Dr Pauline Muir
Pauline's research interests are in culture, religion & include a focus on congregational singing in Africa megachurches
Staff details

Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
p.muir (@gold.ac.uk)
Pauline has extensive teaching experience in Arts Management. She previously worked at London South Bank University on the B.A. (Hons) Arts Management/Arts & Festival Management for 21 years & was the Course Director between 2007–2016
Her PhD, 'Sounds Mega - Musical Discourse in Black Majority Churches' focused on congregational singing in Africa megachurches using a multimodal analysis. She is the author of ‘A Virtuous Woman in the Twenty-First Century’ in Aldred, Joe (ed) (2000) Sisters with Power and ‘Sounds of Blackness’ in Ackah, W. Dodson J. & Smith R.D. (eds) (2017) Movements of the Spirit: Race, Culture & Gendered Spirituality in Africa & the African Diaspora.
She has a BA in Music, a Diploma in Orchestral Studies, a Licentiate qualification from Trinity College London (LTCL) as well as an MA in Arts Management from City University. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) & Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).
Academic qualifications
- PhD, Sounds Mega - Musical Discourse in Black Majority Churches
- BA in Music
- Diploma in Orchestral Studies
- Licentiate, Trinity College London (LTCL)
- Masters in Arts Management, City University
Teaching and supervision
Research interests
Pauline's research interests are in culture and religion and include a focus on congregational singing in Africa megachurches.
Publications and research outputs
Edited Book
- Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter Dixon-McKenzie, Dulcie; Muir, Pauline and Ingalls, Monique, eds. 2024. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routlege. ISBN 9781032145853
Book Section
- Decolonising Congregational Music Muir, Pauline. 2024. Decolonising Congregational Music. In: Dulcie Dixon-McKenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 215-236. ISBN 9781032145853
- Introduction: Rivers of Babylon: Contextualizing Black British Gospel Music Muir, Pauline; Dixon-McKenzie, Dulcie and Monique, Ingalls. 2024. Introduction: Rivers of Babylon: Contextualizing Black British Gospel Music. In: Dulcie Dixon-Mckenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032145853
- Black British Gospel Music Past, Present, and Future: Final Reflections from the Editors Dixon-McKenzie, Dulcie; Muir, Pauline and Ingalls, Monique. 2024. Black British Gospel Music Past, Present, and Future: Final Reflections from the Editors. In: Dulcie Dixon-McKenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 237-250. ISBN 9781032145853
- What we Sing Muir, Pauline. 2024. What we Sing. Exodus Magazine,
- A Sound Ethnography Muir, Pauline. 2021. A Sound Ethnography. Journal of World Christianity, 11(2), pp. 245-261. ISSN 2377-8784
- Visions of Colour Muir, Pauline. 2022. Visions of Colour.