Archived projects Below we list the archived projects of the Faiths and Civil Society Unit. Container Re-imagining Religion and Belief: 2019 This project delivered a series of impact outcomes with two charity partners, The William Temple Foundation and Faith in Society. Re-imagining Religion and Belief for Public Policy and Practice An AHRC funded interdisciplinary discussion and networking hub for analysing the ways in which ‘old’ ideas of religion and belief pervade in public imagination(s). Religious Literacy The Religious Literacy Programme originated in a partnership of leading UK universities and is based in the Faiths and Civil Society Unit at Goldsmiths. Religious Literacy in Equality and Human Rights An analysis of the research and other work already undertaken by EHRC in this area. RE for REal RE for REal explores the role of schools in equipping young people with the knowledge and skills to engage effectively with religion. Faithxchange FaithXChange is a community of students and researchers committed to the study of religion and belief, and its interaction with theory, politics, policy and practice. Beliefs, Values and Worldviews at Work British Academy Award Beliefs, Values and Worldviews at Work - Quantitative Survey Covid-19 Research Responses by Local Authorities and Faith Groups to the Pandemic. Funerals: Challenging secularization narratives The use of religious resources in ‘secular’ funerals – challenging narratives of religious decline.