Dr Martin Smith

Martin works in the media, cultural and creative sectors in various advisory, executive, and non-executive capacities

Staff details

Dr Martin Smith


Visiting Fellow


Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship


msmit053 (@gold.ac.uk)

Martin works in the media, cultural and creative sectors in a variety of capacities. He is special adviser to the Ingenious group, an investment firm which over the last 20 years has been the largest independent investor in the UK’s 'creative economy', having deployed more than £8 billion in media content and related business assets.

Martin is a member of the Creative Industries Advisory Group (CIAG), a UKRI/AHRC body convened to advise on the government’s £150 million creative industries ‘sector deal’ announced in March 2018 and was previously a member of the AHRC's Project Advisory Group on Cultural Value led by Prof Geoffrey Crossick.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in history, Cambridge University. 1977
  • BA in history, Cambridge University. 1973

Research interests

Martin has published on a wide range of topics including banking services (commissioned by the former Department of Trade and Industry), consumerism and Freedom of Information. He now writes mainly on cultural industry and creative economy policy and investment and especially the film industry.

Publications and research outputs

Professional Activity

Professional projects

I am an active member of the British Screen Forum.

Arts and 'creative economy' engagements

In addition to his role as Visiting Fellow in ICCE at Goldsmiths, Martin is or has been involved with a number of arts and creative enterprises, NGOs, trade associations, universities & charities including the National Film & Television School (NFTS), the Judge Business School in Cambridge University, the British Screen Forum (BSF), music venue St John's Smith Square (SJSS) in Westminster (former chair of trustees), the London Festival of Baroque Music (former chair), MeWe30 (a BAME oriented business incubator), the British Council and the Young Vic Theatre Company (former chair).