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4. Membership of the Academic Board


Each Department shall elect one member of its academic staff to serve on the Academic Board.


The elected student members of the Academic Board shall comprise: one member of the Students' Union Student Assembly elected by the Assembly, one sabbatical officer of the Students' Union elected by the Student Assembly and one officer of the Students' Union with a portfolio including postgraduate student matters, elected by the Student Assembly.


Casual vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the Standing Orders of the College.

5. Powers of the Academic Board


To be responsible to the Council for all academic matters.


To maintain and monitor the academic standards of the College, and to monitor teaching quality assurance issues.


To direct and regulate all teaching in the College and the examinations conducted by the College, to make Academic Regulations and to report thereon to the Council as it sees fit, or as Council requests.


To promote research within the College and to require reports from time to time on such research.


To appoint Internal Examiners and to suspend or remove them, and, in the case of the death, illness or resignation of such an Examiner or in the case of his or her suspension or removal, to appoint a substitute who shall have authority to act during the examination then in progress or next ensuing.


To appoint External Examiners and Intercollegiate Examiners, and when necessary substitutes, on behalf of the Council.


On behalf of the Council to grant the award of Diplomas, Certificates and other academic awards to persons who have satisfied the conditions of the award thereof as prescribed by Regulation.


To make recommendations to the Council on the organisation of departments.


To determine, subject to any conditions made by bequest, the times and mode and conditions of competition for studentship, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries and prizes and their award.


To advise the Council on General Regulations, subject to the requirements of any validating body, governing the admission of persons to programmes of study.


To determine the procedures for the conduct of the business of the Academic Board.


To establish such committees to advise it and to act on its behalf within its areas of responsibility as it shall from time to time see fit, except that global changes to the structure of the committee system as a whole may be made by Council after consulting Academic Board.


To establish such Examination Boards to act on its behalf, and on behalf of Council, in the award of Diplomas, Certificates and academic awards as it shall time to time see fit.


On behalf of Council, to approve for the purposes of admission to the College and of exemption from College examinations, examinations passed and periods of study spent at other places of learning, or other evidence of prior learning.


To determine the procedures under which short courses and summer schools are offered in the College's name.