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4. Powers of the Council

The Council shall, subject to the Charter and these Statutes, be the governing body of the College and shall have general control over the conduct of its affairs. Subject to the Charter and these Statutes and to the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University, and provided that, before determining any question or taking any decision on the allocation of resources which the Council considers to affect the academic policy of the College, the Council shall seek the advice of the Academic Board, the Council shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following powers:


To promote the objects of the College and to review its teaching, examining and research and the welfare of its students and staff;


To govern and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business, and all the financial affairs of the College and for these purposes to make appropriate arrangements for the appointment of bankers and other agents;


To invest any monies belonging to or held by the College in such stocks, funds, shares, securities and other investments (including land or any tenure or any interest therein) as the Council shall, in its absolute discretion, think fit: provided that in the case of monies held by the College as trustees the powers conferred by this paragraph shall be
exercised subject to the provisions of the law relating to investment by trustees;


To allow others to use College property on proper terms;


To be responsible for accepting grants for the work of the College, and to approve the conditions on which such grants are accepted;


To borrow money on behalf of the College, and for that purpose to mortgage or charge all or any part of the property of the College, whether real or personal, and to give such other security as the Council may think fit;


To enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the College;


To sell, buy, exchange, lease and accept leases of real and personal property on behalf of the College;


To determine fees, subscriptions and deposits, and to charge such fees as may be thought desirable for the provision of such services and for the sale of such goods as may be deemed expedient and consistent with the objects of the College;


To provide, maintain, administer and dispose of land, buildings, fixtures, fittings, furniture, equipment, apparatus, books and any other property as may be deemed appropriate for the furtherance of the objects of the


To make provision for good order and discipline;


To provide, maintain, administer, regulate and dispose of residential accommodation for the staff and students, and to establish and administer such catering services as the Council may from time to time determine;


To approve the annual audited accounts of the College;


To receive from the Warden a report (at such intervals as the Council shall determine) on the working of the College;


To appoint a Chair, and if it thinks fit to appoint from among its own independent members a Deputy Chair to serve in circumstances noted at 3.10 above;


To appoint and to co-opt members of the Council as laid down in Statute 3;


To approve:

  1. the general structure of the College's committee system, and the establishment and disestablishment of any committee of the College, subject to consultation with Academic Board on matters within its scope;
  2. the composition of Council Committees and their Subcommittees, and of Joint Committees of the Council and any other body;
  3. the appointment of members to places on all committees designated for members or representatives of Council.


To delegate as appropriate and upon such conditions as it may from time to time determine any of its powers and duties to the Academic Board or Committees or Sub-Committees formed from its own number or otherwise appointed, or to Joint Committees, or to individual members of the College as it sees fit; provided that nothing in this Statute shall enable the Council to delegate their power to reach a decision under paragraph 10.2 of Statute 16;


To appoint and determine the remuneration of the external Auditor, and to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for internal audit;


To establish or abolish any posts in the College, provided that the Academic Board shall be consulted on any changes to the establishment which involve major change to the academic profile of the College.


To confer the status or title of Professor or Reader, Emeritus Professor or Emeritus Reader, in accordance with the Regulations of the University;


Subject to the Regulations of the University concerning the appointment of Professors and Readers and the conferment of University titles, and in accordance with the provisions laid down in these Statutes, to appoint the Warden and all other members of the staff of the College; to remove them; and to determine the payment of honoraria, fees and
other remuneration to such persons;


To remove for such reasons as the Council may think fit: the Chair from office; any member of the Council (other than an ex officio or elected member) from membership of the Council provided that the resolution to effect the removal shall be passed by a majority consisting of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Council present. No person
shall be so removed unless he or she shall have been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard by the Council and of being represented, subject to such provisions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances, at his or her own expense by a person of his or her choice;


To grant pensions and retirement benefits to or for employees or former employees of the College and to the widows, widowers, children and other dependants of deceased employees who are in necessitous circumstances; and to pay or subscribe to funds or schemes for the provision of pensions and retirement benefits for employees or former employees of the College, their widows, widowers, children and other dependants;


To consider, adjudicate on and, if thought fit, redress any grievance of any of the staff or of the students, subject to the other provisions of these Statutes, by constituting a Committee to act on its behalf. The decision of that Committee shall be final;


By Regulation to prescribe procedures for the hearing of appeals against any decision which the Warden or any Disciplinary Committee set up in accordance with the Regulations may take in regard to the suspension or expulsion of, or other penalty imposed upon, any student;


To seek the advice of the Academic Board on any matter or to refer any matter to the Academic Board and to ask for reports from the Academic Board;


To accept, reject or refer back any recommendation made by the Academic Board, provided that no such recommendation may be rejected unless the Academic Board is informed of the reasons for such rejection;


After consideration of the views of the Academic Board to establish or discontinue academic sections of the College and to prescribe, modify or revise their constitution and functions;


In accordance with the policy of the Academic Board, to approve for the purposes of admission to the College and of exemption from College examinations, examinations passed and periods of study spent at other places of learning, or other evidence of prior learning;


To confer Honorary Fellowships of the College, or Honorary Degrees of the College or of the University of London, on the recommendation of a committee including representatives of both Academic Board and Council, and to revoke any such awards of the College in such cases as may be appropriate.


On the recommendation of the Academic Board and where appropriate subject to the agreement of the University, to appoint, remunerate and dismiss external examiners;


On the recommendation of the Academic Board to institute fellowships, studentships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, prizes and other aids to study and research;


On the recommendation of the Academic Board, to institute, award and confer Degrees Diplomas, Certificates and other academic awards of the University of London or of the College, and to revoke any such award if at any time it shall be discovered and proved to the satisfaction of the Council that there was any irregularity in the event circumstances leading to the grant of that award;


To appoint and nominate staff representatives of the College on other bodies on the recommendation, where appropriate, of the Academic Board;


To select a Seal for the College and to have the control and use of the Seal as prescribed hereafter;


To consult negotiating bodies recognised by the Council on such general matters affecting the interests of their members as are within the powers of the Council to determine;


To make Ordinances, General Regulations and Financial Regulations;


To approve Standing Orders for the College's committees, after consulting the Academic Board on matters affecting the Board and its committees;


To exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Council by the Charter, these Statutes, the Ordinances and Regulations and to carry the Charter, these Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations into effect;


To exercise other responsibilities and duties resting with the College under the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University.