 2016. History of Early Childhood Education. In: , ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education. Los Angeles: Sage. ISBN 9781483340357
- Parent-child interaction in academic experiences: Scale development and validation Coşkun, Kerem; Çıkrıkçı, Ozkan; Liebovich, Betty and Kara, Cihan. 2023. Parent-child interaction in academic experiences: Scale development and validation. Current Psychology, 42(3), pp. 2268-2278. ISSN 1046-1310
- Is theory of mind correlated with moral identity among primary school children? Coskun, Kerem; Liebovich, Betty; Kara, Cihan and Cikrikci, Ozkan. 2022. Is theory of mind correlated with moral identity among primary school children? Journal of Social and Educational Research, 1(1), pp. 27-33.
- Margaret McMillan’s Contributions to Cultures of Childhood Liebovich, Betty. 2019. Margaret McMillan’s Contributions to Cultures of Childhood. Genealogy, 3(3), 43. ISSN 2313-5778