Policies and procedures
Rules and guidance for how processes and systems are operated.
Regulations, policies and procedures around students and teaching are held in the Goldsmiths Academic Manual.
Finance and Corporate Governance
- Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy (PDF)
- Anti-Money Laundering Policy (PDF)
- Conflicts of Interests Policy
- Corporate Framework for assurance of Data Quality (PDF)
- Corporate Gifts and Hospitality
- Counter-Fraud Policy (PDF)
- Ethical Investment Policy
- Expenses, Travel and Subsistence Policy (PDF)
- Gift Acceptance Policy & Code of Ethical Fundraising Practise (PDF)
- Health and Safety Policy (PDF)
- Management Framework (PDF)
- Personal Protective Equipment Policy (PDF)
- Risk Management Policy (PDF)
- Space Management Policy (PDF)
- Sustainable Careers Policy (PDF)
- Value for Money Policy (PDF)
- Value for Money Methodology (PDF)
- Whistleblowing Policy (PDF)
Student policies
This page lists Goldsmiths’ policies that are potentially relevant to students.