Dr Andrew Wilkins

Andrew W. Wilkins is Reader, Director of Research, Department Impact and Ethics Lead, and Head of BA Education

Staff details

Andrew W. Wilkins is Reader, Director of Research, Department Impact and Ethics Lead, and Head of BA Education

Academic qualifications

  • BA Sociology, University of Leeds 2003
  • MRes Social Science Research Methods, Goldsmiths, University of London 2005
  • PhD Social Policy, Open University 2009

Research interests

Invited speaker at major events in Europe, Asia and Australasia.

Assessor for Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), Australian Research Council (ARC) and UKRI Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Co-Editor in Chief of Journal of Education Policy (JEP).

Co-Convenor of the webinar series Education Policy Futures (EPF) (with Brad Gobby, Rita Nikolai and Amanda U. Potterton).

Member of Goldsmiths’ Research Ethics Sub-Committee (RESC) and Internal Peer Review Panel.

External Examiner for 19 doctoral theses. Supervised 100+ Undergraduate and Postgraduate Dissertations. Former External Examiner for MSc and MA Programmes at University College London (UCL) and University of Glasgow.

Publications and research outputs



Book Section

Edited Book