- Work allocation models and collegiality in academic departments Hull, Richard. 2006. Work allocation models and collegiality in academic departments. Journal of Organisational Change Management, 19(1), pp. 38-53. ISSN 0953-4814
- “ICTs, the Knowledge Economy, and Neo-Liberalism” Hull, Richard. 2001. “ICTs, the Knowledge Economy, and Neo-Liberalism”. Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History & Science., 8(3-4), ISSN 1042-2234
- Ethics, Innovation and Innovation Studies Hull, Richard. 2000. Ethics, Innovation and Innovation Studies. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management., 12(3), pp. 349-355. ISSN 0953-7325
- “Innovation – But for whose benefit, for what purpose?” Hull, Richard and Kaghan, William. 2000. “Innovation – But for whose benefit, for what purpose?”. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management., 12(3), pp. 317-325. ISSN 0953-7325
- “Knowledge and the Economy: Some Critical Comments" Hull, Richard. 2000. “Knowledge and the Economy: Some Critical Comments". Economy and Society, 29(2), pp. 316-331. ISSN 0308-5147
- The construction of the techno-economic: networks vs. paradigms Green, Ken; Hull, Richard; McMeekin, Andrew and Walsh, Vivien. 1999. The construction of the techno-economic: networks vs. paradigms. Research Policy, 28(7), pp. 777-792. ISSN 0048-7333
- The tracking of KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Hull, Richard. 1999. The tracking of KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Measuring Business Excellence, 3(3), pp. 48-55. ISSN 1368-3047
- “Actor Network and Conduct: The Discipline and Practices of Knowledge Management”, Hull, Richard. 1999. “Actor Network and Conduct: The Discipline and Practices of Knowledge Management”,. Organization, 6(3), pp. 405-428. ISSN 1350-5084
- 'Knowledge Management Practices’ and Path Dependency in Innovation Hull, Richard and Coombs, Rod. 1998. 'Knowledge Management Practices’ and Path Dependency in Innovation. Research Policy, 27(3), pp. 237-253. ISSN 0048-7333
- “Governing the Conduct of Computing: Computer Science, the Social Sciences, and Frameworks of Computing” Hull, Richard. 1997. “Governing the Conduct of Computing: Computer Science, the Social Sciences, and Frameworks of Computing”. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 7(4), pp. 213-240. ISSN 0959-8022
Dr Richard Hull
Richard explores social and sustainable enterprise and emerging alternatives to shareholder-focused forms of capitalism.
Staff details

Director, MA Social Entrepreneurship, ICCE
Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
r.hull (@gold.ac.uk)
After nearly 20 years researching and teaching in UK Business Schools I left academic life in 2011 for voluntary community development work. I was lured back into academe in 2014 by the prospect of taking over the reins running the excellent Masters Programme in Social Entrepreneurship. Goldsmiths is globally famous for its creativity and innovativeness and I am pleased to see this reflected within the programme.
Teaching and supervision
Research interests
I am an accomplished academic researcher with a rigorous cross-disciplinary approach. This is based firstly on practical experience with Third Sector organisations complemented by expertise in organisational development. This draws upon my expertise in Innovation Studies which provides analytical tools drawing on economics, history, political economy, social theory and sociology. Since 2007 my research has focussed on practical engagement, especially with social enterprises. I also explore the broader fields of sustainable development, the third sector, the social and solidarity economy, and the wide range of emergent alternative ways of organising and coordinating economic activity, in other words alternatives to shareholder-focused forms of capitalism. You can listen to a recent interview with Enrique Rubio which is now hosted on the World Bank’s web site.
I previously worked at Newcastle University Business School, Manchester Business School, Brunel University and the University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology and I have over 50 publications including a paper reprinted in two different international reference collections. I was the Founding Series Editor of Dialogues in Critical Management Studies and co-editor of the collections The Third Sector (Emerald, 2011), Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning (Macmillan, 2000), and Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy (Edward Elgar, 2000).
Publications and research outputs
- In Praise of Wimps: A Social History of Computer Programming - Some Work in Progress - Including a Chronology and an Extensive Bibliography Hull, Richard. 1992. In Praise of Wimps: A Social History of Computer Programming - Some Work in Progress - Including a Chronology and an Extensive Bibliography. Alice Publications. ISBN 978-0951696613
Edited Book
- Volume 1 - The Third Sector Hull, Richard; Gibbon, Jane; Branzei, Oana and Haugh, Helen, eds. 2011. Volume 1 - The Third Sector. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1780522807
- Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy Andersen, Birgitte; Hull, Richard; Howells, Jeremy; Mills, Ian and Roberts, Joanne, eds. 2000. Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar Pub. ISBN 978-1840645729
- Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning Pritchard, Craig; Chumer, Mike; Hull, Richard and Willmott, Hugh, eds. 2000. Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0333921579
Book Section
- The Social Entrepreneurship Option for Scientists and Engineers Hull, Richard and Berry, Robert. 2016. The Social Entrepreneurship Option for Scientists and Engineers. In: Rao Bhamidimarri and Ailin Liu, eds. Engineering and Enterprise. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, pp. 27-44. ISBN 9783319278247
- “The Great Lie: Markets, Freedom and Knowledge” Hull, Richard. 2006. “The Great Lie: Markets, Freedom and Knowledge”. In: Dieter Plehwe; Bernhard J. A Walpen and Gisela Neunhöffer, eds. Neoliberal hegemony: A global critique. London: Routledge, pp. 141-155. ISBN 978-0415460033
- Corporate Governance for Sustainability Johnston, Andrew; Veldman, Jeroen; Eccles, Robert G.; Deakin, Simon F.; Davis, Jerry; Djelic, Marie-Laure; Pistor, Katharina; Segrestin, Blanche; Williams, Cynthia A.; Millon, David K.; Ireland, Philip; Sjåfjell, Beate; Bruner, Christopher M.; Talbot, Lorraine E.; Willmott, Hugh Christopher; Villiers, Charlotte Louise; Liao, Carol; Valiorgue, Bertrand; Glynos, Jason; Sayre, Todd L.; Morgan, Bronwen; Wartzman, Rick; Sikka, Prem; Gregor, Filip; Jacobs, David Carroll; Gill, Roger; Brown, Roger; Bavoso, Vincenzo; Lancastle, Neil; Matthaei, Julie; Taylor, Scott; Larsson-Olaison, Ulf; Cullen, Jay; Dignam, Alan J.; Joo, Thomas Wuil; O'Kelly, Ciarán; Keating, Con; Tomasic, Roman A.; Lilley, Simon; Tennent, Kevin; Robson, Keith; Maley, Willy; Chiu, Iris H-Y; McGaughey, Ewan; Rees, Chris; Boeger, Nina; Leaver, Adam; Moore, Marc T.; Paape, Leen; Meyer, Alan; Palazzi, Marcello; Kaul, Nitasha; Espinosa-Cristia, Juan Felipe; Kuhn, Timothy; Cooper, David J.; Soederberg, Susanne; Jansson, Andreas; Watson, Susan Mary; Sitbon, Ofer; Loughrey, Joan; Collison, David J.; McCulloch, Maureen; McCulloch, Maureen; Samanta, Navajyoti; Greenwood, Daniel J.H.; Thompson, Grahame F.; Keay, Andrew R.; Contu, Alessia; Rühmkorf, Andreas; Hull, Richard; Esser, Irene-Marie and Chabrak, Nihel. 2020. Corporate Governance for Sustainability. SSRN Electronic Journal, ISSN 1556-5068
- Unlocking Doors: Decolonising the Design of an Art Exhibition in Zimbabwe Zigomo, Pamela and Hull, Richard. 2018. Unlocking Doors: Decolonising the Design of an Art Exhibition in Zimbabwe. Event Management, 22(6), pp. 997-1008. ISSN 1525-9951
- Why you should care about your Local Social Economy Hull, Richard. 2013. Why you should care about your Local Social Economy. Hastings Online Time,
Conference or Workshop Item
- The Heart of Social Enterprise Hull, Richard. 2010. 'The Heart of Social Enterprise'. In: US Academy of Management annual conference. Montreal, Canada.
- “Organising UK Universities: The Role of Patrimonial Bureaucracy” Hull, Richard. 2007. '“Organising UK Universities: The Role of Patrimonial Bureaucracy”'. In: "Post-Bureaucracy and Organizational Change in the Knowledge Society". University of Essex, United Kingdom.
- “Calder Connect Co-operative (3-C) Ltd” Hull, Richard. 2006. “Calder Connect Co-operative (3-C) Ltd”.
- "The Future for Broadband: Fibre To The Home?" Hull, Richard; Currey, R and Fredericksen, J. 2007. "The Future for Broadband: Fibre To The Home?". Other. The Netherlands