- Interview with Samantha Frost, ‘Attentive Body’: Epigenetic Processes and the Self-formative Subjectivity Tamari, Tomoko. 2021. Interview with Samantha Frost, ‘Attentive Body’: Epigenetic Processes and the Self-formative Subjectivity. Body & Society, 27(3), pp. 87-101. ISSN 1357-034X
- The Metabolist Imagination: Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction by William O. Gardner Tamari, Tomoko. 2021. The Metabolist Imagination: Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction by William O. Gardner. Journal of Japanese Studies, 47(2), pp. 532-536. ISSN 0095-6848
- Interview with Bryan S. Turner: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Body & Society Tamari, Tomoko. 2020. Interview with Bryan S. Turner: Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Body & Society. Body & Society, 26(4), pp. 97-118. ISSN 1357-034X
- Human Perception and The Animated World Tamari, Tomoko. 2020. Human Perception and The Animated World. Animate Assembly’s Glossary of Animation Today,
- Star Architects, Urban Spectacles and Global Brands: Exploring the Case of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tamari, Tomoko. 2019. Star Architects, Urban Spectacles and Global Brands: Exploring the Case of the Tokyo Olympics 2020. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 28(1), pp. 45-63. ISSN 0918-7545
- The Tokyo Olympics 2020 Sport Stadium Controversy: Exploring the Role of Star Architects and Global Brands Tamari, Tomoko. 2018. The Tokyo Olympics 2020 Sport Stadium Controversy: Exploring the Role of Star Architects and Global Brands. International Planning History Society Proceedings, 18(1), pp. 1099-1109. ISSN 2468-6956
- Body Image and Prosthetic Aesthetics: Disability, Technology and Paralympic Culture Tamari, Tomoko. 2017. Body Image and Prosthetic Aesthetics: Disability, Technology and Paralympic Culture. Body & Society, 23(2), pp. 25-56. ISSN 1357-034X
- The Phenomenology of Architecture: A short Introduction of Juhani Pallasmaa Tamari, Tomoko. 2016. The Phenomenology of Architecture: A short Introduction of Juhani Pallasmaa. Body & Society, 23(1), pp. 1-4. ISSN 1357-034X
- The Department Store in Early 20th Century Japan: Luxury, Aestheticization and Modern Life Tamari, Tomoko. 2016. The Department Store in Early 20th Century Japan: Luxury, Aestheticization and Modern Life. Luxury, 3(1-2), pp. 83-103. ISSN 2051-1817
- Metabolism: Utopian Urbanism and the Japanese Modern Architecture Movement Tamari, Tomoko. 2014. Metabolism: Utopian Urbanism and the Japanese Modern Architecture Movement. Theory, Culture & Society, 31(7-8), pp. 201-225. ISSN 0263-2764
- ‘Metabolism: the Emergence of Modern Architecture Movement and the Rediscovery of a Japanese Aesthetic’ Tamari, Tomoko. 2012. ‘Metabolism: the Emergence of Modern Architecture Movement and the Rediscovery of a Japanese Aesthetic’. China Book Review, 9, pp. 58-65. ISSN 1674-912X
- Consumer Culture and Chinese Food in Britain Tamari, Tomoko. 2007. Consumer Culture and Chinese Food in Britain. Jiangxi Social Sciences, 8, pp. 234-244.
- Reflections on the Development of Cultural Studies in Japan Tamari, Tomoko. 2006. Reflections on the Development of Cultural Studies in Japan. Theory Culture & Society, 23(7-8), pp. 293-304. ISSN 0263-2764
- Cultural Studies in Japan: An Interview with Shunya Yoshimi Tamari, Tomoko. 2006. Cultural Studies in Japan: An Interview with Shunya Yoshimi. Theory Culture & Society, 23(7-8), pp. 305-314. ISSN 0263-2764
- Rise of the Department Store and the Aestheticization of Everyday Life in Early 20th Century Japan Tamari, Tomoko. 2006. Rise of the Department Store and the Aestheticization of Everyday Life in Early 20th Century Japan. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 15(1), pp. 99-118. ISSN 0918-7545
- 'Chinese Food in Britain: Consumer Culture and Taste’ Tamari, Tomoko. 2005. 'Chinese Food in Britain: Consumer Culture and Taste’. Ajia Yugaku (Intriguing Asia), 77, pp. 128-139.
- ‘A Study of the Socio-cultural Role of the Department Store and the Formation of Gender Identity in Japan: the Saleswomen in Modern Urban Culture and the Rise of Department Store,’ Tamari, Tomoko. 2000. ‘A Study of the Socio-cultural Role of the Department Store and the Formation of Gender Identity in Japan: the Saleswomen in Modern Urban Culture and the Rise of Department Store,’. Japan Association for Cultural Economics, 2(2), pp. 71-84.
- ‘The Social Roles of the Department Store in Japan: the History of Way of Seeing and the Formation of the Modern Consumer,’ Tamari, Tomoko. 1999. ‘The Social Roles of the Department Store in Japan: the History of Way of Seeing and the Formation of the Modern Consumer,’. Japan Association for Cultural Economics, 1(4), pp. 53-63.
Dr Tomoko Tamari
Tomoko’s interests are Japanese culture & society; consumer culture; visual culture; technology and the body.
Staff details

Reader in Sociology
Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
t.tamari (@gold.ac.uk)
Tomoko joined Goldsmiths in 2013 after being a research fellow at Nottingham Trent University. Her academic background is in sociology, mass communication studies and women’s studies. Her current academic interests cross over sociology, cultural studies and body studies.
Current academic activities:
Managing editor of Body & Society (Sage Publications, London)
Researcher and coordinator for the Theory Culture & Society (TCS) ‘New Encyclopaedia Project’.
Teaching and supervision
Research interests
Current working areas:
Animation and human perception - especially focusing on the different workings of affect in digital aesthetics and hand-drawing moving images.
Technology and modern architectural design - an exploration of living space design and architectural aesthetics through the Japanese modern architectural movement, Metabolism.
Food culture and lifestyles - focusing on the role of cultural intermediaries and the reformation of cuisine and ‘taste’ in 20th century Japan.
The body and medicine - exploring the medical discourse of biological immunity in relation to the probiotics food/drinks industry.
Body Image and Prosthetic Aesthetics in Paralympic Culture – an exploration of how the modern discourse of prosthesis has shifted from the functional and camouflaged body to the empowered and exhibited body which creates a new cultural sensitivity – prosthetic aesthetics.
Techno-animism - problematizing the binary divide between technology and animism and a series of other related dichotomies: nature/culture, human/non-human, body/mind and religion/secular in Japanese culture and everyday life.
Human-Machine Integration - focusing on the ‘brain interface machine (BIM)’ which was used to create a new physical and sensory (domestic) space and cognitive environment for human beings (smart home) along with the increasing use of information devices in everyday life (home robotics).
Publications and research outputs
Edited Book
- Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, the Body, and Affect Tamari, Tomoko, ed. 2024. Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, the Body, and Affect. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529226188
Edited Journal
- Theory Culture & Society, Special Section: The Public Sphere, the Post-University and the Scholarly Apparatus, Co-Edited by: Mike Featherstone, Sunil Manghani, Tomoko Tamari and Rainer Winter Featherstone, Mike; Manghani, Sunil; Tamari, Tomoko and Winter, Rainer, eds. 2024. Theory Culture & Society, Special Section: The Public Sphere, the Post-University and the Scholarly Apparatus, Co-Edited by: Mike Featherstone, Sunil Manghani, Tomoko Tamari and Rainer Winter, Theory Culture & Society, 41(7-8). 0263-2764
- International Journal of Japanese Sociology Special Issue: The Olympic Games in Japan and East Asia: Images and Legacies, Co-Edited by: Mike Featherstone, Tomoko Tamari Featherstone, Mike and Tamari, Tomoko, eds. 2019. International Journal of Japanese Sociology Special Issue: The Olympic Games in Japan and East Asia: Images and Legacies, Co-Edited by: Mike Featherstone, Tomoko Tamari, International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 28(1). 0918-7545
Book Section
- Moving Image and Human Perception: Affect in Hand-drawing Animation and Computer-Generated Imagery Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. Moving Image and Human Perception: Affect in Hand-drawing Animation and Computer-Generated Imagery. In: Tomoko Tamari, ed. Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, the Body, and Affect. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529226188
- Introduction: Human perception and digital information technologies Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. Introduction: Human perception and digital information technologies. In: Tomoko Tamari, ed. Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, The Body and Affect. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529226188
- Japanese Modernity and Consumer Culture in the early 20th Century: The History of Mitsukoshi Department Store Tamari, Tomoko. 2020. Japanese Modernity and Consumer Culture in the early 20th Century: The History of Mitsukoshi Department Store. In: , ed. Japanese Modernity Reconsidered. Tokyo: Hakutakusha, pp. 91-122. ISBN 9784768479803
- Interview with Sinah T. Kloß and Antonia Villinger on ‘Pregnant Bodies – Embodied Pregnancy’ Tamari, Tomoko. 2025. Interview with Sinah T. Kloß and Antonia Villinger on ‘Pregnant Bodies – Embodied Pregnancy’. Body & Society, ISSN 1357-034X
- Reconsidering sport diplomacy: The 2020/1 Tokyo Olympics and ‘soft-power’ Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. Reconsidering sport diplomacy: The 2020/1 Tokyo Olympics and ‘soft-power’. Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture, ISSN 2769-0148
- The machine and the materiality of the body: AI and embodied knowledge Tamari, Tomoko. 2023. The machine and the materiality of the body: AI and embodied knowledge. Divinatio, 51, pp. 143-166. ISSN 1310-9456
Conference or Workshop Item
- Digital Aesthetics and Human Perception: Affect in Hand-drawn Animation and Computer-generated Imagery Tamari, Tomoko. 2025. 'Digital Aesthetics and Human Perception: Affect in Hand-drawn Animation and Computer-generated Imagery'. In: Embodied Agents in Contemporary Visual Art: How Robots and AI could Influence Creativity (EACVA). CLB Berlin, Germany 31 January - 2 February 2025.
- The significance of the body in human-machine collaboration and artistic practices ‘Embodiment and Creativity’ Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. 'The significance of the body in human-machine collaboration and artistic practices ‘Embodiment and Creativity’'. In: Embodied Agents in Contemporary Visual Art: How Robots and AI could Influence Creativity (EACVA). Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 13 - 14 May 2025.
- The Crisis of Human Knowledge Formation in AI Society: Algorithmic Probability and Human Abductive Hypotheses Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. 'The Crisis of Human Knowledge Formation in AI Society: Algorithmic Probability and Human Abductive Hypotheses'. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2024: Crisis, Continuity and Change. Online, United Kingdom 3 - 5 April 2024.